Unboxing the Bizarre is a subscription box that helps you celebrate the wild and wacky holidays that never get the attention they deserve! Your monthly box will include items for the following month's holidays. This is so much fun!
This month, Unboxing the Bizarre let me know that they did send their boxes out on time to regular subscribers, but they couldn't send out any boxes for review until later due to a product shortage.
This box was sent to us for review purposes. (Check out our review process post to learn more about how we review boxes.)
The Subscription Box: Unboxing the Bizarre
The Cost: $34.95 a month + free shipping for the Collectors Series Box, or $39.95 + 8.99 shipping = $48.94 for the Original Standard Holiday Box
COUPON: Use code MM2016 to save 15% off a 3, 6, or 12 month subscription!
The Products: Items to help you celebrate an eclectic array of monthly holidays! The standard holiday box also contains one additional item celebrating a traditional holiday.
Ships to: US, and website says to contact them for overseas inquiries
Check out all of our Unboxing the Bizarre reviews and the Subscription Box Directory!
Keep Track of Your Subscriptions: Add this box to your subscription list or wishlist!
This is a review of the Collectors Series Box.
These are the holidays we are celebrating this month with Unboxing the Bizarre:
July 13 - Embrace Your Geekiness Day
July 23 - National Day of the Cowboy
July 27 - Take Your Houseplant for a Walk Day
June 31 - Uncommon Instrument Awareness Day
Wow! Those are certainly obscure holidays!
The reverse side of each holiday card has some information on the item they sent for that holiday, some trivia about the holiday, and some suggestions for celebrating.
Star Trek Community Watch Tin Sign - Value $5.99
This sign totally made my inner geek squeal with delight! How cute! I wonder if it would rust if I put it outside?
Cowboy Night Light - Value $24.89
What a nostalgic little night light! This is so sweet looking. Even though it doesn't match our decor at all, I had to put this in the boys' room.
Patriotic Boot Vase - Value $26.89
Although I don't personally like this vase very much, I have to admit, there's probably nothing better Unboxing the Bizarre could have sent for Take Your Houseplant for a Walk Day. How funny! This is a seriously heavy vase; I didn't even know what it was at first. It could be used for a lot of different things. For me, though, this feels like a great gift for one of those situations where I have to give a gift to someone I don't know very well.
Westland Giftware Street Organ Monkey Music Box - Value $34.99
I was super excited to see that one of this month's holidays was Uncommon Instrument Awareness Day! Which is why I was kind of disappointed by this gift selection. There are literally thousands of obscure musical instruments worldwide that are very inexpensive. Why not send one of those? This little monkey is cute, but I think they could have done better.
Verdict: July's Unboxing the Bizarre was not my favorite month, personally, but I think they are consistently putting together thoughtful, well curated boxes. The types of things they send are such a delightful surprise! The value this month totals about $93, which is super for a $49 box! I hope next month's box has items that are more to my liking, but I know whatever they send will be bizarre!
What do you think about Unboxing the Bizarre?
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