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Green Piñata Subscription Box Review – February 2018

Taryn Lowman
ByTaryn LowmanMar 5, 2018 | 4 comments

Green Pinata February 2018 - Box

Green Piñata Toys
5 overall rating
2 Ratings | 6 Reviews

Green Piñata is a monthly rental subscription toy box for kids, from six months to 5 years of age. Each box is customized with educational and toxic-free toys. Before your box ships, you can either select your own toys from their extensive catalog or approve the recommendations from Green Piñata. Play and explore with your child, return anything you don't wish to keep or purchase the toys your child can't part with!

Green Pinata February 2018 - Box Open

Green Pinata February 2018 - box bags

This box was sent to us at no cost for review. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes).

This review is of the 18-24 month box, which is $24.99 a month for four toys.

Green Pinata February 2018 - box contents

About Green Piñata 

The Subscription Box: Green Piñata 

The Cost: $24.99 per month plus free shipping both ways!

ACTIVE DEAL: Save 50% off your first month with code MYSUBSCRIPTIONADDICTION50 or 20% off any gift subscription with code PINATA20

Or, save 20% off any gift subscription with code PINATA20

The Products: Up to 4 premium quality and educational toys.

Ships to: Lower 48 states in the U.S.

Good to know: Toys can be purchased at "10% off the Amazon list price. Please send us an email at contact@greenpinatatoys.com with the name of the toy you'd like to purchase."

Green Piñata February 2018 Review

Green Pinata February 2018 - information card Green Pinata February 2018 - information card back

Green Pinata February 2018 - return label

Each box comes with this welcome card and a free return shipping label. When you are ready to return your toys, just package everything up, and stamp this free return shipping label for a quick and easy return process.

My son, Fox is almost 2-years-old and very active. Let's see what toys this month's Green Piñata brought:

Green Pinata February 2018 - feeling and touching Green Pinata February 2018 - feeling and touching 2 Green Pinata February 2018 - feeling and touching 3 Green Pinata February 2018 - feeling and touching 4

Haba Feeling and Touching - Retail Value $29.99

This game set is all about building your little ones cognitive, social, and emotional skills. There are two different ways that you can play with this set. The first way is to have your child identify each piece of food and match the pairs together. We used this game as a time to also practice our counting skills. The next way to play would be to add a piece of food into the cloth sheep and have your child identify it with their eyes closed simply by feel. This game is geared more towards older kids, but you can really make it into a game by giving a clover token to each player for every correct answer. Even though my son wasn't able to play both games, he absolutely loved this set and thought the play food was amazing. This game set is something that I could see us using for many years!

Green Pinata February 2018 - my smart car Green Pinata February 2018 - my smart car 2 Green Pinata February 2018 - my smart car 3 Green Pinata February 2018 - my smart car 4 Green Pinata February 2018 - my smart car 5 Green Pinata February 2018 - my smart car 6

Hape My Smart Car - Retail Value $19.99

I love these little sets since each toy comes with a matching storybook! This set is meant to build your child's cognitive skills while showing a real-life situation via the story and toy set. We have been working on green means go and red means stop with my son so this set seemed like the perfect toy for us right now. He loved seeing the red stop sign and said stop right away. Cars are always a hit in my house so it was an added bonus that this set comes with this awesome wooden car that really gets going on a hardwood floor.

Green Pinata February 2018 - shape matching board Green Pinata February 2018 - shape matching board 2

Plan Toys Shape Matching Board - Retail Value $17.99 (found here for $9.73)

I realized after I took this picture that we put this puzzle together incorrectly the first time! That is ok though because we had a ton of fun with this toy! This is meant to help your child build their fine motor and cognitive skills, plus it is a great color matching toy. My son loves shapes and blocks so this was an instant hit even though it was a bit on the more challenging side.

Green Pinata February 2018 - on the farm threading set Green Pinata February 2018 - on the farm threading set 2 Green Pinata February 2018 - on the farm threading set 3 Green Pinata February 2018 - on the farm threading set 4

Haba On the Farm Threading Set - Retail Value $31.95

This threading set is amazing! Each wooden piece matches the puzzle sets so you will set up each puzzle, and then your little one can match it by threading the wooden pieces. This is a great toy to help your child build their hand-eye coordination, something we are always working on. It is also a great way to help them build their fine motor and cognitive skills. My son loves animals and puzzles so he jumped right into this game set with so much focus.

Green Pinata February 2018 - fox 1 Green Pinata February 2018 - fox 2 Green Pinata February 2018 - fox 3 Green Pinata February 2018 - fox 4 Green Pinata February 2018 - fox 5

Here is an action shot of Fox playing with all of his cool new toys!

Verdict: Green Piñata is a great way to bring new toys to your house each month to help keep your child's attention. I know my son tends to grow out of or forget toys over time, which means we end up accumulating so much stuff that he doesn't even use. Green Pinata eliminates any questions you might have about a toy by allowing you to test new toys each month, let your little one play with them, keep what you like at a discount, or send anything back for a fresh new box each month! I loved this month's curation as we move towards my son's 2nd birthday, the toys seemed a bit more mature and required more attention. I can't wait to see what next month has to bring as he continues to grow in a big way! 

To Wrap Up:

Can I still get this box if I sign up today? Each box is customized to your child's age, so you might not get this exact box. You can order today to get a February box!

Coupon - Save 50% off your first month with code MYSUBSCRIPTIONADDICTION50. Or, save 20% off any gift subscription with code PINATA20

Value Breakdown: This box costs me $24.99, but I received $99.92 worth of toys. I am able to keep the toys as long as I'd like and returning them is free of charge! It is also important to note that toys can be purchased for "10% off its Amazon list price. Please send us an email at contact@greenpinatatoys.com with the name of the toy you'd like to purchase." You will get a discount if a toy you received and would like to keep was gently used.

Check out all of our Green Piñata reviews and our Baby Subscription Box Directory!

Keep Track of Your Subscriptions: Add this box to your subscription list or wishlist!

What did you and your little one receive in your most recent Green Piñata box? What toys did you keep?

Starting at $30.00
Active Deal
Save 50% off your first month with code MYSUBSCRIPTIONADDICTION50 or 20% off any gift subscription with code PINATA20
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"A subscription service for parents that prefer high-quality toys for their kids that are 6 months – 5 years of age, while saving money and reducing clutter. For a monthly fee, receive up to 4 toys/month, play as long as your kids like, buy the ones they love and return the rest or all."
Taryn Lowman
Taryn Lowman
Taryn's passion for subscription boxes started when she was gifted a monthly Birchbox. She is excited to discover more Mom and baby boxes to share with her family!

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These look like great toys except for the book. It is seriously a book about a girl who has car trouble and has to call her friend, a boy, to bring his tools and help her?! Ugh!

I am extremely sensitive to all the gender bias in children’s books and this one really takes the cake. We can’t expect the next generation to do better if these are the ideas we ingrain in them while they are still toddlers.

Rant done, lol. Please don’t read your child this book. Better yet – read your child this book but swap the names and genders. 🙂

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Taryn Lowman

Thanks for your post!

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Oh my goodness your son is so cute!! All of these toys look so nice & quality. Great review

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Taryn Lowman

Thank you! He is really loving this month’s box!

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