Phone Case of the Month is new subscription service that sends you a new limited-edition iPhone case every month. I really liked the designs on their website, and I like to change my iPhone case a lot, so I was thrilled when they offered to send me a package to review!
The Box: Phone Case of the Month
The Cost: $10
The Products: Each package includes a one of a kind phone case as well as neat little surprises such as stickers, temporary tattoos, unicorns, and who knows what else!
Ships to: US (and internationally for additional $5 shipping)
I love their packaging! Each month your new phone case comes in this adorable bag!
This phone case is the Drying Your Tears case. I love that each of the cases are a limited run, and come with a card and little prop!
It's a slim design and looks really good on a white iPhone!
Phone Case of the Month also sent me a iPhone 4 case to sample. I thought it was almost as cute as the other case, and wanted to share a picture of it as well. (FYI - when you sign up for this subscription you select your iPhone version and receive only 1 case for that phone each month).
Verdict: I think this is a such a fun, unique, and inexpensive subscription! Plus I really like the phone case designs. The case itself is high-quality plastic, and has a soft finish. What do you think of Phone Case of the Month?
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