Green Kid Crafts is a monthly craft subscription box for kids. My cousin has been loving the craft subscriptions I send her way, so of course I signed up for more!
My Subscription Addiction pays for this subscription. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes).
The Subscription Box: Green Kid Crafts
The Cost: $19.95 a month
The Products: 3-4 activity kits centered around a theme each month.
Ships to: US and Canada (Canada is $8 shipping)
Each box comes with a general info sheet detailing the theme of the box. The September box is all about weather and the this sheet has info on becoming a Meteorologist.
Each box comes with craft kits in their own baggies. (I like how each craft is separated with its own instructions).
The first project is creating a windsock. One side of the card has illustrated instructions,
And on the flip side is a chart for tracking the wind.
And here are your windsock supplies!
Next project - creating a "weather station."
The paper pieces attach via velcro stickers so you can adjust the chart for different weather everyday.
Last project - the cloud finder!
This is all about identifying different types of clouds.
Since this is my first Green Kid Crafts box, it also came with a craft badge map. For each month's projects you complete, there's a sticker to add to the chart!
Verdict: I'm a big fan of gender-neutral science-based kids craft boxes, and I think Green Kid Crafts totally delivers. Have you subscribed to Green Kid Crafts? What do you think of the subscription service?
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