Happy Birthday, I’m also a Nov baby. I personally think the bag is perfect for Autumn, but everyone is different. I wanted to share a few uses if you get bags you don’t like.
They can be filled w school supplies and donated to schools for the children who can’t afford supplies.
They can be filled w feminine hygiene products (pads, tampons, wipes, deodorant spray etc), and donated to a local school for girls who unexpectedly get their period during school. Maybe even a small piece of chocolate.
You could donate them and all the products you don’t want to a local battered women’s shelter. Most of the time, those women are lucky to have the clothes on their back, and don’t have anything else.
The Salvation Army angel tree cut-off age is 13. So if your child is 13 or older you can’t sign them up. Fill the bags w items that teen girls would want/need. Maybe a whole bunch of makeup, hair ties, etc. Skys the limit, whatever you decide. You shld be able to contact the local Jr high or high school and they cld make sure your donation goes to a girl in need.
Lastly, if you didn’t get a bag that you wanted they are widely available online. eBay, Poshmark, etc.. You can always order it.
I live in WV, which is extremely poverty ridden. I give the bags and items I don’t want to teen girls who can’t afford makeup. I also check eBay, Facebook sale groups, Posh, etc, for items I can pick up cheap for them.
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