Little Feminist Book Club is a monthly book subscription box for kids ages 3-7 years old. Each month you will receive one to two books to help diversify your bookshelf. Plus, you will also receive educational activities, DIY ideas, and a discussion topic for your family. From Little Feminist:
Only 31% of children's books feature a female character, and only 13% feature a person of color.
Little Feminist also offers a Book Club and Activities Box for $33 a month.
This box was sent to us at no cost to review. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes.)
This review is of the Little Feminist Book Club, $22 a month, box.
About Little Feminist Book Club
The Subscription Box: Little Feminist Book Club
The Cost: $22 a month + free shipping. Save with 3 and 6-month subscriptions.
The Products: At least one book (sometimes more), family discussion topics, educational activities, and DIY ideas.
Ships to: U.S.
Little Feminist Book Club February 2018 Review
An information card was included introducing me to Little Feminist and this month's book. Inside you will find little drawings highlighting everything in the box, and how you can share your experience with Little Feminist on social media!
This month's book came wrapped in this recyclable cardboard to keep it safe in-transit. I love the little sticker that holds this all together, "dream big little feminist!"
Katy and the Big Snow by Virginia Lee Burton - Retail Value $17.99 (found here for $14.28)
The featured book of the month is fitting for the winter we are having where I live! This book is all about Katy, a brave tractor who pushes a bulldozer in the summer and a snowplow in the winter. It doesn't normally snow where she lives, but she has been waiting for her chance to help her community. Suddenly, a big snowstorm blankets her city and everyone is depending on Katy to clear the snow. This book takes us on so many adventures with Katy while she works tirelessly to help her community and keep the roads safe and clear. I loved this story and thought the illustrations were incredible, look at that detail!
Sticker Page
This month's book club box came with this fun page of stickers. We are really into stickers in my house so I am always excited to receive a new sheet, plus it is always fun to have stickers to use after reading a book that brings the whole theme together. These stickers are pretty high on the quality scale, set on sturdy paper, these aren't going to rip or bend while your little feminist creates an image with this set.
Community Helper Activity
This activity page is awesome because you can really interact with it! The little map takes you through ways that you can help your community, like think of a way you can help your neighbor like a firefighter. Then there are little areas where you can draw or even write down what you did to help your community. There is also a DIY section showing you how you can make your own snow plow using some of the stickers on your sticker page. Plus, your child can email how they are helping their community with a photo and Little Feminist will email them their community helper badge!
Discussion Questions/Bookmark
This little bookmark can be used to hold your spot in this month's book, but it also has discussion questions that your family can talk about together. There are two sides of questions, one for ages three to five, and then the other side for ages five and above. For the younger ages, the questions are more about what we saw in the book and recalling who we learned about. For the older kids, the questions are a little more specific like "how do you think Katy feels after helping her community?" I love that these questions are included so that we as parents can help guide our little one's overall reading experience.
Verdict: This was my first experience with Little Feminist Book Club and I really loved it! The overall message for me really was about bringing a great book selection that featured a female character, which can be hard to find. After receiving this box I really took a hard look at my son's book collection and any book with a female character was usually a princess or ballerina. I am always focused on teaching my son to love and respect everyone, and this can really standout to our little ones through the books that they read. Little Feminist Book Club not only brings you a great book selection, but it allows you to read through different discussion questions that will help your little one think beyond the book. Plus, the activity pages are super interactive and I loved this month's message of how you can help your community. I love what Little Feminist is doing and I can't wait to see what next month has to offer!
To Wrap Up:
Can you still get this box if you sign up today? Yes, as of publication, the February box is still available.
Value Breakdown: This box cost me $22 a month with free shipping. The book is the only item that I can attach a retail value to which came in at $17.99. I received four items in this month's box which comes in at an average value of $5.50 per item. While this average does seem high, I think this box is more about creating a curated experience that is focused on uplifting our little feminists and providing them with hand-selected books that feature a female character.
Check out the Best Book Boxes of 2017 and more kid's book subscriptions in the Kid Subscription Box List!
Keep Track of Your Subscriptions: Add this box to your subscription list or wishlist!
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