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SCRIBEdelivery Subscription Box Review + Coupon – May 2016

Celicia Gantz
ByCelicia GantzJun 7, 2016 | 8 comments


5 overall rating
2 Ratings | 0 Reviews

SCRIBEdelivery is a monthly subscription service for writing enthusiasts.  You can expect a wide selection of writing utensils, paper and tools delivered each month.  Their site says you can also expect an idea or project to put your new products to work.


This box was sent to us for review purposes. Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes.


The Subscription Box: SCRIBEdelivery

The Cost: $29/month

COUPON: Use code MAY1 to save 11% off your first box!

The Products: 7 items or more (expect one pen and notebook every month)

Ships to: US; Please contact customer support for details on worldwide orders.

Good to Know:  June’s SCRIBEdelivery Box is sold out!

Check out the Paper Subscription Box Directory and make sure to add SCRIBEdelivery to your subscription list or wishlist!



This is my first box from SCRIBEdelivery.  I have a thank you/social media card from Holly which says, “Stay Sharp!”  Thank you, Holly, I needed the motivation!  The insert paper says the theme for May is, “Pencil Month”.  I didn’t even know it was such a month for pencils.  SCRIBEdelivery partnered with CW Pencils.  It says we received a lot of products meant for everyday use, but they encourage us to try them all and tell them on social media which one was our favorite.





Maruman - Mnemosyne 194 Notebook - $7.00

I love the thick cover and bright first page.  This notebook is sized at B5 or 9.9 x 7.6 inches.  It has 80 lined pages and each page has a header template to add in the day’s date, subject title, etc.  It’s really nice and think it will work great for anyone on the go.





Write Notepads - Pocket Notebooks - $6.75

Each tiny notebook has 64 pages.  The red-clay colored notebook is lined, and the white one is blank.  Online, these sell in a three pack and the blue one is graphed.

In my opinion, I like the unlined notebook more.  My handwriting is on the large side.  Also, I found the spine on the white notebook, broke in much quicker than the red-clay notebook.  


Pentel - Hi-Polymer Eraser in Large - $1.70

I’ve never used or owned an eraser like this.  I can’t really describe the texture, but it doesn’t feel like your standard eraser.  It works really good, and I even used all over my background to lift some scuff marks from the tons of cardboard box abuse it’s seen.  

Side Note:  There are teeth marks in my eraser that obviously wasn’t there before.  No one’s owning up to it, but thankfully the eraser is too hard for tiny teeth.




Pilot - FriXion Ball Clicker Erasable Gel Pen #07 in Purple - $3.00

I totally love this pen.  I’m a big fan of gel pens especially ones that don’t smear all over the side of my palm as I’m writing. #lefthandedproblems  The struggle is real!  I’d love to have more in different colors.  Oh, and it’s erasable if you needed another reason to go buy a pack.  Why didn’t I have any erasable pens before?!  Amazing.





CW Pencils partnered with SCRIBEdelivery this May.  This pack provides subscribers with a small taste what pencils they have available in their shop.  I originally took a ton of photos, but it made the blog post incredibly long, so here’s the consolidated version of my review.


General’s - Cedar Pointe #1 Pencil - $1.00


Viking - Skoleblyanten #029 School Pencil - $1.25


Palomino - Palomino Pencil (standard) - $1.10


Apsara - Stenographer’s Pencil - $0.40


Mitsu-Bishi - Micro Graphite Pencil 9800 (standard) - $1.00


Palomino - Blackwing #602 Pencil - $1.85



I honestly would not be able to tell these pencils apart from each other if they were all labeled the same.  What I did observe is the difference in weight with each pencil and the comfort level of each barrel.  The oddest is obviously the Blackwing, all the weight is in the eraser, and you can feel it.  The most comfortable pencils were the three eraser-less, although I found the Apsara pencil harder to hold and it’s also more susceptible to roll away.  My favorite was the Mitsu-Bishi Graphite pencil.  It was easy to grip and lightweight.  It’s already found a new home at my nine-to-five work desk.




Kum - Single Wedge Pencil Sharpener - $1.50

This little guy gets the job done.  I have two sharpeners at home already, so I took it to work along with the Mitsu-Bishi pencil.  It works very well, it’s just messy without a built in cover.


VerdictSCRIBEdelivery had an estimated retail value of nearly $27.00.  Not bad at all, but it falls short of the cost of the subscription.  They are a small but growing subscription service, but I’d like to see the value come up a few notches.   I love that everything received this month is fully functional.  I would believe subscribers are building their stash of writing utensils; or would most likely gift a few items from their box each month to avoid feeling overwhelmed with pens and paper products.  This is my first box, but I can see that artists, designers, and students could benefit from this monthly subscription.

Are you subscribed to SCRIBEdelivery?  What are your thoughts on writing-based subscription services?

Starting at $29.00
Subscribe Now
SCRIBEdelivery is a monthly box of pens, notebooks, pencils, and stationery delivered to your door. Each month we send 6-7 high-quality products of varying sizes and uses.
Celicia Gantz
Celicia Gantz
Celicia was introduced to both The Honest Company and CurlKit in March 2013 and has been addicted to subscription boxes ever since. Always on the hunt for the undiscovered family staple, she loves trying new skincare, natural hair care, makeup, and finding delicious snacks with hidden veggies for her kids (and Hubby too). Favorite finds: Body Oil, Stuffed Animals, Books, non-GMO Tortilla Chips and Perfume Samples.

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Write Notepads & Co.

Really appreciate this review. It was well thought out and great pictures. I think you might be the first one to figure out breaking the spine is a good thing. Keep writing on.

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Chad Ettelbrick

Hey All. Chad from SCRIBEdelivery here.

Appreciate the review. Happy to answer any questions or provide any context you might need.

We loved putting this box together. The curated pencil collection was a fun project, and we loved giving people a great starter set of step-up pencils. With shipping included at $29, we were still happy with the value of this one.

Let me know if you have questions!

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A big part of why people take the risk to sign up for subscription boxes is because they are worth more than what they pay. So, really, we do expect better value than this.

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Chad Ettelbrick

Completely understand that and I thank you for taking the time to comment.
What I will offer is that based on our research, purchasing, and valuation, we had the value of this box at $29 before shipping. I think the review research here was top notch, and $27 seems correct at current time. Having those goods shipped to you adds additional cost which we try to account for, but we understand that Free Shipping isn’t a total value that is seen by customers, though you can see the $9+ shipping cost in the picture above. Our thought is that $29 a month is easier to understand than $23 + $6 shipping. Let me know if we’re wrong on that!
We want the experience to be great, and we want you to get amazing products from amazing companies. That’s our goal. We’re always working to improve and we’ll absolutely be working on improving value. Thanks for the comment!

Amber P

Fun fact on those Frixon pens – they erase by heat (friction, hence the name) so if you leave a notebook in a hot car or warm room the ink will disappear! Don’t fret though! If you put the notebook in the freezer the ink will reappear, haha

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Fun! Disappearing ink!

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Great detailed review! Who put the teeth marks on the eraser?

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Just want to say I totally identify with the left-handed smearing thing. Was a constant problem for me until recently (I don’t find myself writing by hand too much any more).

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