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Looking for the latest spoiler for this box? Find it here:
We have the full details on the upcoming Target Beauty Box thanks to NouveauCheap! (Also - yay for getting a heads up for the box before the morning it goes on sale!)
The Box: September Target Beauty Box (link now just shows these six items, but should show the beauty box for sale Tuesday morning).
Sale Date: Tuesday, 9/8. Likely around 8 AM ET. (FYI - these boxes tend to sell out within the first 24 hours).
Liz is the founder of My Subscription Addiction. She's been hooked on subscription boxes since 2011 thanks to Birchbox, and she now subscribes to over 100 boxes. Her favorites include POPSUGAR Must Have, FabFitFun, and any box that features natural beauty products!
Liz is the founder of My Subscription Addiction. She's been hooked on subscription boxes since 2011 thanks to Birchbox, and she now subscribes to over 100 boxes. Her favorites include POPSUGAR Must Have, FabFitFun, and any box that features natural beauty products!
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I guess this was meant to be for me today because I’ve got curly hair and I was able to get in and purchase a box! Woo-Hoo! This is actually my 1st Target box, so I’m super stoked to try it out, though I know it will be great! I was glad to see it was just hair care, since I already get enough makeup and skin care from my other subs… but tbh, I would’ve bought it regardless!! ?
I missed this box……It is sold out, I would be willing to purchase off someone.
Finally get to buy one of these beauty boxes and ofcourse it has no make up items included. (sad face)
Went ahead and bought this morning after being on the fence. Totally forgot my daughter has curly hair (LOL) and will use several of these products. I had a gift card from the last box due to some issues so it was an easy purchase. Target wins again.
same here i just bought one also can’t wait for it!!!!! 🙂
I have already bought my Target beauty box!! $5 each with free shipping!
Hi, Everyone. It’s not even 6:00 a.m. yet and I was able to purchase my Beauty Box. It was only $5, btw.
The Target Beauty Box has been available for almost 2 hours now! I just noticed and ordered for my mom and me. But it seems to only be working on mobile version, not on Full laptop/computer websites for now. Aaaand it’s only $5 dollars plus tax and free shipping!! ? good luck everyone!
I used my desktop computer to order the BB about 30 mins. ago. I had no problems.
Awesome! I mentioned it because there was several gals from different states that couldn’t order and said it worked for them after using their mobile device. Target website seemed to have a weird glitch right at midnight and for the first hour. Cheers! 😀
think I’m skipping this months box, kinda stinks no color cosmetics included ?
is this box sold out?
No Emily, it goes on sale tomorrow, this is just a preview.
First time I’m skipping a Target box. Literally nothing I want to try in this one.
I’m so happy I took a look at this entry because I’m loving this box. I have curly hair so this box was obviously made with people like me in mind. My only concern is with Jane Carter’s Leave-In because of their history with mineral oil but a quick look at the ingredients will fix that. And if you don’t need a protein boost, be very careful with the Shea Moisture sample. I love many of their products but a lot of people with curly/kinky hair have naturally fine follicles (hence our common foes – breakage and dryness) making it easier to over-saturate our hair with protein.
P.S. – The reason I brought up protein is because there are a few in that product. I didn’t do it because SM is known for having pro-protein products; they actually aren’t.
YAY! A box for my hair type! Finally! And OMG it is priced much more reasonably than the curly hair box that Birchbox just released. 🙂 Hooray!
So excited! Finally a box for curly hair.
This box has my name on it. My hair thanks you Target!
Yay for curly hair products! I’ve gotten plenty of volumizing products that I do NOT need, so this will be a nice change! 🙂
Curly girls know, leave ins are the best way to avoid frizz. I’ve had my hair chemically straightened and so I’ve now managed to experience both. My hair straight was greasy all the time and always needed brushing and washed everyday. Curly I was weekly, never brush, and always need tons of product.
I’m torn on this box. I dislike the 1st product the Curls Creme Brulee, but since it’s only a sample I may just go ahead and get the box for the simple fact that I can try the other products and use that Curls sample on some off day.
Finally, a Target box that has curly hair products! I feel like every time I look at these boxes they’re for people with light skin and/or straight-ish hair. I keep thinking maybe they should give a skin tone option when there’s makeup, or a warm/cool color option. But I’m guessing this is just a quick sample box and they’re not going to put that much customization into it.
Finally, a box for my hair type! Yay!!
This is a curly hair gals dream box! Can’t wait! Looking forward to trying out the Aquaphor product too!
Victoria DeOrnellis
Wow, usually I’m all in on Target boxes and I don’t usually mind hair products…but I don’t do leave ins for my hair. I use conditioner in the shower as my hair is lighter with that than a leave in and easier to manage. Can’t believe I’m skipping a Target box!
First time I’ll be skipping a Target Box, this box is so ramdom that I’m actually disappointed. ?
Just as an FYI, that toothpaste gave me sores all over my mouth and tongue, check out amazon for reviews saying the same. I personally recommend staying away, of course, may not cause it on everyone!
I use and love that toothpaste so it’s definitely not everyone. Sadly it’s the only thing in this box I would actually use so I guess I’m skipping this one!
Not my kind of box but definitely products I can use to re gift for xmas boxes for my sisters so I’ll be grabbing two boxes!
By Jen
Count me among the curly headed girls excited to see this box. Normally I see hair products aimed at women with fine or straight hair, so this is a welcome change to see a whole box aimed at dry, curly hair. Bring on the conditioners!
I’m excited for it too, never enough products for curly haired people. I keep getting samples in my Birchbox for thin/fine hair when I have thick wavy to curly hair makes no sense. I’ll definitely be getting this one.
Our reviewers research, test, and recommend the best subscriptions and products independently; click to learn more about our editorial guidelines. We may receive commissions on purchases made through links on our site.
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