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GlossyBox December 2022 Spoiler #1 and Spoiler #2: Wishful Moments

GlossyBox July 2016 Spoiler #3 + Coupons!

Liz Cadman
ByLiz CadmanJul 5, 2016 | 34 comments

Screen Shot 2016-07-02 at 10.01.46 AM

3.3 overall rating
481 Ratings | 117 Reviews

We have a third spoiler for the July 2016 GlossyBox!


The third of the 6 products for July is Leighton Denny Miracle Mist.

If you missed the previous spoilers, the box will also include:

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NUXE Shimmering Dry Oil Huile Prodigieuse and


An Eyeko Fat Eye Stick.

What do you think of the newest spoiler?

If you haven't signed up for GlossyBox yet:


Use coupon code POOLPARTY 2 receive Julep Nail Polish and L'Atelier Maquillage Mascara in your July box.

Check out my GlossyBox reviews to learn more about this beauty subscription box!


Starting at $21.00
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GlossyBox is a beauty subscription service box that allows customers to sample products monthly. Sampling lets the subscriber fall in love with new products and become life-long brand advocates. Each box is filled with five makeup, hair and skin care products from top brands.

Liz Cadman
Liz Cadman
Liz is the founder of My Subscription Addiction. She's been hooked on subscription boxes since 2011 thanks to Birchbox, and she now subscribes to over 100 boxes. Her favorites include POPSUGAR Must Have, FabFitFun, and any box that features natural beauty products!

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I asked on facebook if these spoilers will be in every box and they said the eyeko stick and miracle nail spray will be. The nuxe oil, which was the spoiler i was most looking foward to, will not be in every box.

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Well that’s misreading I ordered because of the nuxe oil but that’s ok I’m cancelling

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Well, I guess I won’t be getting the oil because I usually don’t get the nicer variations in my box. I have to admit, though, I do like the boxes themselves….they are great for storage.

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Awesome! MUCH better than that hot mess of a June box….smh.

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Tommie Lynne

I would just really like to know if everyone is getting these spoilers or if they are just things you could possibly get.

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Usually, and based on how this is posted, I would say yep, you will get those items. Glossy isnt like say Ipsy, where they give you 40 things you COULD get and you end up with none. lol

I’ve really been looking for an excuse to sub to glossy, it’s the one beauty box I havent hit yet but nothing in like the last year has wowed me enough to do it. The 40% sale tempted me, but seeing the june and july spoilers made me re-think it.

I did however just re-sub to Boxycharm after a few months away because of their awesome spoilers. I really need a zpalette and giving shadows to put in it? Win!

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Okay, normally I don’t complain about my Glossybox because I am easy to please. I don’t know how I am feeling about the July box. I’m hoping the other 3 products will be stuff that I will be able to use. I won’t use the Miracle Mist because I get my nails done at the nail shop twice a month. I still have the luxe oil from the last time they put it in the box. And I am very particular about the color of shadows that I use. So, I will probably be giving away more than 1/2 of what’s in this month’s box. Such a bummer!

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I agree. I am liking everything I’ve seen in sub boxes this month!

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Every one in a great while I’m tempted to get Glossybox again, but their cancellation policy was like jumping through hoops. My box would arrive so late in the month that I couldn’t decide if it was worth the value or not to keep or cancel sub, then it was too late to cancel the box even though it was prior to the very end of previous month. So I ended up paying for a month I didn’t want and jumping through hoops to speak to someone to cancel gone account was infuriating. I don’t care how good this box ever gets if they have same cancellation policy.

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Someone I know (read: not me) advocates and writes for a popular consumer advocacy website, and she’s actually writing about their unfair cancellation policy right now. She asked me about it because I have a GB sub, but I’m on a gift sub through Gilt City, so mine will automatically end unless I make an active effort to pay them. She’s sending me the link once the article is up.

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We have until the 15th of the month to cancel in order to not get charged for the following month. Let’s just say the 14th to be on the safe side. Every time that I have cancelled on or before the 14th, I never have problems with them charging me for the next months box.

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I did the 40% off for the July box and canceled right after they charged me from the website so I would only get one box. It was surprisingly easy to cancel. Just make sure you do it on a desktop, if possible because some sites are hard to navigate on the phone for some reason.

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Nuxe oil is luxurious gives any skin tone a beautiful glow I got two subs because of this item I hope it’s the big bottle worth $54

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Judging by the picture, it looks to be the travel size. I really like this oil, too.

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GlossyBox posted on their Instagram page, what looks like to be, another spoiler! A Fango Essenziali treatment sheet mask. They posted “Now in our July GlossyBox!” ?

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This spoiler caused me to cave. I hope that the spoilers revealed so far are items that will be in EVERY box, and not just variations. FYI I used the code “summer” for 30% off, which brings the July box down to $14.70. Fingers crossed they don’t let us down!

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OMG…I was literally just about to buy that oil this afternoon! I’m signing up for this box instead. This is starting to look like a great box so far!

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It appears that the spoiler items (well until last month) have always seem to be the items we are guaranteed to get, right? They are not part of the variations. Or am I mistaken?

Getting excited as this looks like a great box!

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Unfortunately… (not everyone) gets what spoilers are pictured. I just received my July box today, and it DID NOT come with the Nuxe Oil as I HAD HOPED for! That SUPER Disappointed me! I got some random shave oil. And although i’ll probably put it to good use, it isn’t something I anticipated, nor did I get excited that that was the sub in place of the oil. PLEASE GLOSSYBOX.. ONLY SHOW US “NON BLOGGERS”, (ALL) THAT WE “WILL” RECEIVE IN OUR BOXES. Otherwise, I have nothing but good things to say to others regarding this sub box.

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Good question. I’m wondering this too. This will be my 2nd Glossybox and it looks to me like the previous months’ box spoiler was guaranteed. This month it seems there are more spoilers and I’m wondering if these are guaranteed or not.

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This is looking way better than June’s box.

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Anything would be better than June’s box.

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You’ve got that right, I cancelled because the June box was so bad for me. Still getting the July box because I did it after the cutoff


I hope we all get the mist! with Glossybox’s variations you never know.

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Hoping I get these items. I would love to get the nail spray, but the other items look really good too!

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If you don’t get it, no worries. Ulta brand has a huge can of this type of item for $2.99. 🙂

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Oooo, thanks! I always seem to get some variation of the spoilers and boxes listed here, so I’m really not expecting to get it. (I usually like my boxes, they’re just always a little different from the ones listed here.)

I’ll check out Ulta! 🙂


They’d better not be lying about the Miracle Mist again! I love the Nuxe oil but I have never used the shimmer one before… not sure if I’ll like it. And I’m not excited about the Eyeko but I might end using my Glossydots to get a second box if I’ll really get this!

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Are we actually going to get the nail spray this time??

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Yay!!! Sooo excited! That’s what I’m talking about glossybox!! Omg July has been the most exciting month for subscriptions!! Seems like everyone is stepping up their sub game!! Boxycharm with the z palette, glossybox with pretty much everything so far, Allure with LA Mer & Glamglow & Pop Sugar with the 20 dollar throwback boxes!!! Not to mention LA Ritzy & the 15 dollar grab bags!!! Omg I’m soooo excited! ???

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I am on box overload this month and feel so guilty lol.

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I agree. This is turning out to be an amazing month for subscription boxes!!!!

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