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Green Kid Crafts Subscription Box Review – Sept 2014

Liz Cadman
ByLiz CadmanSep 29, 2014 | 7 comments

Green Kid Crafts Subscription Box Review - Sept

Green Kid Crafts is a monthly craft subscription box for kids. My cousin has been loving the craft subscriptions I send her way, so of course I signed up for more!

My Subscription Addiction pays for this subscription. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes).


Green Kid Crafts Subscription Box Review - Sept 2014 Weather

The Subscription Box: Green Kid Crafts

The Cost: $19.95 a month

The Products: 3-4 activity kits centered around a theme each month.

Ships to: US and Canada (Canada is $8 shipping)

Green Kid Crafts Subscription Box Review - Sept 2014 Info

Each box comes with a general info sheet detailing the theme of the box. The September box is all about weather and the this sheet has info on becoming a Meteorologist.

Green Kid Crafts Subscription Box Review - Sept 2014 Packs

Each box comes with craft kits in their own baggies. (I like how each craft is separated with its own instructions).

Green Kid Crafts Subscription Box Review - Sept 2014 Weather Flag

The first project is creating a windsock. One side of the card has illustrated instructions,

Green Kid Crafts Subscription Box Review - Sept 2014 Instructions

And on the flip side is a chart for tracking the wind.

Green Kid Crafts Subscription Box Review - Sept 2014 Windsock

And here are your windsock supplies!

Green Kid Crafts Subscription Box Review - Sept 2014 Weather Board

Next project - creating a "weather station."

Green Kid Crafts Subscription Box Review - Sept 2014 Weather instructions

Green Kid Crafts Subscription Box Review - Sept 2014 Items

The paper pieces attach via velcro stickers so you can adjust the chart for different weather everyday.

Green Kid Crafts Subscription Box Review - Sept 2014 Clouds Info

Last project - the cloud finder!

Green Kid Crafts Subscription Box Review - Sept 2014 Clouds

This is all about identifying different types of clouds.

Green Kid Crafts Subscription Box Review - Sept 2014 Map

Since this is my first Green Kid Crafts box, it also came with a craft badge map. For each month's projects you complete, there's a sticker to add to the chart!

Verdict: I'm a big fan of gender-neutral science-based kids craft boxes, and I think Green Kid Crafts totally delivers. Have you subscribed to Green Kid Crafts? What do you think of the subscription service?

Liz Cadman
Liz Cadman
Liz is the founder of My Subscription Addiction. She's been hooked on subscription boxes since 2011 thanks to Birchbox, and she now subscribes to over 100 boxes. Her favorites include POPSUGAR Must Have, FabFitFun, and any box that features natural beauty products!

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PA Anna

My 6 year old and I attempted to do the October box . He did not like it and put the items back in the box and asked me to toss it. We could not get the catapault to work well, and he hated dressing pegs with square pieces of cloth. A different type of child would had enjoyed that, but not him. He was frustrated because we could never get the catapult to work right to do the catapult game.

I emailed them to cancel. I had to double up out which annoyed me because my first email was clear that I was canceling. Also, what happens if you miss that second email where you need to respond that you do want to cancel? This sub is geared towards children and it is easy to be distracted by your children and forget to finish/respond to an email especially if there are little ones. The last thing that annoyed me is that they talked about upcoming boxes which are ones I already received. In other words they did not change their message template and sent me old information.

I would had been opened to giving them feedback why we canceled. I think double-opt out is a poor business practice. I told them I would not recommend them to a parent looking for a sub for that reason.

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I subscribed to this for my three year old for three months. It has probably been about 9 months since my last box. I was so disappointed with the quality of this box, probably because I had previously subscribed to Kiwi Crate. Out of three months there was one project that was really great. The rest were literally “green” copies of prior Kiwi Crate projects. It really seemed like they subscribed to Kiwi Crate and designed “green” versions of the same products. And sadly the materials were just not of the same high quality.

I like the idea of environmentally conscious, but not enough to sacrifice the quality. We went back to Kiwi Crate and have loved every minute of it.

Hopefully by now they have really dug in and upped the experience. Like I said, my experience was a while ago so I don’t know how it is now.

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Emily S

I’ve noticed this too about how Green Kid Crafts seems to copy Kiwi Crate. I know they’re supposed to be eco-minded and all but I was a follower on Facebook for a while and most of their posts are about shopping and junk food. Um, what? For what it’s worth I don’t think by subscribing to Green Kid Crafts you’re really marrying yourself to an eco minded company, and if this were really that important to you, you probably would not be subscribing to any company that ships a bunch of unnecessary stuff to you every month. We were thinking about it but in the end decided not to subscribe to Green Kid Crafts.

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PA Anna

I receive this subscription box for my nearly turned 6 year old. The sub is for ages 3-10. The cutoff date for the October box is Sept 30th. I don’t know how to include the picture of the October box and will email it to Liz if she wants to include it. Here’s the body of the email.

Last call for October’s Legends & Folktales Box! This box is full of activities that will promote the emotional and imaginative development of kids. Your kings and queens will create their own Storytelling Kit, Design wearable Crowns, and have a blast hurling projectiles around the room after making their own Catapult. The order cut-off for this box is 9/30/14.

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Hi Liz,
What age does this box cater to? My little one is 2.5. So I’m wondering if they have activities for her age.

Thanks for your help.

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I would check out Kiwi Crate. I tried Green Kids Crafts first and then Kiwi Crate, and Kiwi Crate blew Green Kids out of the water. The thought and materials put into each box is great and I’m never disappointed. They just came out with some new age range boxes too so I would look into those for your son. We get the regular box and this month we built a castle and a catapult, instructions were simple, all materials are there, and my son loved it.

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Jen K.

Kiwi Crate just started a sub for 3-4 year olds called Koala Crate; I signed my 2.5 yr old daughter up. We get Kiwi Crate now, but it’s definitely too advanced for her, and an adult does most of the work. I’m hoping Koala Crate will be more to her skill and understanding levels.