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Bonjour Jolie Deal – $3 Coupon + Free FULL SIZE Mascara!

Liz Cadman
ByLiz CadmanJan 17, 2016 | 7 comments

bonjour jolie coupon

Bonjour Jolie
4.1 overall rating
202 Ratings | 57 Reviews

Now through January 31st (or while supplies last), use coupon code TAT2U to get $3 off your first month of Bonjour Jolie and get a free FULL SIZED Tat2U Mascara ($16 Value).

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(Subscription regular prices: $21.75 for a month-to-month subscription, $60 for a 3-month subscription, $115 for 6-months).

If you aren't familiar with Bonjour Jolie:

What is this box?

This is a Premium Monthly Subscription Box Designed Exclusively for Women to Be Pampered on Their Period!

Each Subscription Box Contains:

  • Up to 25 Feminine Items (pads, tampons, liners) you can select a full sealed box or mix and match a combo of feminine Products
  • A Hand Curated Gift
  • Specialty Bath and Body Pampering Items
  • Artisan Confections
  • Teas and Drinks
  • Feminine Wipes
  • Advil
Starting at $24.00
Subscribe Now
Bonjour Jolie is a time-of-the-month subscription box. In addition to your choice of pads/tampons, each box includes: A Special Gift, Bath and Body Pampering Items, Specialty Teas and Drinks, Artisan Confections, Feminine Wipes, and Advil. The box costs $16 a month and shipping is: $5 to the US, ... read more.
Liz Cadman
Liz Cadman
Liz is the founder of My Subscription Addiction. She's been hooked on subscription boxes since 2011 thanks to Birchbox, and she now subscribes to over 100 boxes. Her favorites include POPSUGAR Must Have, FabFitFun, and any box that features natural beauty products!

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i am a subscriber. I like the treats and convenience of the hygiene products, but agree that the jewelry is bad. I like the pampering stuff, but I think they should dump the jewelry and instead give more snacks. I like the treats, and this month had a bunch of German treats, which are fun to sample. I tend to spend $15 on products anyway, so an extra $5 for fun PMS junk food and not having to drive 40 min round trip to buy products is worth it to me. 🙂

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I unsubscribed for the same reason when we first started with them it was an exciting box to get but as the months went I was less and less impressed and originally we had gotten other things not just always costume jewelry.

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So is it just me or has Bonjour Jolie gone down in quality? For the last 3 months I’ve been really disappointed in the boxes. I love the teas, treats, feminine hygiene products, advil, all of that is great! It’s the jewelry, the pampering and other gifts that really lack. My daughter and I both subscribed and for December her necklace broke before she even got to wear it. The card said it was gold plated but didn’t look that way and no markings. I don’t mind receivingredients costume jewelry but don’t tell me it’s 18k if it’s not. And the candle holder, while cute is something totally found at dollar store and cardo says it’s worth $8. Just not impressed lately and no way to justify spending $20/month for feminine hygiene products, a few tea bags, few treats and advil. They have given cute items other times, but not this last 3 months, so sadly we cancelled. But I wondered if anyone else experienced the same?

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I subscribed last Fall–I had one box never show up and the next month’s box show up late (and I suspect that box didn’t get shipped until I contacted customer service again…). I stuck it out because I liked the items, but the end of it for me was when they sent me the wrong feminine products. Not necessarily that they sent me the wrong items, but the $4 refund made me realize just how much I was spending for jewelry/pampering I wasn’t always that interested in.

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After subbing twice for 2 people each and getting charged for postage twice at the post office and receiving only dollar store quality “extras” we were all done. Doesn’t sound like anything has changed since then. Not one jewelry item lasted more than a week. Ever. Seriously, just plain junk. Let’s be honest, the price and the extras included are primarily what differentiate one time of the month sub from another. I’d rather get fewer items and better quality than vice versa.

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I don’t subscribe, but I did get one of their one-time mystery grab bags a few months ago, and it was mostly junk. I’d thought about subscribing before that, but was not impressed.

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Sorry for my misspellings and typos, typing on phone while at work…

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