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The Modern Mystic Tarot Review + Coupon – September 2017

Anna Reilly
ByAnna ReillySep 14, 2017 | 4 comments

It's a tarot reading in a box! See what crystals and insights I got in my September Modern Mystic subscription box!

The Modern Mystic Monthly Tarot Box
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The Modern Mystic is a monthly subscription that delivers you an entire tarot reading... in a box! Robin, the box creator, performs the readings based on specific questions from the subscriber, or on a general level, then delivers a box of written insights, a reiki-activated crystal, and more inspiring items. Once you've received your box, you can ask additional questions or seek clarification from Robin.

With every box, Robin will seek to help you delve deeper into the issues and questions most relevant to your life. As she puts it, "Every month's reading will build upon the last, helping you to gain clarity into the challenges and opportunities that rise and fall in your life."

It's a tarot reading in a box! See what crystals and insights I got in my September Modern Mystic subscription box!

This box was sent to us at no cost for review. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes.)

It's a tarot reading in a box! See what crystals and insights I got in my September Modern Mystic subscription box!

The Subscription Box: The Modern Mystic Monthly Tarot Subscription

The Cost: $30.00 per monthly box, or save with longer subscriptions.

LIMITED TIME DEAL: Now through 10/14, use code WELCOME10 to save 10% off!

The Products: From the Modern Mystic site:

*A printed, full color reading containing a photo of your reading’s cards and a comprehensive written reading explaining the guidance in those cards.
*A Reiki charged crystal, chosen intuitively by me in conjunction with the contents of your reading, and an information card explaining the properties of the chosen stone.
*An original hand-painted meditation card. No two will ever be exactly alike.
*A coordinating affirmation card, for you to focus on throughout the month.

Good to Know: Your box includes the ability to ask Robin two follow-up questions to the tarot deck, in case there's something specific you need to address, or if you have something that needs clarity. Also, note that this subscription does not auto-renew. Once your subscription period has ended, you'll need to pop back on the Modern Mystic Etsy page to order more.

Ships to: The US only. Shipping is free (included in the cost of the subscription).

Check out all of the lifestyle boxes in the Women’s Subscription Box Directory!

Keep Track of Your Subscriptions: Add this box to your subscription list or wishlist!

It's a tarot reading in a box! See what crystals and insights I got in my September Modern Mystic subscription box!

Metaphysical and magical practices have been having a bit of a resurgence lately, and I'll admit to being wooed by the trend. I know plenty of people who really believe that their lives are dictated by the motion of the stars or the cards pulled from a tarot deck, and I know just as many people who feel like that's completely bogus. I'm somewhere in the middle. I believe my actions are my own, but I love how the insights that things like astrology or tarot or any other "fortune telling" practice reveals to me. They give me an excuse to stop and reflect on the decisions I make, the way I react to certain things, and whether parts of my life are getting underappreciated. Then I can continue with my life with a little bit more self-awareness and wisdom.

So I was really excited about what insights this box might hold. Remember as we go through this review that this box is built to be about one specific person (me!), so the box you receive might be totally different!

It's a tarot reading in a box! See what crystals and insights I got in my September Modern Mystic subscription box!

The first thing I pulled out of the box was a scroll of parchment-patterned paper. These three sheets both depict and explain all of the cards that Robin pulled for me this month. I didn't have any specific questions going in, nor did I give Robin any information about myself, so this was definitely a baseline tarot reading.

The cards I received (from left to right) were the:

  • Four of Wands (Robin also pulled the Nine of Swords as sort of a precursor to this card.)
  • Three of Cups
  • Two of Wands (Robin pulled the Six of Cups to help hone in on the type of venture this card pointed to.)
  • Eight of Pentacles
  • Chariot

It's a tarot reading in a box! See what crystals and insights I got in my September Modern Mystic subscription box!

To summarize Robin's translation, I've come a long way through my own difficult times to get to my current place of abundant happiness and friendship. From this place, I can think about unfulfilled potential that went ignored in my past (and specifically my youth). What were things that I loved or that I meant to do that got brushed to the side? The cards challenge me to take the initiative to explore those things once again. If I'm dedicated and mindful about the process, I might just find success.

It's a tarot reading in a box! See what crystals and insights I got in my September Modern Mystic subscription box!

Again, I believe that any reading has questions or perspectives to offer, so this isn't me saying "Oh my GOSH! How did she know...?!" But I will say that I found this reading really relatable and encouraging. I celebrated my 30th birthday last month, and when my dad asked how it felt, I explained how I felt more secure, more myself, and more ready to explore the world and what it has to offer than I probably ever have before. (Then we high fived. Hehe!) I've also been trying to put more energy and dedication towards my love of art and drawing—something I did habitually and joyously growing up, but which faded out of my routine once things like college and career took center stage. It's been a bit of a struggle giving drawing my time and attention with so much other "adulting" to do, but this reading reiterates a quiet hunch that I have that if I treat it seriously, it could lead to some awesome experiences.

In other words, this reading was a nice little reminder to respect and follow my curiosity and to ride the wave of good vibes I'm feeling right now. Whether I do or don't adhere to these suggestions is still my choice—and it's not the end of the world if I don't. But I love the feeling of possibility this inspires. It's kind of irresistible not to try, right?

It's a tarot reading in a box! See what crystals and insights I got in my September Modern Mystic subscription box! It's a tarot reading in a box! See what crystals and insights I got in my September Modern Mystic subscription box! It's a tarot reading in a box! See what crystals and insights I got in my September Modern Mystic subscription box!It's a tarot reading in a box! See what crystals and insights I got in my September Modern Mystic subscription box!

To help me on my path, Robin's included a tiny bit of citrine, which seems to be about an inch long. According to Robin, this stone inspires creativity, the imagination, and a sense of positivity towards new ideas and endeavors. She even includes instructions for how to meditate with or on the stone and unlock more of its (a.k.a. my) potential.

It's a tarot reading in a box! See what crystals and insights I got in my September Modern Mystic subscription box! It's a tarot reading in a box! See what crystals and insights I got in my September Modern Mystic subscription box! It's a tarot reading in a box! See what crystals and insights I got in my September Modern Mystic subscription box!

Finally, there are two cards to be used for meditation. The first is about the size of a credit card and is painted with pink, orange, and yellow watercolors—all tones meant to inspire joy and all the creativity that comes with it. There's also a business-card-sized written meditation to help kick up my confidence as I explore my realm of creative possibilities. When I meditate, it's usually with eyes closed, but I'm eager to try doing it while maintaining a soft focus on this colorful card. (I wonder if it'll impact my mood in any way.)

The Verdict: I was immediately impressed by how thoughtful Robin was about explaining her reading. She's a lovely writer who translated each card in a way that was easy to understand and that was remarkably grounded. Nothing felt super woo-woo or hyperbolic. Her readings weren't about drastic zigs or zags to anticipate, but rather, opportunities that I might want to explore and the mindset that would help me make the most of them. I really liked the inclusion of the crystal and the meditation cards. I feel like these pocket-sized pieces could be a portable reminder of the lessons in my reading—I could see keeping the citrine in my pocket for a symbolic "you got this" when I'm feeling in a rut. Being that most in-person tarot readings I've seen around town are usually well over $50.00, I feel like this $30.00 box is more than worth it. I had so much fun rifling through the items inside, and the reading turned out to be just the gentle nudge I needed to hear.

What do you think of the Modern Mystic Tarot subscription? How do you use tarot?

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Have you ever wanted to have a personal tarot reader? Someone who gets to know you and learns about you from month to month, building on prior readings and helping guide you for longer than a single reading? That is what you will receive here, with the Modern Mystic Tarot Subscription box. Each mont... read more.
Anna Reilly
Anna Reilly
Anna loves collecting little treasures, be they pop-culture finds, handmade mementos, or new potions to put in her makeup bag. Beauty boxes got her interested in the subscription world, but now she's swooning for all things kawaii!

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a little steep for a piece of paper with a reading and a crystal. geez.

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I have a tarot deck and do readings for friends sometimes. What I’ve found is that it is important for the person asking a question or getting a general overlook reading to actually touch the deck while they are thinking of the question and choose their own cards. I’ve always gotten very accurate readings that way. I’m not really surprised your reading was vague; it seems like that reading could be true for a lot of people. If you are sort of interested in tarot, you should go to a new age store and get a deck (and probably a book on tarot spreads to explain how certain spreads are used). This box sounds cool, but I don’t think the readings are going to be anything but vague. The crystal is very pretty though 🙂

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How a tarot reading is done is as individual as the person doing the reading. The cards themselves are a way to channel the energy, and theoretically not even required. If the reader believes that the person being read for must touch the deck while focusing on a question immediately before the reading, then if that doesn’t happen it almost certainly would effect the reading s/he would be able to give. I don’t believe that a long distance reading is inferior to an in person one; it depends on the reader, not the room.

I actually didn’t feel the reading was vague, given that Anna recently passed a major milestone age and in processing and discussing it, had already stated similar thoughts. I can definitely say that if I had gotten a reading referring to my “current place of abundant happiness” that would be way off. That’s a pretty specific statement to make.

I agree it’s a great idea, for anyone interested in tarot, to visit a store and look over tarot decks. I’d suggest looking online as well, there is an enormous selection to choose from, see what feels home to you.

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Anna Reilly

Thank you so much for sharing this personal take on the practice, A! It’s so interesting to hear what actually goes into a tarot reading and what might get sacrificed to make this “long distance” version of a reading possible. I will say, if anything, this box piqued my interest in the artform, so maybe I will take your advice and do a little digging at a local shop. I so appreciate your comment, A! Thank you!

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