Pet GiftBox is a monthly subscription with themed treats and toys for your dog or cat.
This box was sent to us at no cost for review. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes.)
This review is of the Pet GiftBox for Cats, $28.99 a month, box.
The Subscription Box: Pet GiftBox
The Cost: $28.99 a month (save with longer subscriptions)
COUPON: Save 50% off your first box with code MSA50
The Products: Toys and treats curated according to a monthly theme
Ships to: US (free)
Check out all of our Pet GiftBox reviews and lots of great boxes for cats in the Pet Subscription Box Directory!
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The box came with this information card. This month had a holiday theme (it came before Christmas, I’m just a little late with the review).
Catnip Garden Catnip Bubbles (5 fl oz) – Value $4.99
I was happy to see these (even though I already have a ton) as I have had some worries about Mr. Kitty’s vision lately and these gave me a chance to test it out. (He goes to the veterinary ophthalmologist every couple of weeks but you can’t really ask a cat to read an eye chart.) Mr. Kitty has enjoyed smacking bubbles for many years now. The other cats have learned to stay out of the way.
Pet Gift Box Pawprint Keepsake – Listed Value $7.99
Since this is Pet Gift Box branded, of course I couldn’t find it online, but there are a lot of similar items out there for similar (or sometimes higher) prices. My cats don’t like to have their paws handled at all so I may pass this on to someone else. I think it would work better for a small dog.
Multipet Holiday Katz Kuddlerz – Value $9.98
This is, quite possibly, the biggest “kicker” type toy we’ve ever received. Sneaky was intrigued but this scared the heck out of Madison for some reason (not sure if it was the size or the crinkle sound – Madison is a bit skittish in the first place).
Mulipet Holiday Mitten – Value $3.04
This was more Madison’s style. Small catnip toys are usually a good bet with my crew.
Spot Holiday Pets Catnip Toy Wooly Worm – Value $2.49
My cats like the yarn hair on these guys the best. (If your cat eats yarn, hair elastics, and other stringy things – cough, cough, Monkey – it is best to let him/her play with it while supervised.)
Kitty photos below!
Madison with the mitten. He was TERRIFIED of the kicker and there were no treats in this box, so he was a bit of a challenge this month.
Monkey was a little worn out. I’d just photographed four cat boxes in a row. (These things always come in clusters.)
Sneaky investigates the toys from the box. She showed more interest in the kicker than she usually does in similar toys.
And I saved the best for last. The BUBBLE SLAYER is back. These photos seriously made me happy. I am pretty sure Mr. Kitty is completely blind in his left eye and I think he has some vision loss in his right eye, so I am happy when he reacts to anything visual at all.
Verdict: I calculated a value of about $28.49 for the December Pet GiftBox for cats. I am pretty sure that some of the holiday-themed items were on sale since I wrote this review after Christmas, so the actual value is probably somewhat higher. You come pretty close to breaking even with the cost of the box here, I think, and I know that Pet Gift Box offers sales and coupons fairly regularly, making this a better deal. My favorite item was the bubbles and my cats were pretty interested in the toys, so I’m happy.
What do you think of the December Pet GiftBox? Do you subscribe to any dog or cat boxes?
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