CAUSEBOX is a quarterly subscription box that features brands and items dedicated to doing good all over the world. Many featured brands donate a portion of proceeds to charities and/or may employ local artisans, use ethically-sourced goods, etc.
This box was sent to us at no cost for review. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes.)
The Subscription Box: CAUSEBOX
The Cost: $54.95 on a quarterly basis, or $49.95 per box with an annual subscription
COUPON: Use coupon code FALL10 to save $10 off your first box!
The Products: At least $150 worth of products for women from Sevenly’s favorite socially-conscious brands.
Ships to: US
Check out all our CAUSEBOX reviews other great lifestyle boxes in the Lifestyle Subscription Box Directory!
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The box came with this full-color brochure featuring more information about the items and brands included in the box.
This adds so much to the subscription for me - it's great to read the stories and inspirations behind each product in the box.
This box also came with a "Good Deals" booklet with coupons for Lucky Iron Fish and Umano:
Now, onto the items!
Urbana Sacs Creative Sac - Value $10
This moldable container is made from a sustainable lightweight textile "made with a variety of virgin pulp fiber blends and recycled felt."
This "paper" has a sturdy canvas feel and it is actually washable like regular fabric.
I think it would be great for desk storage, or for a succulent planter!
Hobbs Tea Tea Traveler Set - Value $24
This set includes:
- Rooibos: clarify · caffeine-free
- Sencha green: uplift · medium caffeine
- Silver tip white: rejuvenate · low caffeine
- Yerba mate: conquer · high caffeine
- Mint oolong: cleanse · medium caffeine
At first, I thought $24 for 5 tea bags was a really high price (it still is), but then I read more about the tea so that I understand the pricing!
This tea itself is organic, and the packing and processing are equally important. These tea bags are free from GMOs, gluten, pesticides, preservatives, bleach, nylon, plastic and metal.
And each tea bag has more than twice the tea as your typical tea bag, so you can re-brew 2-7 cups of tea with the same bag.
The first blend I tried was the Rooibos, and the flavor was fantastic. (It better be at $4.80 a tea bag!)
GRAMR Gratitude Co. Thank You Cards (6 pack) - Value $18?
This grey and blue card set is a watercolor print with gold foil text - perfection!
GRAMR is now a part of the CAUSEBOX family. Their mission is to "encourage more grateful living - by creating beautiful thank you cards, and encouraging intentional action."
I like the idea of taking the time to think of something you are grateful for and writing a thank you note, instead of just writing a thank you note when I receive a gift. I'm going to make it my mission to write thank you's to six people in October!
Dogeared Balance Necklace - Value $50?
I couldn't find this exact necklace on the Dogeared site, but I'm assuming it's about the same pricepoint as the other balance necklaces.
It's a delicate gold chain with a tiny gold tube piece.
The necklace measures 16 inches - it's on the shorter side. I love delicate gold jewelry, so this is perfect for me, and I think it would look lovely with a few other layered necklaces, too.
Find The Good Print of the Season by Jenessa Wait - Value $10?
For each box, CAUSEBOX now includes an exclusive, inspiring print.
This print measures 5 by 7 inches, and it features rose gold foil on a periwinkle background.
Lucky Iron Fish - Value $25
This Iron Fish is a cast iron cooking tool that has "been shown to substantially reduce instances of iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia." (It measures about 3 inches in length.)
To use it, first, clean it with soap and water. Then add it to water with citrus juice added and boil for 10 minutes. Last, remove the Lucky Iron Fish and add your ingredients to the boiling water!
How did I not know this item existed? Both myself and my husband need more iron in our diets, so I'm going to start cooking with this every day!
And speaking of cooking... the last item in the box:
Liz Alig Apron - Value $40
This apron is made from upcycled button down shirts.
It is sewn by a women's cooperative in the plateau of Haiti - a very rural village where the production of Liz Alig clothing provides a much needed source of income for families that have little opportunities in this very remote part of Haiti. Because it is made from recycled materials it will be 100% unique!
It has a ruffled hem, side pocket, and additional ruffles on the bib. It was a little too big to fit in the photo, so here it is on instead:
Verdict: I calculated a value of about $177. I think that value is fantastic for a subscription that works with fair-trade companies! I had to estimate values on a few items so that $177 number could be a little off, but it's definitely worth the $54.95 cost to me (or $44.95 with the FALL10 coupon).
What do you think of the Fall 2016 CAUSEBOX? (FYI - this box is still available if you subscribe now!)
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