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ModCloth Stylish Surprise is Available Now!

Liz Cadman
ByLiz CadmanMar 28, 2016 | 37 comments

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ModCloth Stylish Surprise
4 overall rating
27 Ratings | 6 Reviews

UPDATE: This sale is back up!

ModCloth Stylish Surprise is available now!

Good to know: All Stylish Surprise items are Final Sale. These sell out VERY quickly - make sure to buy ASAP if you are interested!

More details:

Stylish Surprise - Dresses, $20, available in sizes XS-4X

Stylish Surprise - Apparel, $20, available in sizes XS-4X

Stylish Surprise - Shoes, $15, available in sizes 5.5-10


Check out our Stylish Surprise reviews to learn more about this offer from Modcloth!

Starting at $10.00
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ModCloth Stylish Surprise is a once-a-quarter mystery box. ModCloth offers their apparel, shoes, accessories and sometimes apartment items at a huge discount, but you don't know what you're going to get - you can only pick the size. This isn't a typical subscription, so if you want to make sure ... read more.
Liz Cadman
Liz Cadman
Liz is the founder of My Subscription Addiction. She's been hooked on subscription boxes since 2011 thanks to Birchbox, and she now subscribes to over 100 boxes. Her favorites include POPSUGAR Must Have, FabFitFun, and any box that features natural beauty products!

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Was just sent an email from them saying they “oversold” my stylish surprise but the shirt I ordered was sent. Not happy at all. I would have cancelled the entire order if I knew that I wouldn’t be getting the “surprise”.

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I got 2 dresses, an apparel, and one pair of shoes. Last time I got two shoes, and they sent me two identical pairs. Their CS was pretty nice about it when I complained and gave me a credit for the second pair.

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I’m gona pass this time, last time I got a dress and shoes. The dress was cute; but looks like one I already bought from Modcloth. The shoes on the other hand were hideous, compared to my first stylish surprise pair of shoes I got.

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I finally got to this in time and grabbed a dress, apparel, and shoe one. I didn’t even see the option for apartment :0 Was that listed on another page somewhere?

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Has anyone every received an “apartment” item? Can you please share what you received?

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I managed to snag two apartment items once. Both were the same very cute vase…white, bell-shaped at the bottom tapering upward, about 12 inches tall with a kind of scalloped raised pattern. They are porous, so I have to use dried or fake flowers and leaves in them. At first I was miffed I received two of the same item, but they look great at either end of my mantel. Very happy with the purchase.

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Thanks for sharing, I was very curious 🙂


I’m wondering this, too. Apartment items seem to sell out in, literally, a few seconds, so I wonder if they just have like 10 items or some other ridiculously small number. I’m super curious if anyone has ever actually received one, and what it was… If they’re not going to offer the same kind of quantities as the clothes/shoes, I almost wish they wouldn’t include the apartment category at all. I’m always so disappointed when it’s unavailable!

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I got 4 dresses, 4 apparel, and 4 shoes. There are five females in this household, so we share. 🙂 I refreshed right at noon and never saw apartment as a choice at all. I’ve never been able to get them. Oh, well. I’m excited and can’t wait for them to show up! 😀

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I did this once and it was a lessened learned! I plan on donating the items I received lol Such hit or miss, but I’d rather keep my money and see what I’m buying. Plus like someone else said, the prices keep going up!!! Got me once Modcloth but not again lol

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I got 2 dresses and apparel and a shoe! Very excited.

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Me too, exact same. 🙂 I’m hoping to get something cute. I got 5 items last year and 2 of them were perfect and I swapped the other 3.

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Just ordered one apparel item and one dress, super excited!!

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It came back online a few minutes early, before 12 EST! I happened to be on the page when a pop-up came on the screen saying shoes were back in stock. I’ve never been able to get a Stylish Surprise before because I’ve always been super unlucky on timing, or the website has crashed, or things got removed from my cart before I could finish purchasing. But this time I ordered two pairs of shoes and one apparel item. ModCloth has some amazing dresses but too many are hit-or-miss for my body type, so I didn’t want to risk getting one. I figure if the stuff I did get sucks, I can always swap/gift them. But if even one item is great, it’d be worth the $50 I spent on the whole order!

I wish they had more apartment items in stock. They’re always sold out the quickest, and that’s the category of items I know I’d never be disappointed in, because I love ALL of ModCloth’s quirky home decor stuff! Booo.

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Kimberly Melton

Gotcha, will check back at noon!

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Kimberly Melton

Says everything is sold out on mine 🙁

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I can’t believe they keep raising the prices. I want some dresses, but their sizes run strange, depending on the style. I’m usually a 14 in a dress, x large in theirs, but they are way to tight in the bust. Going to shoot for a 1 x and pray! 15.00 for the shoes, so I’m hoping for some good ones. Apparal is always a miss for me!

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I saw a blog about someone who contacted Modcloth when the dress they got was labelled the size they ordered, but did not conform to their size chart for that labelled size. They were able to exchange the dress for another one, even though the Stylish Surprise deal was sold out.

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Everything sold out already???

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Nevermind. Just read “back up at noon”. I’ll be at work so I’ll miss it anyway?

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So does this mean they are not honoring orders that got in early? They have already taken my money!

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Liz Cadman

I would think that they will honor all placed orders.

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I had items in my cart at 10 am, then they were gone. Went back in, now every single thing and size is gone? Never seen that happen before. And..it said January Stylish surprise at the top. Glitch???

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SS isn’t sold out! Modcloth CS said they realized it was leaked online too early and they shut it down until the correct time, noon Eastern.

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I thought something was wrong, lol!

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Liz Cadman

Thanks for letting us know!!

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I had stuff in my cart and then it was gone. So sad

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me too. im kinda pissed about it.

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The same thing happened to me! I was checking out and entering my info and when I clicked to load the next page, it gave me an error that everything was removed from my cart. I would think the items would be reserved at least while you were entering all your payment info! Guess not. Really bummed out. 🙁

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I’m almost glad they’ve raised their prices so much…it makes it very easy to pass on this.

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Agreed! I only ordered once and it was a big let-down (for me) anyway.

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I’ve ordered these a few times and EVERY time has been a bust for me. I’m glad they work for some people because it’s a good deal, but it’s an easy pass for me.


they keep raising the prices on these! grrrr.

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Dootsie Bug

It makes me really sad because these are SUCH a gamble. Their sizing can be a little wonky, and since these are often super-duper clearance items, they’re MORE prone to size/quality weirdness. I’ve gotten some absolutely dynamite pieces from the Stylish Surprise, but I’ve also gotten some pieces that I wouldn’t have taken for free.

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Apartment sold out almost immediately, but I did finally manage to snag a pair of shoes in my size!!! YAY! As well as an apparel item…can’t wait to get them! Thanks for posting, Liz!

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Liz Cadman

Yay! ?

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I just got 2 shoes, 2 apparel, and 2 dresses. I have totally scored with the dresses on the last 2. Shoes have done me well but I can always swap or send to ThredUp!

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