Surprise My Pet is a monthly subscription box for dogs. Surprise My Pet customizes your box to your dog’s size. Choose tiny (less than 10 pounds), small (10-20 pounds), medium (20-50 pounds), or large (50+ pounds). This is a review of the “large” box (my dog, Nyx, weighs 82 pounds).
Surprise My Pet sent us this box for review purposes. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes.)
It looked like there was a lot of stuff in here!
The Subscription Box: Surprise My Pet
The Cost: $25 per month on a month-to-month plan, with better deals for longer subscriptions. Shipping is free for all plans.
The Products: 4-6 toys, treats, chews, and other goodies for dogs.
Ships to: US only
Check out lots of great boxes for dogs in the Pet Subscription Box Directory!
There was a card in the box, although it didn’t say anything about the included items. (For the record, this arrived on Halloween. So I guess the theme was timely…)
Spot Beyond Tough Bone – Value $7.99
Well, Nyx is an expert at finding the weakest point in a toy to exploit. Here, it was the black border around the bone. She had damaged it within 60 seconds and had part of it removed within 5 minutes. Granted, Nyx is the single most destructive dog I have ever had, when it comes to toys. This might last longer with other dogs.
Halloween Boingo Eyeball Toy by Vo-Toys – Value $18
This has (had) a squeaker and stretchy legs. It actually lasted Nyx a little while because the stretchy legs made it difficult for her to rip apart…
Pawsitively Gourmet Dog Cookie – Value $1.30
These are only available wholesale and/or via Amazon in bulk. I couldn’t find this exact cookie for sale except on wholesale sites (where I didn’t have access to pricing), but their prices seem to be the same for each cookie type, so I linked to another from the same manufacturer above. (They don’t actually have chicken liver in them, despite the product listing on Amazon…)
Puptato Chips (2 oz) – Value $5
These are dehydrated sweet potato chips. I’ll be passing them along to my parents’ dogs since they apparently have a little chicken liver in them, which Nyx can’t have with her IBD. They’re made in the USA, which is great.
Halloween Shirt – Value $10 (?)
I think this is a custom item because the whole “smell my what?” line was in the information card, too. Mine had a sticker that said XL, but there was no way that was big enough to put over a Rottweiler head. I don’t know that sized items belong in a dog box, especially for 50+ pound dogs. You could have a 51 pound dog or a full-grown Great Dane or St. Bernard getting that box. You’d probably be able to get the shirt on a dog in the smaller end of the size range, but it’s kind of useless for a large or giant breed.
And, I have to give a shout out to my weekend mailman, who must possess super strength and is clearly in the wrong line of work. Because he managed to shove this entire box in my mailbox, despite the fact that THE BOX IS BIGGER THAN THE MAILBOX. It took two adults (with PhDs in science fields), a butter knife, and a good 15 minutes to get the box out of there. (The mailman had to come up to the front porch anyway to deliver some Amazon packages so why he decided to do this is beyond me…)
Verdict: I calculated a value of a little over $42. That’s pretty good for a $25 box (and almost double the value if you pay for a yearly subscription). The dog shirt/costume wasn’t of a lot of use to us, and the eyeball toy seems a bit overpriced (but that’s what it was selling for online). Still, I think the variety of items was nice and they did a good job of sticking to a Halloween theme.
What do you think of the October 2015 Surprise My Pet box? Do you subscribe to any dog boxes?
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