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Book Riot Best of 2014 Box Review

Liz Cadman
ByLiz CadmanNov 30, 2014 | 8 comments

Book Riot Best of 2014 Box Review Box

Book Riot recently launched a limited edition Best of 2014 Box, and since I've really been enjoying my Book Riot Quarterly subscription, I decided to give this one a try! (FYI - this box is not associated with Quarterly).

My Subscription Addiction paid for this box. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes).

Book Riot Best of 2014 Box Review ITems

The Box: Book Riot Best of 2014 Box

The Cost: $100

The Products: “Get 4 of the best books of 2014 and a bunch of bookish goodies in this exclusive holiday box. (Does not contain any repeats from Book Riot’s Quarterly or Riot Read subscriptions. Total retail value of contents exceeds $100. )

Purchase of this box sends one book to a community in need.”

Book Riot Best of 2014 Box Review Letter

This box came with a letter detailing each of the four books selected for the "Best of 2014" collection.

Book Riot Best of 2014 Box Review Station Eleven

100 Sideways Miles - Retail Value $18 (On Amazon for $14.21)

Station Eleven - Retail Value $25 (On Amazon for $15)

Station Eleven has been on my Amazon wish list for a while, and it also is on a ton of "best of 2014" lists, so I think this will be the first one I read!

Book Riot Best of 2014 Box Review Exams

The Empathy Exams - Retail Value $15 (On Amazon for $11.65)

Shoplifter - Retail Value $20 (On Amazon for $15.45)

The Empathy Exams is a series of nonfiction essays, and Shoplifter is a graphic novel. I like that they included a variety of book types in the box.

Book Riot Best of 2014 Box Review Coasters

Out of Print Library Card Coaster Set - Retail Value $20

Out of Print Matchbook Set - Retail Value $8

The non-book goodies weren't specifically outlined in the letter, so I'm guessing they could vary box-to-box.

Book Riot Best of 2014 Box Review Notebook


Banned Books Notebook - Retail Value $6

Composition Book Pouch - Retail Value $12

Verdict: If you count the Amazon prices on books and not the retail values of the books, this box has a value of about $103. I went into this purchase knowing that the value wouldn't be great since Book Riot can't compete with Amazon, so I'm glad they supplemented the box with enough Out Of Print items to make the value at least equal to what I paid. I also like getting new books in the mail - especially if they aren't books I might not normally pick out myself, so that's an additional benefit to me personally. (I've never read a graphic novel, but now I'm interested!)

Did you get the Best of 2014 Box? What do you think of it?

Liz Cadman
Liz Cadman
Liz is the founder of My Subscription Addiction. She's been hooked on subscription boxes since 2011 thanks to Birchbox, and she now subscribes to over 100 boxes. Her favorites include POPSUGAR Must Have, FabFitFun, and any box that features natural beauty products!

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Any chance of coupon codes for someone newly signing up for this one?

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Jenn D

No, it’s not a subscription box. It’s a one time best of 2014 box. I received the same items as Liz, so I think this set is standard. They just had 30% off sitewide in their Book Riot store and this was NOT part of the discount.

I already have Station Eleven on my Kindle and am in the middle of it so I’ll be swapping or gifting that book. I certainly don’t need another one. I also think this one is not being gifted because they’re also incurring the cost of giving one box to a community in need so it’s nice to be giving and getting at the same time.

Like Liz these books aren’t really anything I would have selected (with exception of Station Eleven that I already have), but I’m totally willing to broaden my literary horizons and this seems like a good way to go.

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Empathy Exams was included in Powell’s Indiespensible subscription as an “extra” so I already have a copy. However, I’m happy with everything else! SUPER excited about the pouch because my favorite BookRiot Quarterly item was the library card version. I keep my Kindle in it, so now I have a spare. It’s a great quality pouch too.

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Kuddos to Book Riot for even trying to compete with Amazon. I respect that.

Saying the above, Amazon appears to be offering 30% off some books (such as 100 Sideways Miles) for a limited time with the code HOLIDAY30.

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Sneaky Burrito

The 30% off is for one book, has to be print, and it expires tonight at midnight (probably Pacific time, though I’m not sure — most things on Ammy run on Pacific time).

I used it and a $5 gift card to get a book for $1.60. Free shipping with Prime, and a $1 credit towards e-books for choosing non-2-day shipping. Pretty good deal!

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I love this box! I never would have picked out any of these books for myself, but they’ve been some of the best books I’ve read all year. I’ve already finished Shoplifter and The Empathy Exams. I can’t remember the last time I read a graphic novel or a collection of essays, but I’ve already been googling other good titles from these genres to pick up later this week…

Also, I received the same extras as you, Liz. So maybe all the boxes are the same?

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I don’t love the book selections, but the additional items are great. Cutest pouch & coasters EVER!

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PA Anna

I did not order this box. I like the selection of books and the extras. The books are not ones I would select for myself, but after reading the blurbs on Amazon they do sound interesting.

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