Arcade Block has now officially changed over to Gamer Block and split into two subscriptions: Gamer Block: E For Everyone and Gamer Block: M For Mature. Each will send items targeting the different types of gamer!
This box was sent to us for review purposes. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes).
The Subscription Box: Gamer Block: E For Everyone
The Cost: $19.99 plus shipping ($9.50 shipping to the US)
The Products: Gamer E for Everyone Block brings you feature brands suited for the whole family. You’ll receive 4-6 fun collectibles & one exclusive T-shirt. Switch, pause or cancel at anytime.
Ships to: Worldwide!
Check out all of my old Arcade Block reviews to get more information on the original subscription. Check out all of our Geeky Subscription Boxes in the Subscription Box List. Rate, review, and follow this subscription on the Gamer Block: E For Everyone profile page.
You'll typically know at least 3 of the franchises featured before your box ships.
The E For Everyone Block features brands and games suited for the whole family, while the M For Mature Block includes items and collectibles for an older audience.
You'll get a magazine that shows off all of the items in the box along with interviews and stories.
Ghostly High Score Shirt - Value $15
This month's exclusive shirt shows off some retro ghosts telling Mario and Pac-Man spooky stories.
The Ghostvacuum 5000 Pin - Value $5?
This month comes with a pin, and while they don't explicitly say it, you can pretty much expect a pin each month. This pin features the Poltergust 5000 from Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon!
Super Mario Multi Tool - Value $9 on Amazon
It comes with a Mario Multi-tool!
Easily pop this on your keychain with the tool hidden.
Pull out the multitool when you need a bottle opener or screwdriver. I like the design a lot - it's my favorite item in this month's box for sure!
Five Night's At Freddy's Socks - Value $8-10?
You'll get an exclusive pair of Five Nights At Freddy's socks.
The design shows off Freddy. They're basic socks, without any extra heel or toe padding - but I'm wearing them right now and they are warm and comfortable.
Hype I-FX Virtual Reality Headset - Value $10? (I'm linking to the newer model)
You'll get a VR Headset from Hype.
They'll work with almost any phone - and they fit an iPhone Plus!
I downloaded a VR roller coaster on my phone to try these out. It works well, with two issues - the phone slides off of the suction cups within a minute of use and the nose piece is hard plastic - so it really digs in a hurts to wear - not great.
Steredenn Steam Game - Value $12.99
Each month now includes a Steam game - which I love! This month's game is Steredenn:
It really plays off of the classic side scrolling shooter game style - and has the graphics to boot. It's a blast.
They're delivered in a box that will probably bring back memories for Super Nintendo gamers!
Inside, you'll get a card with an activation code - you'll sign in, or sign up, for Steam and activate the code - that's it!
Verdict: The new format of Gamer Block has been awesome so far. The addition of Steam games in every box really ups the value for me, because I'm always ready to try out a new game. They've been better at curating better products in their blocks this year as well, so it's looking to be a good 2017 for Nerd Block!
What do you think of the new Gamer Block: E For Everyone box?
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