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Play! by Sephora Subscriptions Are Open to More Subscribers!

Liz Cadman
ByLiz CadmanApr 15, 2016 | 420 comments

Screen Shot 2016-04-15 at 9.31.56 AM

Play! by Sephora
3.8 overall rating
564 Ratings | 55 Reviews

Go Go Go! It looks like Sephora has opened up the waitlist for their Play! by Sephora $10 beauty subscription box! (Thanks for the head's up, Marcy!)

FYI - if it doesn't work for you, try their mobile site, mobile app, different browser and/or different email.

Once you are signed up it will feel something like this:

giphy (16)

Check out my Play! by Sephora reviews, and all of our reviews of Cheap Subscription Boxes to find more similarly priced subscription boxes!

Starting at $10.00
Subscribe Now
PLAY! by Sephora is a monthly beauty and makeup subscription box. Each month, Sephora sends you a mix of six samples (including cosmetics, haircare, skincare, fragrances, and other beauty products) personalized to match your preferences and a PLAY! BOOK of tips and tricks.
Liz Cadman
Liz Cadman
Liz is the founder of My Subscription Addiction. She's been hooked on subscription boxes since 2011 thanks to Birchbox, and she now subscribes to over 100 boxes. Her favorites include POPSUGAR Must Have, FabFitFun, and any box that features natural beauty products!

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I signed up on the 15th; does anyone know if I’ll get the April box? Or does it start with May? I thought it said April and that it’ll ship within 2 weeks but I never got anything.

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Liz Cadman

I believe your first box should be the May box.

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I am so pissed off. I go the update from subscription addiction saying the play box could be purchased, even though I had previously signed up for the waitlist and never received an email from sephora that the box was available. The site had already crashed by the time I logged on. Somehow one of my friends got a box even though she started trying after me. I then two days later received my invitation from sephora. Yet still the site was crashed. I email and it takes days for them to respond and say be patient, the site will be up soon. I call sephora and someone who speaks no English tells me I have missed out be patient. I request to speak to his supervisor and he puts me on a 10 minute hold and disconnects that call when I ask to speak to another representative. Thanks Sephora I w\have only been a beauty insider for years, but who’s counting.

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I have been coveting this box since its inception. Finally it will be mine! I’m so excited I could scream. And the May box looks WONDERFUL. I’ve been wanting that briogeo forever, but Birchbox hasn’t seen fit to bestow it to me.

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Is anyone else having serious issues getting accepted? I’ve tried 6 different emails (one of which has been on the waitlist since the beginning), 2 different computers, 2 different browsers (firefox and chrome) AND my chrome on mobile as well as the Sephora app. On one hand I am so irritated and disappointed, but on the other…I really want this box. haha ANyone have advice?

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Try logging into your Sephora account from the main Sephora page (presumably that’s the e-mail address that’s been on the wait list), then search for “play by Sephora”. Enter your e-mail address and see if that works. If you get in, you’ll probably get an e-mail inviting you later.

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Yeah, I’ve tried doing that half a dozen times. šŸ™ I’ve tried every single email I have, as well. Even my boyfriend and kids emails. LOL


Also wanted to say that I am in IA in the Omaha Metro. I just don’t know what else to do. šŸ™

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I just got accepted. Fargo, ND

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now if only they would open it up to Canadians, then I could join you guys :'(

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Angela .S

Finally!!! I have been in the wait list since it was first mentioned and last night I got right in!!! I’m so freaking excited!!!!!

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So excited I was able to sign up hopefully the May box will be just as good as the other months. I cancelled Ipsy and will probably cancel birchbox, I feel like the Sephora play box has all of the brands I hope to get from the Ipsy spoilers but don’t. I also really like that everyone gets the same box. I’m happy they finally opened this up and so many people were able to sign up !

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I posted a possible May spoiler in a thread under the April box review.

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I also really like that perfume is just an extra each month, I always hated that birchbox gave a little perfume sample in place of something else.

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I’ve tried 3 web browsers and 2 different computers. I guess I’m just not destined to get this box. I give up.

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Yay. I got my email and I signed up. Now I have to cancel my ELF box. sigh

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Victoria DeOrnellis

I *just* saw this and thought well, crap. I’m sure I missed it. Nope, I’m in!!!! Woohooo!!!

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I was so bummed. I was on the wait list for a very long time. It is not open to Canadian residents. I can have packages sent to the US as I live fairly close to the border but it wouldn’t accept my subscription since my credit card address and shipping address are different. I really hope this is offered to Canadians soon. We love Sephora here as well!!!

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I have been on the waitlist from day 1. I have gotten no emails about it, even though I am on Sephora’s regular list. Finally, through this post, I was able to subscribe! Thanks!

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i received an email to 2 of the 3 emails i had on their waitlist… i had already signed up around 1:30 est yesterday i’m in indiana… been on the waitlist forever and was ready to just give up on ever getting one…. now i’m like a little kid a week before christmas looking at it waiting for it to get here so i can tear into it lol!!!

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I’ve been on the waitlist and never received an email, but was able to get in using my home computer today and was accepted right away. Went thru the link listed in my email from My Subscription Addiction. Same for my daughter and I’m located in VA, she’s in NC.

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I’ve been trying to get this box for solo long.

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I do believe there is some sort of order to the waitlist. When I originally signed up to be waitlisted, I did it on two email accounts, and at exactly the same time today I was sent an open invitation to both accounts.

I don’t need this, but I subscribed anyway. This website is dangerous. In the past year and a half, I went from just ipsy, then added birchbox, lootcrate level up, lootcrate pets, wil wheaton quarterly, book of the month and just because it was 5$ for the first month, Squix.

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Aaaaaaaaaah, i got in!! Thank you so so so much Liz (and Marcy)! This has been the only box to induce box envy lol. I’m sooooo excited!!

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I did read on the site that each box gets shipped the third week of each month. Which makes me wonder if we are getting the April box or May box and when can we expect our first box if we just subscribed today?

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here’s a tip,
i signed up for the waitlist months ago and got nothing.
i just signed up for the waitlist again yesterday and got accepted today.
If you have been on the list for a long time with no answer, keep putting your e-mail in every few days, you might get accepted quicker.

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Yes! When I got the email I was ????

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Thanks! I’d been waitlisted for a couple of months now, but somehow I was able to get in today. It is so weird to me that some have been able to get on, while others haven’t. I hope Sephora will get it together and let everyone in soon!

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I woke up at 3:30 PM ET (post night shift) and saw an email that I was off the waitlist. Signed in. Then saw the email from MSA šŸ˜€

I can’t believe I’m finally in… GOOD BYE BirchBox and your crappy Harvey prince shit and Parlor hair spray!!!
Now just have to decide what to buy with my 30$ worth of points at the BB store. Does anyone know if the points expire after you cancel your sub with them? Would not want that to happen :O

šŸ™‚ Happy Friday everybody!

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I’m excited about the Sephora box too! I’ve also been thinking about cancelling Birchbox; haven’t been crazy about my boxes so far this year. This might be a silly idea, but now that more people can get the Sephora box, do you think Birchbox will step their game up a bit? I wonder if the added competition will spur them (and Ipsy, I guess) to get a bit more competitive with the samples they offer…

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Oh man, you are so on point!
I wish that could happen. They are really going down hill lately. I actually got a parlor spray 3 months in a row (!!) and all the samples are tiny and so underwhelming.


no they will stay and expire normally i had 2 accounts and just cancelled one last month and i still have my points…and now that i finally have play i think i am going to cancel my other birchbox!!!! their samples have been so small this year

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Thank you! I actually spent all my pints last night before I saw your reply šŸ˜›
got the lippie collection and the smashbox set


Soooo last night I cancelled Ipsy & BoxyCharm and today BOOM a email saying I am finally off the wait list! Woo-hoo! ?

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silky singhal

I got in too. Alpharetta, Georgia. In my first try!!

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