ZChest is a subscription box filled with Zombie goodies. They send out items like zombie-related toys, shirts, and collectibles - and even items to help you prep if there ever is a zombie apocalypse.
My Subscription Addiction pays for this box. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes.)
The Subscription Box: ZChest
The Cost: $16.99 + Shipping (our shipping cost was $9.10)
ACTIVE DEAL: Save 5% off your first box
Ships to: Worldwide
The Products: Zombie products such as: toys, collectibles, movies, music, posters, hats, socks, shirts, and a slew of what ever we can uncover in the graveyard (BRAINZ!?!)
The box comes with an info sheet. This month was 'The Tech Chest'. This chest had a bunch of items related to zombie apocalypse preparation.
On the inside, the sheet details each item included.
Zombies vs Robots Shirt - Value $10?
This is an exclusive item for ZChest and asks the question, who would win the scariest battle of them all - Zombies or Robots? I think it has to be robots, right? They can't be bitten!
Hatchet Zombie Vinyl - Value $2-3?
I could only find the wholesale listing for this vinyl sticker. This is about 6 inches tall.
Zombie Mousepad - Value $10?
This is another ZChest exclusive. Featuring artwork by Bradley K McDevitt who is a veteran in the gaming industry. It's definitely a cool and unique print!
Emergency First Starter Flint Match - Value $4.46 on Amazon
This is a really cool item that I was excited for. Fill this small keychain with lighter fluid and use the mini-flint to have a match whenever needed! The light fluid is not included, so you'll need to fill it yourself. This is definitely something I'd want in a zombie apocalypse situation.
Zombie Stress Ball - Value $2-3?
This ZChest stress ball is shaped like a brain. You're gonna be stress in the zombie apocalypse. Guaranteed.
Flash Gun - Value $2-4?
I found the 8GB version of this on Amazon for around $5, so I'm guesstimating value based on that item. I like this item too! I can never have enough USB storage!
Foldable Stainless Steel Spork - Value $2.41 on Amazon
You're going to need to eat when the zombies take over as well - why not come prepared with a spoon and a fork - win!
Verdict: This is my first ZChest, and I thought it was a unique approach in the geek box genre! My first theme was centered around gearing up for the zombie apocalypse, so I'm curious to see if we'll be getting more toys/collectibles in different themed boxes moving forward. The value of the items covered the cost - but I'd love to see their shipping prices drop a bit lower and provide even more value.
What did you think of the January 2016 ZChest?
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