Bespoke Post is a monthly men’s subscription box. Unlike most subscription boxes, you get to preview the new Bespoke Post box offerings on the first of each month, and you can easily skip any month you aren’t interested in your account section.
This is a review of the 'Brew' box.
My Subscription Addiction pays for this subscription. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes).
The Subscription Box: Bespoke Post
The Cost: $45 a month
The Products: Monthly lifestyle items, curated around a theme.
Ships to: US and Canada
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Check out all my reviews of Bespoke Post and the Men’s Subscription Box Directory!
Each box comes with a card detailing the items included and it usually has tips on how to one or more of the items. This month listed all the items in the box and its use.
It also had some terminology for all of us future brewers.
Most importantly, this month included an additional instructional packet on brewing!
This box was MASSIVE! I have yet to brew any beer from it, but I've always wanted to try it out, so this might be the easiest way to start!
The Universal Capper - Value $20.83 on Amazon
The first thing I pulled out of the box was this capper tool. Every good beer needs a good bottle - so when you're using this tool, you've succeeded!
Hop Union Hops x2 - $2.40 on Amazon (based on 1 oz. packets)
This kit has everything you need to get going, which is awesome. Included with the hops are priming sugar, gauze, yeast, a rubber stopper, bottle filler, and cleanser. Lots of stuff in the box - the entire list of items can be seen on the first info card above.
Bottle Caps - Value $2-3?
With your capper, you also get a baggie of bottle caps! I hope to someday get to the step where I need these.
Blonde and Amber Ale Malt Kits - Value ?
They sent malt kits to brew both a blonde and an amber ale. Knowing nothing about brewing going into this - seeing this kind of stuff is just impressive and makes me want to give it a try. Any brewers out there? Is this quality malt?
1 Gallon Jug
These are the last items in the box. There are a lot of items, and it seem pretty intimidating to me, but I'm definitely going to at least try doing this because I'd love to have a drink of my own brewed beer!
This is basically a gallon jug selfie.
Verdict: Deliveries like this one always keeps me loving Bespoke Post. Being able to pick your monthly adventure helps too, no surprises, just value with this subscription. I'm definitely a bit intimidated by all of this brewing equipment so if any brewers have tips, let me know! Bespoke Post is absolutely on my list of anticipated boxes each month, even though I know the theme that I have chosen.
What do you think of Bespoke Post "Brew"? Are you a brewer?
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