Pijon Box is a monthly subscription box for college students. They offer different plans for men and women, but each box typically includes some essential items, some snacks and some beauty or health items.
I haven't been a college student for seven years now, but I think this box is fun for anyone!
The Subscription Box: Pijon Box
The Cost: $29 a month or $25 a month with 6-month subscription.
The Products: 5-6 products in the following categories: food and snacks, health and beauty, essentials, and awesome accessories and gadgets.
Ships to: US only
Check out my Pijon Box reviews!
Each month Pijon Box includes a card with details on all the items in that month's box.
Tapaz 2 go - Value $3
RevitaPOP - Value $7.50
These lollipops are made with all organic ingredients and are supposed to give you a boost of energy and vitamin B12.
Color Club Nail Polish in Poptastic - Value $8
Waxelene - .75 oz Value $2
pHresh Deodorant in Sugar Mist - Value $8
I'm pretty excited about all of these items! I love Color Club polish - they have the best formula in my opinion, so I'm always happy to find it in a subscription box. I'm pleased to have a petroleum-free Vaseline alternative, and I am always looking for a natural deodorant that works well and is in a stick form, so I can't wait to try pHresh.
Light My Fire Sporks - Vale $7.50
Mama Chia Squeeze - Value $4
Verdict: I really like that Pijon Boxes feature healthy and eco-friendly items. I'll use everything in this box (I'm sure the sporks will come in handy at some point!) so I'm very happy with the curation - and I'm sure a college student would like it too! I paid for this box at a discount with a Living Social deal (no longer available), but even at the regular price of $29 a month I think it's a good deal considering this box has a value of $40.
What do you think of the November Pijon Box?
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