Little Feminist Book Club is a monthly book subscription box for kids ages three to seven years old. Each month you will receive one to two books to help diversify your bookshelf. Plus, you will also receive hands-on activities and tools to help your book come to life. From Little Feminist:
Only 31% of children's books feature a female character, and only 13% feature a person of color.
This box was sent to us at no cost to review. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes.)
This review is of the Book Club + Activity, $37 a month, box.
About Little Feminist Book Club + Activity Box
The Subscription Box: Little Feminist Book Club + Activity Box
The Cost: $37 a month + free US shipping. Save with 3 and 6-month subscriptions.
The Products: At least one book (sometimes more) and hands-activities and tools to help your book come to life.
Ships to: U.S.
Little Feminist Book Club + Activity Box February 2018 Review
An information card was included introducing me to Little Feminist and this month's book. Inside you will find little drawings highlighting everything in the box, and how you can share your experience with Little Feminist on social media!
Katy and the Big Snow by Virginia Lee Burton - Retail Value $17.99 (found here for $14.28)
The featured book of the month also came in this month's Little Feminist Book Club. I am not sure if both boxes will always feature the same book, but it is good to note in case you were looking to purchase both. This book is all about Katy, a brave tractor who pushes a bulldozer in the summer and a snowplow in the winter. It doesn't normally snow where she lives, but she has been waiting for her chance to help her community. Suddenly, a big snowstorm blankets her city and everyone is depending on Katy to clear the snow. This book takes us on so many adventures with Katy while she works tirelessly to help her community and keep the roads safe and clear. A courageous story with incredible drawings that really make you feel like you are there in the city!
Gold Compass
Our first interactive tool is this amazing gold compass! I have never used a compass before so I was excited to see this little gadget in this month's box. My son is a nature lover already, and I can see him really loving using these as he gets older. What a great way to get your little one comfortable using a compass.
The box also came with this card that goes over how to use your new compass. This is great since I have never used one before! Plus, there are fun little activities for your little feminist to follow with their new compass.
Vehicle Models
Our next interactive item is this cardboard vehicle model set. All you have to do is pop the parts out and assemble. If you don't like building models, don't fret, this was super easy to build and took me maybe three minutes. My son was drawn to these right away, and I even think I might have him paint these or decorate them with stickers on our next snowy afternoon.
Sticker Page
This month's book club box came with this fun page of stickers. There are so many stickers here and the paper is extra sturdy so no ripping or bending. I love that there are images that your little one will see throughout their community.
Community Helper Activity
This activity page is extensive and interactive! The first few pages ask if your little one knows any community helpers and lists ways that they can help their community or even at home. I love this because it really gets your little one thinking about ways that they can help others! As you go through the booklet you will find different activities that you can do that all relate back to the book, a few DIY ideas, and some questions that will require them to use their new compass.
Discussion Questions/Bookmark
This little bookmark also holds this month's discussion questions. There are two sides, one for kids three to five years of age, and then the other is for kids ages five and above. I love that there is a piece of this box that allows the parents to really get involved by asking your little feminist questions that will get them thinking more about this month's book or about why it was important that Katy helped her community.
Verdict: This was my first experience with the Little Feminist Book Club + Activity Box, but I did also receive the Little Feminist Book Club (you can read that review here). I loved both boxes, but I do wish there was more variety because I could see a family wanting to buy one box for an older child and the other for a younger sibling or even each box for a set of cousins. That being said I still absolutely loved this month's Little Feminist Book Club + Activity Box! I think the overall message is incredible and brings female characters right to your child's book collection, something we need more of! Plus, we received so many educational products this month that allowed the message of the book to really carry-over. Don't forget about the awesome compass that I hope my son will keep and use for many years!
To Wrap Up:
Can you still get this box if you sign up today? Yes, it looks like the February box is still available.
Value Breakdown: This box cost me $37 a month with free shipping. The book is the only item that I can attach a retail value to which came in at $17.99. I received seven items in this month's box which comes in at an average value of $5.29 per item. The overall value does seem a bit high, but you really are paying for the unique curation and theme that all relates back to the featured book of the month. I love that there is so much interaction in one box that will allow you and your little feminist to discuss the book and learn more about the month's theme, which is really focused around helping your community.
Check out all of our Little Feminist reviews, plus the Best Book Boxes of 2017 and more kid's book subscriptions in the Kid Subscription Box List!
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