Project DIY is a new DIY and craft subscription box that focuses on jewelry and accessories. I've been subscribing to Project DIY since the first box and really enjoy this subscription - all the finished pieces look very professional in my opinion. Each month also has a theme that the projects are centered around. The theme for November was Joan of Arc. I wasn't super excited for the style of jewelry this month, but I still wanted to try it!
The Subscription Box: Project DIY
The Cost: $30 a month (includes shipping, and first month comes with a free starter kit).
The Products: The materials and instructions needed to make 2-3 accessories.
Ships to: US only
Check out all of my Project DIY reviews and the Craft Subscription Box Directory!
Shield Necklace
Shield Necklace Materials
The finished product! I wanted to keep this necklace as simple as possible, so I didn't add all the embellishments to the pendant.
This necklace was pretty easy to make, and definitely a unique look. (FYI - I've needed jewelry tools for all Project DIY items, but luckily they now include their starter kit free with every subscription!)
Warrior Cuff
Warrior Cuff Materials
This project was pretty simple too - it just involved glue! Again, I didn't use all the embellishments they included, but I'm happy with the results!
Verdict: I have so much fun with my Project DIY subscription! I'm also happy with the quality of the materials they use and the instructions they provide (They have a really slick iPad app with step-by-step photos, or you can get the instructions on their website too).
What did you think of the November Project DIY box?
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