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POPSUGAR Must Have x Neiman Marcus 2017 Box SPOILER #2

Liz Cadman
ByLiz CadmanOct 25, 2017 | 66 comments

3.9 overall rating
530 Ratings | 71 Reviews

We have the second spoiler for the POPSUGAR Must Have x Neiman Marcus Box!

The Box: POPSUGAR Must Have x Neiman Marcus Box

The Cost: $250

The Products: Everything you need for the ultimate cocktail soiree and more! $750+ value.

We’ve teamed up with Neiman Marcus to give you a covetable box filled with treats ideal for gifting or for keeping all to yourself. This box is filled with over $750 worth of luxurious items you need for the holidays from sparkling home decor to beauty gifts that will make you glow.

Select between gold or silver hues to get a box shining with your preferred color delivered right to your door. Each box will contain all of the same items, but the color of 5 of the 9 products will vary based on your metallic preference.

Boxes ship by November 27th.

The second spoiler is:

Kim Seybert Spotlight placemat, set of 4 - Value $112

Add some sparkle to your table with these shimmering place mats. Ideal for the holidays and special occasions, they dress up any table setting. Just wipe with a damp cloth to make cleaning up after a party a breeze.

These placemats measure 15 inches across and they are SO sparkly and fun!

This is one of the items in the box with no variation. (If you ordered silver or gold you'll be getting this set.)

And in case you missed it... The first spoiler item will be available in silver or gold (you'll receive the metal of your choice):

Chan Luu Swarovski Crystal & Pearl Necklace and Earring Set in Gold or Silver - Value $195

Accessorize with trendy yet classic accessories with this set from Chan Luu. The Swarovski pearl necklace can be worn at any length from pendant to choker, and the dangling pearls of the hoop earrings make the classic shape more modern. This season is all about standing out, and this ultra-luxe set can be worn together or apart for an stylish look.

(POPSUGAR sent me this set early so I can answer any questions you have about the spoiler.)

The necklace is 17" and extends to 19". 

The earrings measure about 1.75" in total length (top of hoop to bottom of pearl dangle.)

And here is the gold version:

(We took a lot of pictures of the packaging because it is SO gorgeous! You could definitely gift this set!)

And here is the necklace on to give you a better sense of scale:

I'm all for delicate gold jewelry, so this necklace is pretty much perfect for me!

UPDATE: And here's Anna modeling the silver set!

What do you think of the first spoiler? (And if you're getting a box, are you picking silver or gold?)

(Check out my review of the 201620152014, and the 2013 Neiman Marcus Box to see what you can expect).

Starting at $75.00
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POPSUGAR Must Have is a quartely lifestyle subscription box curated by the editors at POPSUGAR. Each box features their "must have" products for beauty, fashion, home, food, fitness and more. Every box has a value of $250 +!
Liz Cadman
Liz Cadman
Liz is the founder of My Subscription Addiction. She's been hooked on subscription boxes since 2011 thanks to Birchbox, and she now subscribes to over 100 boxes. Her favorites include POPSUGAR Must Have, FabFitFun, and any box that features natural beauty products!

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Nikki m

Got most excited for that necklace!

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Umm, yeah this box is a no for me! The items are pretty, just not $250 pretty.

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Wow. I love them!!!!! So glad they are part of this box of goodies.

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Pretty!! I doubt I’d get much use out of them but they’d be a cool thing to have regardless. They will turn an otherwise plain tablescape festive just like that! I’ll be keeping an eye out for these in swaps.

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Seeing the prices for these two spoilers makes me wonder if I’m the one out of touch with reality. $112 for placemats? I feel like I could find something similar and more affordable at Target. I don’t understand. I bought 1 PS limited edition box a few years back and I was SO disappointed with the items and the value they ascribed to them. I felt duped. I’m very hesitant to ever shell out that much money ever again.

These two spoilers are definitely not my taste, so I’m not having any trouble skipping this one.

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No, your not out of touch. They have almost identical placemats at Target, Walmart, Bed Bath and Beyond and Pier 1. The most expensive being at Pier 1 for 24 piece and the lowest at at Walmart for around $7 a piece. You can also find a necklace and earring set that looks eerily similar at Avon for $9.99 so if you don’t care about the name brand but love the style you can pick up a look alike for $185 cheaper on there site.

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Cool. I was starting to think I had crossed into some alternative dimension where people pay $112 for glitter placemats. 😳


Chan Luu stuff is so expensive for what you get. I can usually duplicate it for under $20 worth of materials. (I don’t sell anyone else’s designs, of course.)

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I thought of you immediately when I saw the jewelry spoiler! The pieces you have made with the bead subs are amazing!

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These are super cute! Although I still don’t think either spoiler is tempting me to buy this box.

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For those wanting to see a table set-up with these placemats, there is one available on the Kim Seybert website: http://kimseybert.com/spotlight-placemat/.

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Neither spoiler seems worth the value assigned, and I doubt I would ever use the place mats. I think I will pass and just look at the swap boards for any later spoiler that suits my taste more.

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While I don’t have $250 to shell out for this box, I might have to keep an eye out in the swaps for these place mats, as I really like them.

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My wallet is safe. Phew! I always think the items in the Neiman Marcus boxes are lovely, but they don’t suit my taste/lifestyle. I suspect I’m not fancy enough for NM, lol. Can’t wait to see spoilers for the holiday special edition box.

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I actually really love these spoilers and would have a very difficult time making a selection between gold and silver. I prefer the necklace and earrings in silver, but gold items will look better in my kitchen/dining area. Anyhow, the necklace and earrings are gorgeous. They are a simple, classic design that should work with most people’s style. They would look just as nice with a basic sweater as they would with a nice dress. I love the idea of the sparkly placemat for the holidays. I used to have bronze glitter placemats and they were just fun. I do feel that the $112 price tag is a bit much.

Unfortunately while I’m feeling so very tempted, I’ll continue to hold off for more spoilers. The cocktail soiree theme seemed unrealistic for a single woman living on a social worker’s salary, who rarely entertains, especially with the $250 price tag since I’m picturing all sorts of fancy barware that won’t get used. But more spoilers like this might get me to take the plunge.

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I really like both spoilers, but thankfully I have no interest in shelling out $250 for the box. I do think people who have bought it will be satisfied though.

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I’m so relieved neither of these spoilers are my taste. My wallet can breathe a sigh of relief!

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This is such a great comment! I appreciate that you voiced your disinterest without the requisite “ewwwwww” that seems to have become the norm here.

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I think these are festive, and they look nicer in the close up than the far away shot. I’m not sure how easy they would be to clean though, it says wipe with a damp cloth but I’d have to see the texture in person. I like that it’s a new item we haven’t seen recently in boxes (right?) So far I like the box, and think the theme is fitting together well.

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I agree! I wish the metal choice of the jewelry were more luxe, but I got the gold and I think I’ll be happy with the box!

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Amber P

These placemats are so beautiful! I wouldn’t use them necessarily for table setting purposes, but I can think of a bunch of other great uses for them.

At any rate, I didn’t order this box and I’m not about to spend $112 on four placemats, but perhaps I can DIY it!

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Easy pass, but certainly a festive box so far! I’m sure plenty of others will love it 😍

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Who has only 4 place settings for holiday dinners?! And sometimes I feel like the popsugar taste level is just too… junior. Started realizing that when we got a trucker hat … like these are the placemats my 15 year old niece would choose if her mom let her pick.

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They don’t necessarily need to be placemats for your plates. They can be used underneath serving dishes for a cocktail party (isn’t that the theme, anyway?)

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Those are stunning!!! What a cool addition to this box!

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Undecided… I do need new holiday mats as my old ones were destroyed but I’m not sure that glitter would be my first choice. I’ll reserve judgement until I see them in person. For this price they should be quality home goods.

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$112. For placemats. From China. 😯

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Those are gorgeous, but would only be appropriate in certain settings and/or decors. Personally I have zero use for them.

I also love the earrings but not the necklace.

This is why I waited for spoilers this year. It’s looking like I’m just going to try to swap for the earrings and not buy the box.

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I wish they had shown a picture of the placemats as part of a fully set table. It might be easier for me to appreciate them if I could see them in use.

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They did – go back to the announcement here of the box going on sale. There was a pic of a bunch of women at a table – look under the plates to see them in action. See, we got a pre-spoiler spoiler. 😉


These are pretty cool and so festive but aren’t going to make me pull out my wallet.

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I like that they seem to be sticking to a cohesive theme of holiday party. Makes the box more usable/practical in a fun way (if that makes sense). AND i love these placemats!!

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I am not interested in this. This was the deal breaker for this box. This does not appeal to me at all. Maybe the LE Winter will be more to my taste. I am excited to see the spoilers for that one.

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Kristin D Norton

Agreed. No interest in this one.

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