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Nomad Coffee Club Subscription Box Review – January 2016

Lindsey Morse
ByLindsey MorseFeb 3, 2016 | 3 comments


Nomad Coffee Club
5 overall rating
1 Ratings | 0 Reviews

Nomad Coffee Club seeks out the best and freshest coffee from Canadian roasters and, once per month, sends it directly to your door.


Each shipment contains 8 oz. of whole bean coffee that’s been freshly roasted in Toronto, Canada.


Nomad Coffee Club sends a new single-origin coffee every month.

Nomad Coffee Club sent me this box at no cost for review. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how My Subscription Addiction reviews boxes.)


The Subscription Box: Nomad Coffee Club

The Price: $22 CAD (At the time of writing, $22 CAD = $15.79 USD.) Note: discounts are available with longer, pre-paid subscription plans.

The Products: The best and freshest coffee from Canadian roasters.

COUPON: Save $3 with code MYSA!

Ships to: Ships free to the US and Canada.


Nomad Coffee Club included a welcome card in my box.


On the back of the card, I found information about the coffee selected for this month’s box: Ethiopian Yirgacheffee grown by the Worka Cooperative. The tasting notes told me to expect flavors of coconut milk, apricot, and peaches.


Nomad Coffee Club also included brewing instructions for this coffee.


de Mello Palheta Coffee Roasters Ethiopian Worka (8 oz.)- $12 CAD ($8.57 USD)

Oddly, there wasn’t anything in the box (or on the packaging) about the coffee’s roaster. After an online search, I believe the coffee has been roasted by Toronto’s de Mello Palheta (the packaging and description match what I received from Nomad). At first, it seemed strange that the roaster wasn’t clearly identified, but it seems like de Mello Palheta has a light hand with their branding. Photos on their website show similar coffee packs that are labeled without their logo or brand name.

Also, FYI, the cost to order and ship this coffee directly from the roaster is $21 CAD ($12 CAD for 8 oz. + $9 CAD shipping).


The bag contained 8 oz. of beans. According to Nomad Coffee, this should be enough to brew 24-32 cups.


The beans were medium roasted, and they smelled great!


I brewed them according to the provided instructions, and I was really impressed. I’m not sure that I picked up on the flavors of coconut milk, apricot, and peaches, but I loved the rich complexity. Since the single-cup tasting, I’ve been using this in my drip coffee machine every morning, and I’m seriously tempted to order some more when I run out!

The Verdict: I’m very impressed with the beans sent by Nomad Coffee Club this month. They were fresh, delicious, and roasted just the way I like them! I do think it’s a little odd that Nomad didn’t include any information about the roaster, but it seems that’s due to the way the roaster packaged the beans, and I suspect it wouldn’t be a problem with most shipments. (In my experience, roasters are usually very good about branding their coffee!) In terms of value, the cost of the beans themselves falls short of the subscription cost, but, when you take shipping into consideration, it’s pretty much a wash. As an American coffee lover, I don’t often have the chance to try beans from Canadian roasters, so I appreciate that Nomad Coffee Club picks the best coffee Toronto has to offer and sends it out to their subscribers. (With free shipping to the US, no less!)

What do you think of Nomad Coffee Club?

Starting at $19.00
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Nomad Coffee Club is for people that are starting to get serious about their coffee and want to explore more. Every month you receive a specialty coffee from a new origin and an info card that tells you where it grew, how it was processed and, most importantly, when it was roasted. The first box ... read more.
Lindsey Morse
Lindsey Morse
Lindsey is a professional baker, cold brew coffee addict, and rosé aficionado who loves writing about food and wine. When she’s not sharing her love of subscription boxes with the world, you’ll find her in the podcasting studio, perfecting her cake decorating techniques, or cursing her way through the New York Times daily crossword puzzle.

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I subscribed in December of 2016. After at least a third of my monthly deliveries not being delivered, at the beginning of November I wrote to cancel my subscription.

Many grovelling apologies, and a promise to make things right.

Since then, I’ve missed one more delivery, radio silence on “making things right” and to top it off, they’ve renewed me for another six months.

absolutely shameless

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I love Driftaway and Blue Bottle coffee subscription beans, they are better priced and faster delivery to L.A. Thanks for review.

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Nomad Coffee Club

Hi Kelly, our prices are in Canadian dollars so the prices are comparable.

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