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Halo Legendary Crate Subscription Box Review + Coupon – August 2016

Eric Cadman
ByEric CadmanAug 29, 2016 | 2 comments

Halo Legendary Crate August 2016 - 1

Halo Legendary Crate
4 overall rating
1 Ratings | 0 Reviews

Halo Legendary Crate is a new crate from Loot Crate. This box focuses on the Halo gaming franchise and delivers 5-7 collectibles, apparel, and in-game contact ever two months.

My Subscription Addiction pays for this subscription. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes.)

Halo Legendary Crate August 2016 - 1-2

The Subscription Box: Halo Legendary Crate

The Cost: $34.99 + $5 S/H

The Products:

  • EXCLUSIVE Halo gear, collectibles, and in-game content
  • 5-7 items, including a new figure line made just for this crate
  • Themes based on the biggest moments in the Halo universe
  • Delivered every 2 months

Ships: Worldwide!

Check out all of my Loot Crate reviews, who is the parent company to Halo Legendary Crate. Check out all of our Geeky Subscription Boxes in the Subscription Box List. Rate, review, and follow this subscription on the Halo Legendary Crate profile page.

Halo Legendary Crate August 2016 - 16

This is the first-ever delivery of the Halo Legendary Crate. It's a bi-monthly subscription from Loot Crate, so you know what you can expect from the presentation and the types of products. One cool addition - they've created a new figure line just for this box!

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It came with a mini magazine which looks like a game manual - fun!

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Like other Loot Crate boxes, you'll find information about each item in the box along with exclusive interviews and stories.

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And don't forget to chek the back of the booklet! This is where you'll find your first piece of loot - a supply req pack for Halo 5: Guardians.

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Like all the crates from Loot Crate - you'll also receive a monthly pin. This month's pin is the Fireteam Apollo insignia.

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Spartan-IV Pullover - Value $20-25?

The wearable item in the first box is fantastic - it's a t-shirt hoodie and it's really comfortable. Being a t-shirt hoodie, it's not heavy - so don't expect to wear this in the winter, but it's comfortable to wear even in the summer. The material is light and breezy.

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On one arm is the Fireteam Apollo logo.

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I'm enjoying this hoodie quite a bit. The logo looks great as well - it's large and still a great design, even if you know nothing about Halo.

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UNSC Utility Satchel - Value $15-20?

The next item is a small, over-the-should backpack. It's a really versatile little pack, too. There are tons of pockets and loops to hang or store item with.

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The main pocket opens up and has storage for something the size of a tablet.

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It has a single shoulder strap as well.

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Here's a better look at the size of it. It's not big at all, but it's got a ton of room for storage - so it's probably useful if you have some preferred gaming gear you like to take with you.

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Halo Icons Spartan Warzone Figure - Value $25?

Next is our first look at their brand-new figure line for this crate!

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This statue comes in at 5 inches tall and about 7 inches wide. I really am loving the detail of it as well - it's a fun piece.

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It's the classic red team vs blue team - I couldn't think of a better statue for the first box.

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UNSC Data Drop - Value $5?

The next item is a fun data drop that feels like something you'd received in the game.

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Inside, you'll find your initiation papers into the Spartan army, along with your augmentation details.

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They've even included a transparent augmentation overlay.

While it doesn't add much to value - I thought this was a fun entry into the initial box, just like you're entering the program.

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Mister Chief Carabiner Plush - Value $10?

The final item is for Halo insiders. It's Mister Chief - the unofficial Halo mascot! He popped up mostly during the development of Halo 2 and 3 - so this is a fun insider item. It's got a carabiner on its head as well - so strap him to your backpack and go!

Verdict: I thought this was a perfect opening box for Halo Legendary Crate. It has value. It has items that feel like in-game pickups. It has in-game content. I think that's exactly what people are looking for. I was really happy with the box with the hoodie and figure alone - the other items are great, but it felt like icing to me after these two items. And that's a good thing - you want the hero items to be just that! I'm definitely hopeful for this crate moving forward.

What did you think of the first-ever Halo Legendary Crate?

Starting at $36.99
Subscribe Now
Join Spartan Fireteam Apollo with the Halo Legendary Crate: a mystery subscription service delivering 5-7 EXCLUSIVE collectibles from the biggest moments in the Halo universe, including a new figure line made just for this crate, apparel, in-game content and other UNSC-approved loot, every 2 months.
Eric Cadman
Eric Cadman
Eric is the co-founder of My Subscription Addiction. He's been hooked on geek subscription boxes since 2012 thanks to Loot Crate and Nerd Block. Geek boxes sparked his desire for collecting Funko Pops and comic book statues!

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Hi! Great review.

Sadly, they don’t send the crate to my country (Brazil), but I found a way to get one. Unfortunately, it increased the price a lot for me.

Could you please, tell what kind of req packs we get from the given code? It comes with exclusive armor or weapons skins?


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Sorry for the late reply – Here’s the text from the redemption: “Contains an exclusive in-game emblem, 3 permanent unlocks, (if available) and an array of Uncommon to Legendary REQs.”

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