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Loot Crate Subscription Box Review + Coupon – Unite 2.0 – November 2017

Eric Cadman
ByEric CadmanNov 28, 2017 | 7 comments

Loot Crate
3.2 overall rating
221 Ratings | 79 Reviews

Loot Crate is a monthly subscription box for geeks and gamers. Each month they include themed collectibles and shirts - they've moved towards a mostly exclusive model - so you can't get most of these items/variants anywhere else!

November's theme was Unite 2.0!

My Subscription Addiction pays for this box. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes).

The Subscription Box: Loot Crate

The Cost: $15.99 plus $6 shipping a month

The Products:

  • Over 4 FAN-tastic items delivered every month
  • $45+ Retail value of collectible goods and gear
  • Authentic, licensed and/or exclusive products

Ships to: 27 countries including US, Canada, Australia, and the UK!

Check out all of my Loot Crate reviews to get more information on this subscription. Check out all of our Geeky Subscription Boxes in the Subscription Box List. Rate, review, and follow this subscription on the Loot Crate profile page.

This month's crate features an exclusive POP from Overwatch!

The box itself inverts into a mini Power Rangers HQ!

Each delivery comes with a booklet.

Inside, you'll find all of the info you'll need about the items in your box.

Unite 2.0 Pin - Value $5?

This month's pin has that team-up feel to it -plus, it includes my favorite digital loot ever!

This month's DLC is season one of the Batman Telltale Series! I LOVED this game, so go and play it! Plus, you'll now get digital comics from Comixology with your monthly subscription as well!

Voltron Shirt - Value $15?

This month's exclusive shirt is a holiday-style Voltron shirt. This one is bringing back the feels for me as a young Voltron fan - it's a fun holiday design!

Widowmaker POP - Value $20-25?

I'm valuing this POP like I do with all of the exclusive Funko POPs from subscriptions like Smuggler's Bounty.

The exclusiveness of the POP is in the costume - which doesn't seem like much, but the Patina version is going for $41!

It's a cool POP to add to your Overwatch collection - I'm sure there will be even more to come!

Power Rangers Mini-Figure - Value $15?

This little figure is a Loot Crate designed exclusive.

These figures are smaller than I thought they'd be - a bit under 2.5 inches tall on the stand.

You'll get one of the 5 Power Rangers. Collect them all, and click the bases together to link them up - I'm sure these will become available to complete the series in the Loot Vault at some point!

The Brave and The Bold #28 Reprint - Value $5?

The final item in the box is a nostalgic reprint of a Justice League classic.

The Brave and the Bold #28 includes the first-ever Justice League appearance in comics - so it's nicely timed with their first-ever appearance on the silver screen!

You'll get a COA, too - which is always important when valuing comics, autographs, or anything that might have some value!

Verdict: If you read my reviews, you know that I just love getting POPs - so this month is a win just for that item alone. The shirt and DLC are just perfect for me as well! I'm a bit disappointed with the Loot Crate exclusive figures - they started off really strong with their Rick figure, but I feel like the figures have become less-exciting in the past few boxes.

Also - it has to be noted that Loot Crate has been constantly experiencing shipping issues across their crates! It's been really frustrating and feels like it's neverending. We've been told that the shipping issues have been fixed with the core crates - so that's good - but if you need your goods on time, you might have to tread lightly with their lines.

What did you think of the November 2017 'Unite 2.0' Loot Crate?

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Loot Crate is a monthly subscription for geeks and gamers. Each month they send 4+ items from your favorite pop culture franchises - including a t-shirt every month and more licensed and exclusive items. Expect collectibles, gear, figures and more – $45+ value in every crate

Eric Cadman
Eric Cadman
Eric is the co-founder of My Subscription Addiction. He's been hooked on geek subscription boxes since 2012 thanks to Loot Crate and Nerd Block. Geek boxes sparked his desire for collecting Funko Pops and comic book statues!

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Hey , This might be a random question but if anyone have the Thunder Megazord promocode from this november’s Loot Crate in your email and you don’t plan on using it. Is there anyway you could find it in the goodness of your heart to let me have it?I really need it,Thanks

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we didn’t even get the comic, just a $10 gift card to some site, and they sent the wrong size shirt…..again. Loot Crate has gone downhill so much when you compare it to the other geek boxes out now. If my fiance wasn’t adamant about collecting all the enamel pins since we haven’t missed any since Loot Crate’s beginning I would have cancelled many times over.

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My shirt says “large” but it is definitely not a men’s large. It looks like a child’s large or a small.

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I really like the Voltron shirt, which almosy alone makes the crate worth it for me. I really didnt care for the othet items at all. Since i’m not an Overwatch fan, the amount of items from this game between loot crate and loot gaming is getting overbearing. I get its a populsr game, but its excessive.

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This was the worst month in my 4 years of Loot-Crating. I keep thinking I will stay on so I can sometime win that mega crate – or even a little crate, but … nothing. I’m not sure it’s worth it anymore.

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This is the first month I’ve experienced a shipping delay – still waiting on this month’s. My son will love this box as he’s a huge Overwatch fan.

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I feel like this box was just a last minute throw together thing. No “wow” items in it for us this month.

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