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Vegan Cuts Beauty Box Vault Sale!

ByMSAJul 27, 2017 | 10 comments

Screen Shot 2017-04-26 at 10.17.34 AMVegan Cuts beauty box

Vegancuts Beauty Box
4.3 overall rating
40 Ratings | 8 Reviews

Vegan Cuts Beauty Box has opened their beauty vault and  is offering past Beauty Boxes for sale!

Good news! We’ve unlocked The Vault again and the Beauty Boxes and special edition boxes inside are only $19. To sweeten the pot, The Vault is also home to past Makeup Boxes available for only $29! Take a peek, and you’ll discover big discounts! The Vault won’t stay open for long, and supply is limited, so take advantage before it closes...

Here are the boxes available:

Check out our Vegan Cuts Beauty Box reviews to learn more about this subscription.

Starting at $24.95
Active Deal
$40 off
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Vegancuts is a company dedicated to helping you live your values through great vegan products. In addition to their beauty box, Vegancuts offers a Snack Box and a read more.

At My Subscription Addiction, we believe in better living through subscriptions. We help readers discover new and exciting products and services that will help deliver the best version of their lives.

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I found it interesting that, when I purchased the Skincare Essentials box yesterday, there was a picture of Palmetto Derma mask ($60+?), but now it’s gone from the main photo, and the descriptions say there is a surprise item from the 3 options they list. I hope I get the mask …

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Got one, the essential skin care, excited to try, I am unfamiliar with this sub

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Vegan Cuts is one of a few boxes I have been wanting to try for years so I didn’t let myself think about it this time. I used the $29 that I almost spent on FFF editor’s box and I think I’ll be happier with products that I will actually use vs. cute stuff that will just add to my stack of sub box FOMO collection. It almost needs it’sown room.

I chose the skincare essentials box for the serums and I like the scents of the scrub as well as the Shea butter. Quite opposite most people, I actually love the small bottles because I know I will never use up full size product.

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So they’re discounting some boxes by three dollars and other are only adding a six dollar up charge? Thank god I did the math I got super excited then saw the sample sizes and how much the boxes generally are. Yay i can afford my coffee this week! Or today since tomorrow there will be something else I MUST have! =)

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Yes, the regular boxes are only about a $3 savings from the monthly rate. But the make-up versions are regularly $39.95 a quarter it looks like…so that’s about an $11 savings ($29 in the sale)…if I’m looking at it right. Either way, I don’t subscribe and some of these boxes interest me so it was a chance for me to buy individual boxes and know what’s in them ahead of time (not have such a risk that I won’t like stuff). And now I’m not mad I “missed out” on some stuff. Overall it was a pretty good deal as far as I’m concerned…

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The Beach Bliss has 3 different things I wanted to swap for in it, so I bought one! No shipping fees or taxes, yay!

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I was almost ready to buy one but 1 oz bath salts turned me out. 🙂

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Nope. Tiny samples.

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Got two! pretty good deal on stuff I can actually use.

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I just ordered! But be careful, there may be a product that is going to expire; they’ll let you know. For example, the sunscreen in the Skincare Essentials box has a date of July 2017.
“The Skincare Essentials Box price has been reduced given the Suntegrity Skincare Sunscreen + Primer has a sell-by date of July 2017.”
It’s a very small size.
I love the Modicum serum.

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