Comic Con Box is a new subscription box in the geek box category. Each month they send you exclusives, collectibles, comics, toys, and other geeky goodies.
This box was sent to us for reviews purposes. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes).
The Subscription Box: Comic Con Box
The Cost: $36.99 ($29.99 + $7 shipping)
The Products: Exclusives, collectibles, comics, toys, and other geeky goodies.
Ships to: US Only
Check out all of our geek subscription box reviews!
Each box comes with a card detailing the items included. (Not every item is listed, so there may be some variation in this box).
This is the underside of the box, they have a pretty big sponsor with Supergirl this month, it also included a Super girl 8x10.
Here's that 8x10!
The Nightmare Before ComicCon Shirt - Value $10?
This month's shirt is a mix between Nightmare Before Christmas and ComicCon. I'm not a big fan of Nightmare Before Christmas, so the subject is a miss for me, but I like the material of the shirt, not super thin and not super heavy - the perfect in between.
The Crow ReAction Figure - Value $9.18 on Amazon
The first item this month features one of my all-time favorite movies, The Crow! This ReAction figure is a Funko line that is a real throwback to the action figures when I was a child, so I like that aspect of the figure. But, I think I prefer a new-style action figure or POP these days.
Batman projection light - $11.99 on Amazon
This is a miniature sized pocket Batman signal! It's a fun little way to have your own Bat Signal.
Nightmare Before Christmas Mopeez: Oogie Boogie - Value $9.99
I recently got Jack Skellington in my latest Super Geek Box, so this is a nice follow up! I really like these Funko plushes and I hope to see more in future geek boxes!
Zombie Mask - Value $7.82 on Amazon
They include a zombie mask for Halloween (I got this late, but it was in time for Halloween).
Here's a look at the mask itself.
Sharknado Blu-Ray - Value $9.99 on Amazon
They also included a Blu-Ray (yes!) of the original Sharknado! This was immediately gifted to the perfect recipient who was definitely excited to own a copy.
Suicide Squad #25 - Value $3.99
This comic is a reproduction of the 1959 series, by Wizard World itself. I'll have to give this a browse to see the older Suicide Squad story style.
Here's Animal print - Value $5-10?
This print is from Jerry Pesce and depicts Animal's best Jack Torrance impression. I love this! I'm not sure why the two topics are blended together, but I love the Shining, so I'm liking this print.
Craven Forever Print - Value $5-10
I was really happy to see this final item in the box. I've been calling for Horror Block to have a We Craven call out in their boxes,so it was nice to see this tribute print to one of the best in horror, Wes Craven!
Verdict: They pack a lot of items into each Comic Con Box. This month is no exception. I love getting two different Funko lines in this box, a comic, blu-ray, and some great prints! I think this was a pretty strong entry for ComicCon Box, and the value is around $80+, which is excellent. I'm excited to see how this box grows, because it's still a bit under the radar in the geek box category - and they've had a couple of strong entries in a row. So stay tuned!
What did you think of this month's Comic Con Box?
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