Spiffster is a monthly subscription service aimed at helping you build your tie collection. Each month, you'll get one new handcrafted tie picked out based on preferences you choose when you sign up. You can change your preferences after you receive your first tie if you'd like. Just email the company.
This box was sent to us at no cost for review. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes.)
The Subscription Box: Spiffster Club
The Cost: $8.95 per monthly box + shipping. You can also choose from a 3 Month Prepay plan for $24.95 ($8.32 per box), or a 6 Month Prepay plan for $46.95 ($7.83 per box).
The Products: Handcrafted neckties.
Ships to: Worldwide. Shipping rates apply.
Check out the Men's Subscription Box Directory and make sure to add Spiffster Club to your subscription list or wishlist!
The necktie is the only actual item in the box, but you also get this info sheet, which has tie-tying instructions, links to interesting info and services, gentlemanly tips, and even brain teasers. It's interesting to see something like this in physical form, these days. The links especially feel like they should be in a digital newsletter (are people really going to type them in?) but I appreciate the effort of putting more personality into the box.
Of course, the focal point of the box is this tie, which has a linen-like texture and weight to it. The cool green, blue, and aqua look fresh and classy to me.
The quality is nice. The fabric is crisp, and I didn't spot any stray threads or anything. The tie itself is on the skinnier side, which I like, whether I'm wearing one myself or picking one out for the B.F.
My one concern is that the tie skews kind of summery for being an October pick. To make it work in my midwest fall weather, it'll take a big cozy cardigan and maybe some corduroys.
Verdict: I liked this month's Spiffster tie, especially for the cost. The subscription is only $8.95 plus shipping, and most similar ties I found were worth about $19.00 or more. If your shipping costs are super high, then this probably isn't the most cost-effective subscription for you. But if you're looking to expand your tie collection with some more unexpected styles, Spiffster might be just your thing.
What did you think of this month's Spiffster tie?
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