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Peaches And Petals Box Review + Coupon – February 2017


Peaches & Petals
3.7 overall rating
38 Ratings | 11 Reviews

Peaches and Petals is an inexpensive monthly lifestyle box for women. Each package is curated around a theme and promises interesting products.


This box was sent to us for review purposes. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes).


The Subscription Box: Peaches and Petals

The Cost: $19.99/month with free shipping

ACTIVE DEAL: 10% off of your first month-to-month box (Peach10%) or Add a bonus vintage-inspired leather wrap watch in your first box (PEACHWATCH)

The Products: Five lifestyle items for women curated around a theme

Ships to: U.S.

Check out all of our Peaches and Petals reviews and the Women's Subscription Box Directory!

Keep Track of Your Subscriptions: Add this box to your subscription list or wishlist!


This is the info card for this month, detailing the package contents. This month's theme is "Made with Love."


Peaches and Petals has a monthly giveaway for subscribers who share their box on social media. This month they are giving away this Crimson Heart Umbrella! Cute!


This coupon for Hello Fresh was also included.



Wilton Heart Cookie Pop Pan - Value $5.35

This aluminum pan is so cute! The hearts seem pretty big for cake pops, but I guess bigger could be kind of awesome, too. The problem is that I just don't bake! I'm terrible at it. My nine-year-old LOVES cake pops. Would it be completely shifty if I gave this to my mom in hopes she would bake my son some cake pops?


Enormous Bath Bomb - Value $5?

This bath bomb smelled amazing! Sadly, I did not have time for a bath this week (I mean, you know, I showered instead), so I let my little one use it in his bath. The kids are obsessed with bath bombs.


Take a Pizza My Heart Coasters - Value $10?

What cute coasters! They have a cork backing, too. I don't know if I will use them, though. They are not really my style, so I will probably gift them.



Sprigs Hot Collars - Value $18.95

What a neat idea! This is basically a fleece scarf that fits kind of snugly around the neck and can be unzipped into a collar. Alas, I think the season for wearing this is over here in Georgia. Next year!




Look Good, Feel Good: 206 Beauty and Fitness Secrets by Mariah Bear - Value $25

This book actually looks really interesting! I have leafed through it and already marked a few things I would like to try. I am impressed to get such a valuable item in this box! From Amazon:

A contemporary, beautiful, and best of all, highly practical guide to the whole world of beauty, fitness, and relaxation for women of all ages. Created in the basic style of our best-selling manual series (lead title, The Total Outdoorsman, with over 200,000 copies in print), but designed with a lush, feminine touch this book highlights quick, easy ways to health and beauty.

In todayís busy world, everyoneís looking for quick, easy, affordable ways to bring a little luxury and pampering into their lives. This book delivers on that promise, with hundreds of wellness and beauty treatments, from simple home beauty treatments to sensual massage techniques to easy-to-do meditation and breathing exercises.

Verdict: I am really enjoying my subscription to Peaches and Petals! This month's package had an interesting mix of hits and misses for me, personally, but I still think it was a nice box overall. This month's value comes to around $64, which is great for a $20 box! I think Peaches and Petals is a really great way to treat yourself to a lifestyle box on a budget.

What do you think of Peaches and Petals?

Starting at $20.00
Active Deal
10% off of your first month-to-month box (Peach10%) or Add a bonus vintage-inspired leather wrap watch in your first box (PEACHWATCH)
Use Coupon Code Peach10% or PEACHWATCH
Subscribe Now
Experience Peaches & Petals' world of fun, flirty and fashionable vintage-modern lifestyle in a hand-curated box delivered to you each month. Peaches & Petals' love for fabulously flattering fashionable jewelry and accessories define the style, but they also love a variety of beauty samples ... read more.
Anna Rodriguez
Anna Rodriguez
Anna has been a fan of subscription boxes since joining Birchbox in 2013, but didn't become a true addict until discovering subscriptions she could share with her children. Her favorites include Kiwi Crate and Fab Kids.

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Anna. I love your reviews. You do you and ignore the mean girls. If people can’t see these products and come to their own conclusion, that’s on them.

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Did Peaches and Petals stop sending these to MSA? I miss the reviews!

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Liz F.

I’ve been a subscriber of Peaches and Petals since summer 2016. I have to admit that the last few boxes (Dec – Feb) have not been as great. I really do love this box and I keep telling myself maybe next month will be great. I will keep the subscription because I have received some cool items I truly enjoy. Plus it’s only $20 a month. Whatever I don’t use I re gift during the holidays. If you are considering subscribing I would suggest searching for reviews on other sites as well, maybe even instagram posts to make your decision.

This website is always my first stop when looking for reviews. They are really good at giving us a full scope of what each box contains. They do a great job.

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I’m honestly blown away at how rude a lot of people have been on this post. bunch of junior high girls bullying, are you guys PAYING the reviewers here? cause it sure sounds like it. I honestly thought this box was cute (before reading any responses). The curation seems a little weird to me, feels kind of like that value box of mystery items just less random. I literally combed through the comments with my mouth hanging open, if you don’t like the box and you’re not a fan of the reviewer you can literally just not click on the link? Anyways, I think the cake pan, coasters and bath balm are great. I’m from Canada so the scarf thing honestly looks like heaven in winter. The book thing, meh, but you cant like it all. Thanks for taking the time on this review Anna, I definitely feel like you provided more then enough information and thought for me to make my own opinions of the items!

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Bring back Haley Faye! She used to review this box and she gave it honest constructive criticism. Bring her back please! I actually trust her opinion!

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I cant begin to describe how insulting that is for the wonderful person that took the time to do this review. So rude.

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Truth hurts…the March box still hasn’t even arrived for most March subscribers. Worst subscription box company I’ve ever seen, and I’ve purchased many over the years


These comments are hilarious!!! LOL
I never really noticed that this box is always sent free.
I lasted 2 months before I dumped this one. No regrets.

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I’m in agreement with the others that this box is a bunch of crap sent monthly for my hard-earned 20 dollars. I’ve noticed this with many of the reviews lately. Be honest, oh that’s right, it was free to you. I think the reviews would be a lot different if the reviewers had to pay their hard-earned cash. Then the readers here would see honest, to goodness reviews.

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Some people are easier to please than others, I guess. Lol…Some people love to shop at the Dollar Store!

I would love to see Regan review this box. She seems to be a little more perceptive (still without negativity) on these reviews.

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I don’t mind shopping at a dollar store. But if I spend $20 at one, it’s for 20 items!

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I really like this website, it is awesome…thank goodness there are pictures and we can form our own opinions. I just find it hard to believe that someone would not be disgusted by this lame box.. people read these reviews to get good advice on which boxes to subscribe to and which boxes are a rip off… I mean if this box isnt a rip off then what is??? Just sayin..

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Does Anna even read these comments? No matter what crap products this company sends her for free to review, she basically raves about them. It’s discrediting to MSA to give fake feedback. If she actually paid $20 for this crap I doubt she would praise each product.

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I am so glad I cancelled this box after one month. I had high hopes! I would rather just spend my money on boxes that are going to send me quality stuff.. like my beloved Pusheen! Its better to go ahead and spend a little more to get nice stuff then to get a box of junk that you willl never use each month. This box was sad! That collar?? Are you kidding me?? And that book.. google beauty secrets duh! LOL no thanks

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I think that my problem is that this box is clearly curated from aliexpress. A wholesale Chinese website where you can buy items for $1 or less. If you look at the “preview” pictures they use or the spoiler items, they are the EXACT images pulled from Aliexpress. After the “Dogeared scandal”–and yes, that fake item is also available on Chinese wholesale websites–I’m done with P&P. Their shipping issues I’ll save for another day.

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Exactly. Which in and of itself is OK. It’s the discrepancy between contents and marketing that get me. If the P&P description was “a surprise assortment of quirky, cute, and useful bargain items” instead of “fun, flirty and fashionable vintage-modern lifestyle items” and was priced at $5-$10 rather than $20, then this would be a fine subscription for what it is. Can you imagine if Dollar Tree kept its current inventory, but changed its name to “Cherries and Lace,” upped the retail price 1500%, and described its merchandise as “chic, elegant, and exotic boutique items”?

I don’t have a problem with the reviewer, per se, but it’s reviews like this one that contribute to my increasing skepticism that these reviews are 100% honest anyway. Keeping the reviews overwhelmingly “positive” is better for business though – it makes us more likely to want to purchase the boxes, and so that probably won’t change.

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Wow people feeling snarky today?

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It has nothing to do with snark, if you enjoy being conned out of money that’s your problem but a large popular blog that continually fails to actually research an honest cost estimate does a disservice to its readership.

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I agree 100 percent with you.


nah, I’m like this everyday.

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😂 #snarklife


I know right?!? I actually really enjoyed this month. Especially the book and the coasters. The fleece collar is too late for me this year, but I already have one that I’ve used a lot in the past and really like it. I’m not sure what I’m missing with all the hate toward this month, but it’s been one of my favorites.

(I enjoy your reviews Anna. When you like something, you say so. When you don’t like something, you say so. So many reviews I read on boxes are inherently negative right off the bat. I more than appreciate yours. While still honest, you see to be a more positive and down to earth person. I can relate. Just thought I would say that.)

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I didn’t like this box from their very first one when they included out of date lotion and eyeshadows. The eyeshadow container was even sticky and covered in lint. I got another box and the jewelry looked like it came out of a gumball machine. I did like the look of a globe necklace from a later box after I unsubscribed so I looked it up on ebay. $1.

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I had this box for a couple months when they had cute package and decent curations, but traded them for popsugar. ..Thank god! This is trash! Who could you even “gift” this to lol

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The way Anna reviews this box makes me not trust her opinion at all on any other boxes. u can NOT be that excited about spending $20 on 4-5 dollar tree items. I mean, come on……

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You should see her reviews of that frozen food subscription.

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I was thinking exactly this! I get that everyone has different tastes, but there’s still such a thing as objective reality. The cheap fleece collar at the end of the winter season for $19 gets “What a neat idea!” Seriously?

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She didn’t spend anything on it… It was sent free — “for review purposes…” I notice that 99.9% of the time, when a blogger receives a box for free, nothing negative is EVER said in the review, even though it’s a box of dog poop. This is a perfect example, even though they claim their opinions are 100% honest… (rolling eyes)

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U forgot to mention how this piece of crap subscription wasn’t even delivered in the month that u paid for it. It didn’t come til March 🙄

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Nancy M.

I’m pretty sure that the payment for this Feb. Box was taken out in mid-January. The March Box payment was charged in mid Feb. P&P has changed their shipping method– instead of 3 separate shipping “waves” they now send all around mid month. I actually received this Feb. Box on 3/1.

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If they are going to send a February box, it needs to get to the person in February. Not March 2nd or 3rd like most of the boxes came. That’s freaking ridiculous


Nothing says “fashionable” and “flirty” like a zippable fleece collar.

I get that various items appeal differently to people, but I do not see how this box embodies P&P’s description of itself as “fun, flirty, and fashionable vintage-modern lifestyle items.” That description is utterly divorced from the reality of the box contents over the last several months.

That, and $20 a month is 3x too high a price point for what’s delivered.

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i am so with ya on that. Besides the book it sorta looks like dollar tree or family dollar items. They don’t send their stuff in a box thats has their name on anymore either. I love the surprise of any box and i also like that there won’t be any spoilers to tempt me too look either. A few months ago this box was mostly girly things but now it sems like the rest of their boxes….

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And the winner of the “Best Monthly Sub of Dollar Store Junk to Waste Your Money On” goes to…

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Rhonda Z

👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼 I’m stuck getting another because they billed me for a second one before I even got this awful one!! Complete waste of money!! 😡

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Drumroll….Peaches & Petals

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Pretty generous price estimate for the post Valentine’s Day / winter clearance at Walgreens. Another good review for a box of garbage.

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