Smart Art is a fine arts subscription service that sends a new project every month and all the supplies needed to complete it. My husband and I are both artists, so we were very happy to have the opportunity to try this box out!
This box was sent to us for review purposes. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes).
The Subscription Box: Smart Art
The Cost: $49.99 per month with free shipping
COUPON: Use code MSA20 to save 20% off your first box
The Products: A fine arts project, complete with instructions and supplies
Ships to: US only
Good to know: It's a different project in a different media every month, using different techniques!
Check out all of our Smart Art reviews and the Craft Subscription Box Directory!
Keep Track of Your Subscriptions: Add this box to your subscription list or wishlist!
This month's project was a watercolor landscape! My husband is the master of watercolor in our house, so he happily took up this project! This is the booklet that Smart Art sends every month. It includes art history related to the project, a list of the included supplies, project pointers, and instructions.
Subscribers can upload a picture of their finished project to Smart Art's Facebook page for a chance to win a free box! That's really cool! On the other hand, our projects usually take forever, so we always seem to miss the boat on this contest.
This is the inside of the booklet. On the left are the art history and project pointers, and on the right there's some info on watercolor pans plus the supply list.
The instructions are printed on the back of the booklet. They are easy enough to follow, but not so specific that they crush one's creativity.
Here are the supplies that were included for this month's project.
Lukas Aquarell Studio Watercolor Travel, Set of 12 - Value $18.61
Yupo White Synthetic Multimedia Paper Pad 5" x 7" - Value $7.85 (on sale at Jerry's for $4.29)
Beste Finest Golden Taklon Hair Wash Brush 1/2" - Value $8.99 (on sale at Jerry's for $3.19
Qualita Golden Taklon Long Handle Round Brush, Size 3 - Value $7.55 (on Sale at Jerry's for $1.99)
10-Well Small Flower Mixing Palette - Value $1.27
This is my husband's completed watercolor landscape painting. Isn't it beautiful?! He ignored the instructions and painted the Oregon coast, where he's from. It looks like a dreamscape to me!
Verdict: My husband and I are both huge fans of Smart Art! This month was right up my husband's alley, so he was thrilled. I think he did a wonderful job, too! The value of this month's items comes to about $45 (retail), but that doesn't take into consideration the project selection, the instruction, the materials sourcing, or the shipping. Not having to go get the supplies alone makes it worth it to me, personally.
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