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Play! by Sephora Subscription Box Coming Soon!

Liz Cadman
ByLiz CadmanAug 7, 2015 | 95 comments

Play! By Sephora Subscription Box

Photo source: WWD

Thanks Marcy for letting us know about this amazing subscription box news!

Sephora will be rolling out a new subscription box, Play! by Sephora, starting in select cities in September: Boston, Columbus, and Cincinnati. The nationwide rollout of the subscription is planned for 2016.

The Subscription Box: Play! by Sephora (No specific link for sign-up yet)

The Cost: $10

The Products: The first box will include: Sephora Collection Rouge Infusion in Peony, Marc Jacobs Beauty Highliner eyeliner in Blacquer, Ole Henriksen Sheer Transformation Face Crème, Bumble and bumble Hairdresser’s Invisible Oil (primer?), and Glamglow Supercleanse facial cleanser.

Ships to: US (first markets: Boston, Columbus, and Cincinnati)

Good to know: The box will also include bonus extras like Spotify playlists, as well as "Play! Pass" coupons for in-store activations like one-on-one tutorials for the products in that month’s box.

What do you think about this beauty subscription box news? Make sure to sign up for the daily MSA newsletter if you want to receive updates on this box!

Liz Cadman
Liz Cadman
Liz is the founder of My Subscription Addiction. She's been hooked on subscription boxes since 2011 thanks to Birchbox, and she now subscribes to over 100 boxes. Her favorites include POPSUGAR Must Have, FabFitFun, and any box that features natural beauty products!

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Hi Liz! I live south of Boston and am in the test group receiving the play! box. If you need a guest reviewer until the box hits the open market I am happy to volunteer! I love your site, even if it has incited a subscription addiction of my own 🙂

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Liz Cadman

Thanks so much for the offer! I’ll email you! 🙂

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Janet Senk

Liz, if you need any more volunteers to opinion the new Sephora subcription box, please add me in. I love Sephora and waiting to hear about their timing on this. I live South of Boston and would give my honest thoughts. Thanks.

Janet Senk

I am waiting. I have not seen a Sephora email to me yet. How do we sign up for this delivery in Boston? Please advise as I want to be sure to be on their list since I am a Sephora member.

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I just watched a youtube video of the box opening. A youtuber in Texas got one. I thought it was select cities. She says she signed up during the initial announcement. But none of the cities listed are in Texas.

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Not for me small samples .

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Without a proven system-AWESOME Customer service, the INCREDIBLE points bonus, etc..they cannot compete w/ Birchbox! Will I sub? sure..but..where will I buy? Birchbox of course!

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I totally agree!

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100% agreed!

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I am so excited about this!

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Janet Senk

Hoping this happens. I did call Sephora in MA and talked w manager who had no knowledge of this. She told me to keep watching my Sephora emails ??? okay. But I want to sign up now so I get one. Any advice.

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Elizabeth Estep

So excited!!!!! I love that they picked Cinci. Just hope I am close enough to Cinci to get it.

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Geez, sephora what about NY? Seems like the beauty product capital of the country to me

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I almost died when I saw this email.. :sniff: I can’t wait! Think I might need more storage space..

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I’m moving to Cincinatti it l

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If the items in the box pictured are anything to go by, I’ll dump Birchbox in a hot minute for Sephora! Although they’re showing Elizabeth & James perfume samples instead of the Rouge Infusion listed – I’m guessing this is just a teaser photo.
The associates in my local Sephora couldn’t be more friendly and helpful and I’d rather shop there than Ulta who treat their customers pretty shabbily.
I love shopping online at Sephora for the previously mentioned great freebies and the free returns for items that don’t suit.

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Really? I’ve never had a good experience at sephora. I had a gift card for them a couple years back and they flat out ignored me because I didn’t look like I could afford anything in there. I asked for help picking a foundation and the sales lady who deigned to speak to me told me that most of their more popular brands were ‘probably far outside your budget’, spent maybe two minutes glancing at the display, then handed me the cheapest one in a shade way too dark for me. So rude, so snobby. This box will be a nice way to get sephora stuff without interacting with their rude staff.

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The Sephora Rouge Infusion in Peony is the dark tube in the middle. Same sample as the Beauty Insider Appreciation week Rouge sample bag and also a part of the new Give Me Some Lip set.

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I read on Musings of a Muse that Sephora would be throwing in perfume samples as extras.


Is it wrong to be so excited over this box!! Absolutely cannot wait for this to be available to everyone next year!

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Bye Ipsy ✌?️

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I too would get this box and get rid of Ipsy! I will definitely keep Birchbox though no matter what since they have a great points system!

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Haha, this perfectly sums up my feelings on this news. Can’t wait for the Sephora box!

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Wow, this post is only a few hours old and it already has 62 comments and 2.6K shares. That is an amazing amount of interest in this Sephora box! Maybe that is part of why they are starting in 3 smaller market areas first?

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Pamela Haddad

Why not LA?! I cannot wait till 2016!

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Liz Cadman

Wow! Maybe if they opened it up nationwide at first they would break the internet? 🙂

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I can’t imagine their own site would be able to handle that volume to begin with!

There are now 3.6k shares about 2 days after this was posted. Amazing.

Catlin Lafser

I wonder if we can earn points from Sephora on the purchase of the subscription box?


Oh, I will be all over this one. Sephora is my weakness. Hate that it has a limited rollout, but I can be patient.

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I’ve been saying they should do this forever! I’m so glad they will! Even if it’s next year.

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If this turns out to be good I wouldn’t cancel my Birchbox since they have such a great points system, but I would my Ipsy!!

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Shut the front door! Two of my favorite things — Sephora and sub boxes — are having a baby. Super excited for this one.

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If this turns out to be any good I may have to cancel Birchbox…

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So, does that mean it will only ship WITHIN those cities? I love 45 minutes from Boston…

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YES!!!I have been wanting Sephora to do a box! I am all a quiver with anticipation.

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Bah, I don’t like Sephora. Bunch of snobs. Bring on an Ulta box and I’d sign up for that in a heartbeat! 😀

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In our area it’s the opposite! Sign me up Sephora!

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I live in the ‘burbs but work in Cincinnati, totes just updated my address on my profile 🙂

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I wonder if they mean those exact cities or if the surrounding suburbs will qualify as well.

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