On March 27th, we posted about Little Lace Box canceling all subscriptions. It has now been a month. If you haven't received a refund for your subscription, I recommend reaching out to your bank. If you purchased a Little Lace Box subscription through Gilt City, I recommend reaching out to Gilt City for a refund.
Reminder: Little Lace Box + Serendipity Cancellations
Man…really miss this subscription…I too still use many of the items I received from their creative curation…Two of my favorite items; My “vine street” ♥️ ♥️♥️ market bag, and my emroided bath wrap towel..it feels so luxe…I’m rooting for their comeback…they had the most thoughtful themes. ♥️♥️♥️
For whatever it’s worth: I miss Little Lace Box so badly!!! I never had even one issue that wasn’t immediately and generously fixed. And, that was rare. I was cleaning house today and took note of how many fun and unique items I have because of those ladies. Thankful while it lasted. Appreciate of nice things. Internet bullies stink like rotten apples.
Man…really miss this subscription…I too still use many of the items I received from their creative curation…Two of my favorite items; My “vine street” ♥️ ♥️♥️ market bag, and my emroided bath wrap towel..it feels so luxe…I’m rooting for their comeback…they had the most thoughtful themes. ♥️♥️♥️
Hello MSA community! I just wanted to share my experience with LLB. I never received notice that they were closing business. I only found out thanks to MSA. I had a year sub. for LLB and had received two of my boxes. I contacted them via email and received a response immediately. They were very friendly and helpful. They asked if I would like a reimbursement for the amount owed to me or if I would like them to curate a box with left over inventory for the value I was owed in-lieu of the reimbursement. I choose the box and received an email saying that they were putting it together and shipping it to me. That was in March. I never received a thing or any other correspondence. My attempts to contact them have come to no success. I contacted my CC company and filled a report. I feel very silly for believing they would honor what they had said. 🙁
My card was credited with the refund almost immediately after I filed the complaint, 4/27. I had subbed at the end of January (more fool I!) for a year of Serendipity. It was probably easier for them to make the adjustment because I had never received anything from them. I wish all of you luck in getting this worked out, and behind you!
My bank wouldn’t refund me for the unfulfilled half of my subscription because of the time limit but suggested I contact VISA directly. Has anyone else had to do this?
I paid for a 6 month sub in Sept, got one box in Dec., after months of giving excuses as to why this month wouldn’t be sent.
In the process of trying to get refunded – but it’s been so long – who knows??!!
What a rip off.
Check your bank statements because they are fighting the credits from your bank. My bank took the credit from them back out.
Found out about less than an hour ago. From this artical. I contacted them on April 9th to inquire about my not getting a box since forever. I prepaid in October 2016. No mention from them on the company tanking in their reply. Classy.
If you’re having trouble explaining why it’s beyond the window for a chargeback, call it a subscription SERVICE and file it as “non-receipt of goods or services.” The bank should send you a shirt form that you fill out and send back to them.
That would be SHORT form. 🙂
Rhonda Z
Please check with your bank about charges mine was refunded today 05/04/17 by my bank! The Serendipity was past 90 days & LLB was 60 days! I’m guessing this company is going to have all of our banks & charge card companies coming at them for money that they are refunding! I’ve sent emails and gotten no replies from LLB at all! Good Luck!
Does anyone know how/what the charge would have showed up as on a bank statement? My purchase was back in 2016, so I don’t know what name to look for in my old statements to dispute with my bank. I think I was owed 2 boxes, but they were so off kilter with sending the boxes, I am not sure now what they still owed me. This was for Serendipity, and I know they’re only $10/month, but it’s the principle of the matter. If anyone know what name I should be looking for on my statement, I would appreciate it!
Hi there. All of my transactions read Little Lace Box.
Good luck.
The name could show up on a bank statement as either milk money management, but for me it showed up as little lace box.
I didn’t get an email from llb about anything. I only found out through MSA about the whole debacle. I contacted Discover Card and explained the situation. (Paid for a year of Serendipity and only got 3 of 6 promised and paid for boxes.) I briefly explained sub boxes to them. Guy got it. Started the dispute even though the charge was from last summer.
Checked today and it says this: 04/27/2017
Initial review of Dispute is resolved in your favor
This case has been closed in your favor, as we have not received a response to our request from the Merchant. A credit will be applied to your account, and any temporary credit previously applied during our investigation will be reversed. Any interest or fees that may have been added to your account as a result of this issue have also been corrected.
So Yay! Discover Card appears to have come through for me in this situation. I’m happy they didn’t get to keep my money. I wish they could have made it work. Try your credit card company and or bank. Won’t happen if you don’t at least try. 🙂 Good luck!
I had the same result, on the same day, also through Discover card. Mine was easy because I had subbed in Jan. and never received anything. But credit where credit is due (pun intended) – kudos to Discover card!
Good evening ladies! So Little Lace Box owes me $328.91 (year of LLB, Kozy throw, 3 serendipity boxes). I actually work in banking so this is what I know…
I made my purchases all in 2016 (except the throw club), well beyond the 90 day dispute deadline. Since I received the email 3/27/17 stating refunds are being processed, I had to give them 30 days to follow through. I was able to dispute the transactions based on non receipt of merchandise and failure to credit a promised refund. As a banker, the general answer is “you only have 90 days to file a dispute”. Just as many ladies have stated previously, ask to speak with a manager and explain you were promised a refund. You have statements to prove your purchase, that along with the closing our doors email should be sufficient to start the process. Not all institutions will give immediate provisional credit but in my opinion it’s all of our best chance on recovering out losses. Good luck everyone & thanks Liz for updating!
Season Sagendorf
I never got a refund nor an email stating I was getting one. I only got 2 or 3 boxes out of a year subscription to serendipity. Can’t believe those jerks.
I’m having this same issue. I can’t file a dispute since it was so long ago that I bought my one year sub. I actually have a new card and the one I purchased it on is not even active at this point. I’m not sure how to go about getting my money back now??
I had purchased a year of Serendipity AND a year of LLB…..only got one box of each! So I figure they stole around $275 from me! Thief’s! Does anyone have a address and phone number so I can perhaps do a complaint with the BBB? Or I’ll be happy to join any who wish to go to The Attorney General here is FL if that is where they are based.
LLB was always pretty shady. Remember last year when they were going after MSA commenters that had negative things to say about LLB? It was so bad and unprofessional that Liz had to ban LLB from her site for a long while. They also were super nasty and snarky if you ever had any issues with their stuff. Given how unprofessional their past behavior was, this current behavior of absconding with subscribers’ money doesn’t surprise me at all.
In my opinion, the LLB crew has been reduced to a scam and should probably be prosecuted. I agree with others’ comments about contacting the attorney general… maybe in Florida in their local area. Or even the local authorities??
This kind of stuff is why I made the decision to only do monthly subscription to my boxes. There’s so many of these companies and they can go out of business at any time. So, I play it safe and only do monthly subs vs annual. Even though it costs a bit more sometimes for monthly subs, it seems less of a risk than giving these companies big bucks for a whole year. You never know if these companies will be there next month, let alone next year. Also, say you have a problem with one particular month’s box and get crappy service fixing it and want to cancel. But, you’re on the hook for the year. Not worth it in my opinion.
Question about credit card chargebacks:
Does Little Lace Box end up paying for the reimbursements that the credit card gives customers? Because they’re the ones ripping me off and they’re the ones I want to pay me back what they owe me. It’s not the bank’s fault.
(They zeroed out the # of boxes left in my subscripton and then deleted my account entirely weeks before announcing they were closing–though I never contacted them directly or even criticized them online. They never reimbursed me. They didn’t even email to say they were closing.)
Yes, when you do a chargeback through your credit card, the credit card company generally takes the money back from the merchant (and their processor hits them with a ~$20 fee)
I went through this with Relish when she, well, let’s just call it went out of business. I used the argument that since the product was never intended to be delivered within the 90 day period that the delivery date is what they should go by, not the purchase date. My bank did refund all my money, though it might just be because they were being nice and I had never done a chargeback before.
I paid monthly via a Chase Card and they credited me on my Chase account the charge from February but said it was an open dispute if the merchant responds. But they couldn’t get ahold of them. I did prepay the year of Serendipity but I don’t remember how I paid or what month last year. But I probably got 3 or 4 of those. Frustrating that they didn’t refund people honestly.
I’m with Chase bank, I phoned earlier today (thanks for the reminder!) and they did it immediately (they did say that if in the end they determine I wasn’t right that they will cancel the refund, but I cant see why since the business is closed). Definitely try your banks if you haven’t yet, way more of a chance then waiting for LLB to refund.
Nicole R
I also have Chase and contacted them also immediately after LLB sent their email. Even though I purchased a sub back in October they refunded it right away. They also told me they would need to check with LLB before it was a permanent refund. At this point they haven’t changed anything so I bet you’re good.
I have Chase and the person I spoke to like didn’t understand sub boxes didn’t grasp what I was saying. I said I had two subs, one to LLB and one to Serendipity.
Finally she said they could refund me maybe $38 but they’ll have to discuss it or something. I’m not holding my breath and so pissed at LLB.
I received a refund from my bank within 24 hours of filing the dispute. I found out the next day they also suspended my debit card for suspected fraud, which I wish they would’ve warned me about over the phone, but I verified all my charges for the week prior and they reactivated the card immediately.
Did anyone receive refunds for Kozy Klub? Kicking myself for purchasing that right now…
I subscribed to all three and did not receive any refunds from the company. I did get the Kozy Klub money back from my bank because the charge was made within the window.
This whole experience is making me wary of ever doing anything other than month-to-month on sub boxes. Very glad I asked for a refund when they “skipped” Nov serendipity- they ended up cancelling instead and that worked out in my favor.
I did the same cancelled and happy I did!
Deb B.
Ugh. Took them at face value that they would refund as promised back in November for that month’s box, as this was on my husband’s cc because he got it as my mother’s day gift last year. Just checked his card. They never refunded a dime, and I received 3/6 boxes. Hope Discover works with us since it has been so long.
Mary K
I also have Discover and was able to dispute the charge right from their online Dispute section; I didn’t even have to call them.
To those of you having trouble, if you are told no by your c/c company, ask to speak to a supervisor. Squeaky wheel and all that. Good luck everyone!
Had no problem with Discover for an October purchase of this box. I opened the dispute roughly one week after the announcement. This post reminded me to check the status, and it was already cleared.
I unfortunately had placed an order for the Little Lace Box at $169.95, only received 1 box, I had $25 credit for that subscription, so when they announced they were closing I decided to use the credit and added $4.99 to purchase a scarf from their shop, they accepted my $4.99 but I never received the scarf! I also placed a recent order for $59.94 for a yearly subscription for Serendipity and have never received anything from that order! I have emailed them several times, but no response. When they sent emails explaining that the boxes were going to be delayed I was always understanding and patient. I am so disappointed in those women, who always claimed to be representing other women with company’s. Now I have no choice but to call my bank and file a dispute! Very sad they chose to go down this path!!!’
I feel the same way. I always felt I was very understanding, but now I just feel betrayed….and robbed. I also payed for both boxes and have not had them respond to any of my emails. I am really sad and now worried about all the subscriptions I have ordered. 🙁
I am pretty sure they were entitled and spoiled based on past behavior. They did not even bother to thank the subscribers in the end. I am not surprised at the behavior of this group.
I had one month left of LLB and Serendipity, I haven’t received a refund for either one. I finally tried to file a dispute with my credit card, and they had a hard time grasping what a subscription box was. Not sure if I’ll ever get a refund, I sent two emails to LLB and only got an automated response that someone would respond soon, and I haven’t heard anything. Super disappointed at their behavior in handling the situation, tons of other boxes go out of business and issue refunds immediately. I wish I could write them a scathing review somewhere.
I second the opinion of trying your credit card company again. It all depends upon the rep that you get and if you don’t like the response, call again. My credit card company rep (who was fantastic) told me that even when a company goes under, their bank is still responsible for refunds if they don’t deliver. It may take up to 60 days to see your refund from your credit card company, but LLB/Serendipity only sent their emails a month ago to say they were not delivering what we paid for. So if you present it to your credit card company that you paid for a subscription service last year and the company sent 6 months of emails telling you that delivery would be delayed but you would get it and then sent out an email a month ago stating that you would not, that may be the best way to present it to your credit card companies. Every credit card company will honor something that was problematic within the past 60 days. Your credit card company is supposed to protect you from bad merchants and you may have to explain it to them that the company misrepresented itself for months before admitting that they were not going to deliver the product. We all have the emails promising our boxes and making excuses for the delays.
If you paid for it with a gift card from another company, you can just note for the future that when you do that, keep a file with the gift card number and code so that you have it for a reference if needed. If you paid for anything else using that gift card, see if the other vendor(s) have any of the payment info on file so that you can go to the gift card issuer to ask for a refund. AmEx and Visa gift cards are good about things like that. Also, you can register your Visa and AmEx giftcards online or over the phone so that they have a record of it as well and you can track what it was used for online. I did that once in a similar situation and when an item arrived broken, the gift card issuer provided me with an instant refund when the company was reluctant to do so. Just a couple of tips that I hope are more helpful than frustrating.
Claire McNamara
Just letting you know called my bank and they refunded in 2 minutes
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