LOT, put simply, is a monthly subscription box of essential supplies for everyday use. But that is also understating things, well, a LOT.
Here's how their website puts it:
LOT is a subscription-based service which distributes a basic set of clothing, footwear, essential self-care products, accessories, and media content. The clothes are dispensable: as they wear out they can be bundled and returned, eliminating clutter.
And to really understand the vibe here, I recommend watching some of their video content:
I've been getting LOT for a few months now, and I still have a lot (pun intended) of questions. One thing's for sure, LOT has a super minimalist, practical aesthetic and a futuristic edge. As part of your subscription, you'll also get looped into LOT emails, which include intriguing, edgy content like Soundcloud playlists, video, and novel-worthy thoughts from the LOT creators.
There's lots new for LOT this year. They kicked off 2018 with this email about some of their updates:
Household items! Seasonal wear!
As they mention, they've established profile pages for their users where you can list or update your sizing information, give them feedback about what items you do/don't use, and even tell them a bit more about your needs and "environment". Oh, and the profile also makes getting replacement items really simple. If for instance, I change my pants sizing after they've already sent me a pair, they'll make sure to send a replacement pair in the next box, no questions asked.
LOT offers three levels of subscriptions to choose from—the Basic plan ($49.00 per month for a pair of socks, a shirt, briefs, and a random item), the Advanced plan ($99.00 per month for the Basic items plus a self-care product or an accessory), or the Free plan, which only gives you access to the digital content.
My Subscription Addiction paid for the Basic plan, but LOT was kind enough to bump us up to the Advanced plan for no additional charge. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes).
About LOT
The Subscription Box: LOT (Advanced Plan)
The Cost: $99.00 per month
The Products: A monthly set of "dispensible" socks, briefs, and a t-shirt, plus accessories or self-care products ranging from soap to (no joke) a tattoo gun.
Ships to: 20 countries, including the US. Find out if your country is included by emailing here: [email protected].
LOT January 2018 Review
It's always an adventure seeing what LOT has in store for me each month. Some things are a surprise, but there are a few staples that I get month to month:
Black Crew Socks
These socks are comfy, calf-height socks that fit my feet with a little extra wiggle room. The LOT logo is knit into each ankle in white. The packages that LOT items arrive inside always have some kind of weird, dot-matrix-printer-style info on the outside. Some of it is product information. Some of it is... not. This pack of socks, for instance, included the words "SHE WAS LIKE" and "YOU'RE SO CONSIDERATE" on the white plastic package. The back says "OH, SO CONSIDERATE" and has "LO(S)T BOYS" printed over and over across the one end.
Black Boxer Brief Underwear
At the moment, most LOT items are unisex. In previous months, I've found the boxer briefs to be comfy, but not exactly made for my curvy body. Using the LOT account tool, I switched up my pants size recently, so I think these are actually slightly bigger boxers than usual. They at least feel roomier... There's no size listed anywhere on them, but I think they're slightly more forgiving (unless that's just my mind playing tricks on me). It would make sense, too—when you change up your size settings, LOT sends you the item in the new size in the next box. In other words, since I changed my pants settings after last month's shipment (which included boxers), they sent a pair to replace last month's boxers. The reason you see two pairs is because boxers come with every pack. So I got a pair for this month, and a pair to replace last month's.
More importantly, the identical packages say "DO YOU EVER THINK OF ME?" on one side and "LET IT DIE, I GUESS" on the other. Is it just me or does this LOT shipment feel a little more emo than usual?
Black 2046 Sweatshirt
This is another repeat item. It's a comfy cotton sweatshirt with a unisex cut and the numbers 2, 0, 4, and 6 embroidered into four points on the back of the shirt. The silver package it arrived inside says "DIVIDE THE LIGHT", "FROM THE DARKNESS". and "YOU ARE IN CHARGE". Empowering stuff.
So, I'm still a little foggy on what exactly the LOT story is, but I get the feeling that there's some kind of apocalyptic bent to it, like the world will end in 2046. They bring 2046 up a lot, so it has some kind of significance. I was telling my friend Tim about the weird and wonderful LOT, as I was wearing this sweatshirt while over at his house. I mentioned the fact that some of the messages on the packaging has a biblical vibe to it, and he said, "Oh yeah, like how the numbers are in the sign of the cross on your shirt." To which I said, "Wwwwhhhhaaaaaaat?" He's absolutely right—not only are the numbers in the shape of a cross, but he showed me that they're ordered in the same pattern Christians follow to do the sign of the cross on themselves. ("In the name of the Father"—2, top center—"and of the son"—0, bottom center—"and of the Holy Spirit"—4, left, and 6, right.) So, the religious vibes seem legit. But why they're there? Eh, I'm chalking it up to an attempt to the creator's to seem edgy, but let me know if you have any other insights!
Black Toothbrush
This black toothbrush is a new monthly addition. (I first got one in the November package.) It's a good little toothbrush, and the gentle flexibility of the black plastic handle means it's soft and gentle on my teeth and gums. As for the slit down the center of the handle? I'm not sure if it has any function other than making the item lighter to carry, but maybe you could string something through it or tie it onto your belt in the event of an emergency (which I'm guessing LOT believes will be the apocalypse...).
Nothing to see in terms of packaging here. It's almost a little disappointing when the package just says "TOOTHBRUSH" and nothing cryptic.
Floss is also a repeat item. The last one I got said "Vale of Tears" across the front, making it the most epic pack of floss I've ever encountered. This one is still pretty high drama—it says "THE AGE OF TIME" on the front. The floss is pretty typical quality and works well. I keep my last one in my desk, so this one might live in my bag for easy access.
Soap Travel Container and Soap
Last but not least, we've got a very sophisticated plastic soap container. It looks almost military quality, or at least way more "tactical" than I'd presume a soap container to be. It's hard plastic with a stretchy band that secures around it. Inside, there's a paper-wrapped bar of black soap, which can sit on a small sponge inside. There's no scent—it's very much function over form with this item. The packaging here says "RELATIONS WITH THE CHOSEN PEOPLE".
The Verdict: I don't think LOT would ever consider doing a pre-Valentine's-Day-themed box, but if they did, this would probably be it. Usually, all of the weird slogans on the packaging are oddly biblical and lofty. This month, some of the slogans sounded like lyrics from a moody teenager's poetry book. No hate—it was just an unexpected shift in tone. I'm still really happy with the quality of everything I'm getting from LOT. The pack is $99.00, which is literally a LOT to put down, so I'm happy that what I'm getting is nicer and lasting. The apparel is comfy, washes like a dream, and goes with everything. (A big thank you to my fave color, black.) That said, I might've wanted a few more small items in the box, since with only 6 products, the average cost of everything (including small stuff like the floss) is pretty high. I'm stuck wondering if I'm just enjoying a minimalist subscription box or becoming a pawn in a very involved, somewhat eerie art project!
To Wrap Up:
Can you still get this box if you sign up today? Yes, though what accessories and extras you get may vary from what I received.
Value Breakdown: This package cost $99.00, meaning the average cost of each of the 6 items I received (not counting the extra pair of underwear) this month is $16.50.
Check out all of our LOT reviews!
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