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Smile Create Repeat Subscription Box Review – October 2016

Anna Rodriguez
ByAnna RodriguezNov 29, 2016 | 2 comments


Smile Create Repeat
0 overall rating
0 Ratings | 1 Reviews

Smile Create Repeat is a monthly subscription box filled with mystery art supplies for adults and children of all ages. Suggestions for a project and how one might use the supplies are also included!


This box was sent to us at no cost to review. (Check out our review process post to learn more about how we review boxes.)


The Subscription Box: Smile Create Repeat

The Cost: $20 a month

The Products: "5 or more quality art supplies chosen and tested by artists, our creativity card lesson, and additional surprises"

Ships to: U.S.

Good to know: Smile Create Repeat has a limited quantity Deluxe Holiday Sketch Box shipping 12/14 for holiday delivery. This is a one-time box or gift for $60 and not part of the monthly subscription.

Check out all of our Smile Create Repeat reviews and the DIY + Crafting Subscription Box Directory!

Keep Track of Your Subscriptions: Add this box to your subscription list or wishlist!



This was the information sheet that was included. It lists the supplies with brief descriptions, and it has instructions on how to make a suggested project. It also has information about their monthly contest.


The winner of Smile Create Repeat's monthly contest gets his or her creation printed on a postcard and sent to subscribers in the next month's box. This was the postcard for this month. Pretty!


This promotional card was also included.


These are the supplies that were included this month. Please note that these are list prices. These items can likely be found for less at discount art supply websites.

Prismacolor Premier Illustration Brush Marker - Value $3.79

Sakura Pigma Micron Pen - Value $3.29

Winsor & Newton Brush Marker - Value $4.99

Staedtler Triplus Fineliner Pen - Value $1.70

Sakura Gelly Roll Pen - Value $1.49 (on sale for $0.89)

Borden & Riley #125 Marker Paper - Value $1?

My husband absolutely loved these supplies! He has never used brush tip markers before and they were a huge hit with him. They were super helpful and easy to use.


This is my husband's completed drawing. It turned out pretty good, I think! He said he "mostly" followed the instructions, but did a design that was completely his own. I'm a big fan of his work, so it's hard for me to be objective!

Regarding the supplies, my husband actually used the word "LOVE" when describing them! He has never used a brush-tipped marker before, and he found it really useful.

Verdict: My husband had a grat time with this box, and he felt like the supplies were good quality. He is glad to have them! I think his drawing turned out good, too. The value of everything this month totals $16.26, which is short of the $20 box price, but that's typical with fine arts boxes. The value is really more in discovering new supplies, plus the value of the sourcing, instructions, and supplemental materials.

What do you think of Smile Create Repeat?

Starting at $25.00
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Smile Create Repeat is a monthly art subscription box. Each month in your themed Smile Create Repeat box, you will receive 5+ quality art supplies chosen and tested by artists-illustrators, a creativity card, and additional surprises, delivered right to your door.
Anna Rodriguez
Anna Rodriguez
Anna has been a fan of subscription boxes since joining Birchbox in 2013, but didn't become a true addict until discovering subscriptions she could share with her children. Her favorites include Kiwi Crate and Fab Kids.

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Your husband did a great job! He is an artist for sure:) Value does not seem to be in this subscription for where I live. I have SO many stores within a couple miles. This would be better for someone that lives in a more rural area.

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Thank you Katie! And that’s a good point.

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