Horror Block is one of the newer subscription boxes from Nerd Block – each month they send you a box full of horror related goodies.
This box was sent to us for review purposes. (Check out the review process postto learn more about how we review boxes).
The Subscription Box: Horror Block
The Cost: $19.99 plus shipping (Shipping is $8.75 to Canada, $9.50 to US, $12.50 Worldwide)
The Products: Every Horror Block comes with a custom t-shirt (in your size) and 5-6 epic items for you to tear into!
Ships to: US, Canada, and Worldwide!
Check out all of my Horror Block Reviews!
Visit the Horror Block Swap Page if you’re interested in swapping for any items in this box!
Each box comes with a card detailing the items included.
Normal People Scare Me Tee - Value $10
Normally Horror Block sends one tee per month, but January was a two-tee month.
Good Guy Tee - Value $10
My husband is a little overwhelmed by t-shirts from geek boxes lately, but I think he liked both of these.
MadBalls - Value $5
I can't find the exact value of these MadBalls online. I found them for sale on Amazon but the prices seem too high, so it may not be the exact same size as these. Here's what they look like:
Living Dead Dolls Figurines Pink Posey - Value $8?
This figure is described as "exclusive" on the info card, so I'm thinking it might be just for Horror Block subscribers. (That would explain why I can't find it online to get an accurate retail price to list).
Rue Morgue Magazine - Value $10
The Twilight Zone Comic Issue 1: Shadow and Substance - Value $4
Horror Block usually includes the latest Rue Morgue issue in their box, so in a way if you subscribe to Horror Block, you get a subscription to Rue Morgue as well.
My husband has gotten into comics lately (specifically The Walking Dead and a few different Marvel ones) and I think he'll like this Twilight Zone Comic as well.
Verdict: The January Horror Block has a value of about $47. (That could be a little higher or lower depending on the value of the MadBalls and Living Dead Doll Figurine). While I'm not the target demographic for this subscription (I can't handle scary movies), but husband enjoys it, and I think they do a good job of curation. What do you think of the January box?
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