Peaches and Petals is an inexpensive monthly lifestyle box for women. Each package is curated around a theme and promises interesting, fun products.
This box was sent to us for review purposes. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes).
The Subscription Box: Peaches and Petals
The Cost: $19.99/month with free shipping
ACTIVE DEAL: 10% off of your first month-to-month box (Peach10%) or Add a bonus vintage-inspired leather wrap watch in your first box (PEACHWATCH)
The Products: Five lifestyle items for women curated around a theme
Ships to: U.S.
Check out all of our Peaches and Petals reviews and the Women's Subscription Box Directory!
Keep Track of Your Subscriptions: Add this box to your subscription list or wishlist!
The info card for this month gives a quick synopsis of what this box is all about.
There's a Naked Wines coupon inside the box, too.
Soapbox Elements Tea & Ginger All-Natural Bar Soap, 5 oz - Retail Value $5.72
This soap smells so pretty! The fragrance isn't harsh in any way, but it screams "clean" and "fresh" nonetheless. The best part is that the purchase of this soaps gives back to someone in need.
Spongeables Anti-Cellulite Bodywash in a Sponge, 3.5 oz - Retail Value $7.99
I've gotten these kinds of pre-soaked sponges in subscription boxes before, but I don't think I've seen a type specifically formulated for cellulite before. The formula in this sponge supposedly has caffeine and seaweed extract in it, which may reduce the appearance of cellulite. From what I understand, exfoliating and the massage-like effect of cleansing areas with cellulite can help as well. This sponge does have a gentle exfoliating quality to it, and the shape makes it easier to control (so I can get the slightly firmer scrubbiness that I like). My only concern is that the scent is a little perfumey for my taste. It's powdery and floral and pretty intense even when the sponge is just sitting in its box.
Body Luxuries Natural Loofah Back Strap - Retail Value $7.99
Oooo, this is a handy thing to have in the tub! This long loofah has a handle on each end so that you can use it to scrub hard-to-reach spots across your back. I love treating myself to a good exfoliating scrub in the shower, so I can see this being handy for that! The material is that fiber-like weave that similar flat-woven loofahs have, but I don't think it's particularly harsh.
Silicone Shatter-Proof Wine Glasses Set of 2 - Buy a set of 4 for $5.00 here
These stemless wine glasses are squishy, which makes them easy to bring along to an on-the-go picnic. And because they're silicone, they won't shatter if you happen to, oh, y'know, accidentally elbow one off the counter onto the floor while telling a gesture-filled story to your friend. I like 'em! They're a little odd, but totally practical for a klutzy type like me.
Joy Mangano Water Filter Set - Retail Value $13.14
Hey, I've seen this before in another box! (Monthly Mystery Box by Jamminbutter, Mini Monthly Mystery Box by Jamminbutter, and Peaches and Petals are all from the same company and have had a lot of overlapping products lately.) I don't know if this water filter set is strong enough to use while camping, but it might be a nice line of defense against things in tap water. I'd take it along on a road trip, for instance. Even if I don't use the filter piece, the BPA-free water bottle is nice to have. (I can never have too many of those ready to grab in my fridge.)
The Verdict: This Peaches and Petals wasn't my favorite, just because it was mostly focused on bath goodies, which I'm already pretty stocked up on. That said, I'll definitely keep these products in my bathroom cabinet to use in the future! While nothing wowed me, quality-wise, I'm happy with everything I got. The box itself is so affordable that I wasn't expecting luxury products. And what I got worked just fine for my purposes!
To Wrap Up:
Can you still get this box if you sign up today? No. Nab the most recent box or sign up for upcoming boxes here!
ACTIVE DEAL: 10% off of your first month-to-month box (Peach10%) or Add a bonus vintage-inspired leather wrap watch in your first box (PEACHWATCH)
Value Breakdown: This box cost $19.99 with free shipping. The average cost of each of the 5 items inside, then, was about $4.00. I couldn't find an exact price for every item, but based on what I could find, $4.00 seems pretty fair!
What do you think of Peaches and Petals? Would you use these items?
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