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Serendipity by LLB Subscriptions – Available Now!

Liz Cadman
ByLiz CadmanSep 12, 2016 | 10 comments

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Serendipity by LLB
3 overall rating
1 Ratings | 0 Reviews

FYI - Serendipity by LLB subscriptions are on sale now. The subscription is now $12.99 a box, and it ships every other month. You can get a 12-month (6 box) subscription for $59.94.

Check out our Serendipity reviews to learn more about this subscription and check out our reviews of Little Lace Box and the comments on those reviews to learn more about this subscription box.

FYI – if you aren’t familiar with this subscription, make sure to check out our LLB reviews and comments on those reviews.

Starting at $9.99
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Serendipity by LLB will include five to seven sample size (sometimes full-size) items that don’t have any theme attached at all, just great little finds that we wanted to share with all of you. In fact, the collection may even seem a little quirky at times, but that’s the nature of true serendipity... read more.
Liz Cadman
Liz Cadman
Liz is the founder of My Subscription Addiction. She's been hooked on subscription boxes since 2011 thanks to Birchbox, and she now subscribes to over 100 boxes. Her favorites include POPSUGAR Must Have, FabFitFun, and any box that features natural beauty products!

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Nance rogers

Is the illustration the actual contents?

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No, those are just items from previous boxes! They haven’t released any spoilers for the September box yet!

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nancy garza

Finally got a subscription …looking forward to receiving a little something different other than my beauty boxes !!! Hoping the November box is awesome !!!!

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Love love love this sub, it’s just so charming, and I feel like even if there’s items you personally wont use everything makes great gifts.

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This is my favorite sub ever. I use virtually everything I’ve received in the last two boxes on a regular basis. They seem to feature a lot of goods that are practical yet a little luxurious.

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Even though you never know what you might get, this is rapidly becoming my favorite box! The first one was a complete bust for me, not one thing I could use, but the second one was so good that it made the whole year sub golden for me! Can’t wait to see what’s next! ❤

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Does anyone know why it only let’s you purchase the 6 month plan?

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You actually can purchase the (bi) monthly plan for 12.99. It’s just a little more difficult to find on the site. I believe to find it you click the link provided above, select home, pick your plan, choose serendipity and it gives you the serendipity options. ?

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It ships every other month so the 6-month is the year plan.

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So I finally did it! I’ve been getting Little Lace Box for a while now and I love it. Im locked into the old pricing for it so I justified the annual subscription for Serendipity that way! To note: when you check out, you have to acknowledge that your subscription will start with November, so no September 🙁 BUT it says that the theme for November is “the most wonderful time of the year” which does excite me! No more FOMO for me!!

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