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The Snoop Dogg Fancy Box is Now Available!

Liz Cadman
ByLiz CadmanApr 3, 2014 | 33 comments

The Snoop Dogg Fancy Box

The latest celebrity curated Fancy Box is from Snoop Dogg! Here is what we know so far:

The Subscription Box: Snoop Dog Fancy Box

The Cost: $42 plus shipping ($7.95 for the US)

The Products: $80+ of products selected by Snoop. (This is the only Fancy Box I've seen that states you must be at least 18 to purchase it - so interpret that how you will!)

What do you think of the Snoop Dogg Fancy Box?

Liz Cadman
Liz Cadman
Liz is the founder of My Subscription Addiction. She's been hooked on subscription boxes since 2011 thanks to Birchbox, and she now subscribes to over 100 boxes. Her favorites include POPSUGAR Must Have, FabFitFun, and any box that features natural beauty products!

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Got it. It is dope.

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Ok, this is what I got:

– one of these! http://www.solopipe.com Mine is gunmetal color. It came in its own box with a little kit to clean it, and extra screens
– 6 pack of Snoop Dogg rolling cones
– FIRE bucket ashtray (comes with sand, too!)
– 4/20 Edition of High Times
– How High Are You Journal (wish I had this in college; it has questions and comments for you to fill out during a “session” IE: what I can NOT forget, what am i eating right now, Genius Idea, Big Questions. I think its hilarious!)
– 100 Dollar Bill napkins

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Leilana Taylor

I got the same box and I love it! I don’t know what to do with the ashtray and wish it hadn’t been included as I recently quit smoking cigarettes and don’t see a need for it for other smokables! The solo pipe made everything else a bonus…..it is freaking awesome! I can’t really afford to keep this subscription, but I love it so much I can’t stand to cancel! I can’t wait for next months box!!!! Guess I may have to give up one of my makeup boxes to keep this one 😉

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Christie, THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I almost ordered last night but I really don’t have a lot of fun money this month so I said I would wait one more day to make sure, so fancy box can thank you for my order. Your spoiler alert did not spoil anything for me, i’m going to order mine now so I don’t miss out. lol and THANKS AGAIN

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jill franklin

Wow!! Mine is scheduled to come in tomorrow, can’t wait to get it!! This is a very nicely curated box. Even if all of the items aren’t something everyone would use, the value is definitely there. The first item retails for $70 alone. While no one in my household has a need for this, it is nice and I already know exactly whom I will gift this too. Great box!!!

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I got my Snoop Fancy box today!!! Can you please add Snoop Fancy to the swaps page? Loved it, but not everything is for me 🙂

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Christie or anyone else who has received there Snoop Fancy box would you PLEASE do a spoiler alert, I would love to have an idea of what in it because I just received my Kelly Rowland box( I was excited after seeing previous boxes) and after receiving my april box not so impressed

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jill franklin

I received my Kelly R. box today also and I liked it. So far, I have liked my Kelly R. boxes. I won’t list items so I don’t spoil it for those who are still waiting to receive theirs, but I think it was very cute box!!

jill franklin

I received notification that mine shipped. I cannot wait to get it!! I am so freaking curious about this dang box!!
As a teen of the 90s, I grew up listening to Snoop and Dre. My son likes them both as well and we all like Eminem. So being as familiar with Snoop as I am, I’m curious and a little uhm……….apprehensive about what may be inside. Haha!

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okay i’m glad i finally found confirmation that the code is not working and it is not just me. I’m trying to start the tyler florence sub, but i guess i will have to pay full price grrrr…

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Sorry my comment about Colorado was meant as a joke.

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The code doesn’t seem to work…did it expire?

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Glad to see I am not the only one with coupon code issues.

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Liz Cadman

I guess the coupon expired. I removed it from the post.

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jill franklin

Ok, I’m confused. Is the 10% off code only good for Colorado or the box itself? Because I just subscribed to it and it let me although I live in Alabama.

I also get the regular Fancy box, the Fancy food, Kelly Rowland, Tyler Florance, etc. I am able to receive all of those.

If it’s only available in Co, does it have something to do with laws on products included? I’m wondering now if I should ask for a refund and cancellation or if they will automatically refund if I’m not in the correct State to receive it?

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so excited and confused. why is the FOLLOWUP10 code not working? and is this is seriously for CO residents only or was that a joke? (sorry i am dense)

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Codes not working

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Did not like the Kelly Rowland box so I’m hoping this one is kool?!

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Is this an April Fools joke?

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*Offer only available in Colorado

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Now it makes since why you have to be 18.

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Sounded too interesting to pass up! I was really disappointed with the last couple Jennifer Love Hewitt Fancy boxes and canceled that subscription. Fingers crossed this one is good!

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The price is $42.00, I wonder if the first box will arrive on April 20th 🙂

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This one sounds so exciting! I’ve never been this tempted to order a Fancy Box before!!

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I can’t wait to see what is in that box lol. I want to try pink, kelly and coco box however 🙂

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LOL… I can’t wait to see the reviews on this one.

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Over 18 and Snoop Dog, huh? A monthly bong?

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Wow! This sounds fun, can’t wait to subscribe.

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