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Lick My Dip Hot Sauce Subscription Box Review + Coupon – September 2015

Eric Cadman
ByEric CadmanOct 26, 2020 | 11 comments


Lick My Dip
3.5 overall rating
2 Ratings | 0 Reviews

Lick My Dip is a hot sauce subscription box that sends you spicy British products, like hot sauce, snacks and sundries every month from small artisan producers.

Lick My Dip sent me this box to review. Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes).


The Box: Lick My Dip

The Cost: $30.27 a month (This cost is shipped to the US, converted from GBP to USD)

The Products: The best of British Hot Sauces, fiery snacks and ingredients to your door every month


Ships to: Worldwide



Each box comes with a card detailing each item found inside, and also includes a sticker.


Dr Burnorium's Roasted Garlic Ghost Psycho Juice - Value $7.69

I'm not sure what I expected from something called Psycho Sauce, but wow - my lips burned for hours after trying this one. I'm not super into really really spicy sauce (I love somewhat spicy stuff), but I decided to take the plunge for our readers. My eyes were water for a good bit after this one. This is definitely for real heat seekers!

Daddy Cool's Superhot Chilli Nuts - Value ?

I couldn't find these online - and they're only in the process of building their website. These gave me the classic hot sauce moment where, for about 10 seconds, I thought these aren't too hot at all! I could taste more honey roasted peanuts than chilli, and was about to try my second taste when some serious heat kicked in and took me down for the count!


Mello Mallo Chocolate Chilli - Value ?

These aren't available right now, and even then - they were a limited time addition to their Etsy shop. These were absolutely delicious. Not too spicy, but the perfect mix of chocolate and spice. These really helped me cool down from all the spice I had just experienced. I highly recommend these if you can get ahold of them!

Firecrackers - Value ?

There was no way I was trying these after going through that gauntlet. I was nowhere near brave enough to try something that is the main ingredient in the recipe on Lick My Dip's blog called Chilli Con Killme.

Verdict: There was a really nice selection of items, and a nice sweet item to wash out some of the heat. I think this will be a box for exploratory heat seekers out there, since the shipping cost to the US could be a deterrent - but then again, you won't be able to find these British products very easily! I loved the Marshmallows - and the hot sauce and nuts were tasty, but far too hot for myself.

What did you think of Lick My Dip?

Starting at $28.00
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Lick My Dip sends you the very best British Hot Sauce, fiery snacks and chilli sundries every month from small artisan chilli producers who love the sauce they make as much as you will. Each month subscribers receive one full size bottle of premium hot sauce and an ever evolving medley of other s... read more.
Eric Cadman
Eric Cadman
Eric is the co-founder of My Subscription Addiction. He's been hooked on geek subscription boxes since 2012 thanks to Loot Crate and Nerd Block. Geek boxes sparked his desire for collecting Funko Pops and comic book statues!

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I’m also really appalled by the name. So inappropriate. Too bad because I love spicy food!

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“Chilli Con Killme” lmaoooooooo

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I know I’m officially old because the name of the box is a big turn off.

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Agreed, but for some reason with hot sauces, chili heads seem to like their play on words. Look up Hot Sauce names if you’re totally bored some day. They seem to be a childish world of their own.

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I agree, I’m not that old yet and it was a turn off. The sub has nothing to do with dips anyway..

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Mary K

Yeah, the name is immature and a little gross. I’m guessing, however, that perhaps once it did have something to do with dips. Like perhaps the very first thing offered was a spicy dip that was so good they wanted to lick the bowl clean? Just throwing that out there, not that it really matters, lol.


That doesn’t make you old… It makes you intelligent. The name is absolutely ridiculous. And it’s not even a play on words that makes sense given what they’re selling…which is neither sex nor dips.

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Glad to know I’m not the only one who feels this way.


I loved this review it made me laugh thanks

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Entertaining and informative review, Eric!

Your willingness to be a guinea pig for your readers is appreciated!

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I was excited for this for a second until I saw 1 the cost and 2 the fact that it said British spice. My husband is a heat seeking freak. He loves Dave’s and all of those hot sauces that have Ghost Pepper and Carolina Reaper.

I have to say your review reminded me of the joke the Chili Judge. I had to read it aloud to my husband.

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