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Loot Undies Subscription by Loot Crate Review – March 2018

Eric Cadman
ByEric CadmanApr 26, 2018 | 1 comment

Loot Undies
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Loot Undies is one clothing line in the Loot Wear subscription collection from Loot Crate. Each month they send a pair of boxer-briefs featuring a pop culture design.

These arrived late! Loot crate has had shipping issues across crates recently - please check out recent news to see what has been delayed.

My Subscription Addiction pays for this subscription. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes).

About Loot Undies

The Subscription Box: Loot Undies

The Cost: $10.99 shipped (up from $9.99)

The Products: High Quality Underwear Featuring Exclusive Designs From The Hottest Geek And Gamer Brands

Ships to: US + Worldwide!

At the moment – it looks as though they just offer boxer briefs and no women’s offering. But, according to Facebook, they are looking to get to offering women’s choices as well.

March 2018 Loot Undies 'Playback' Review

The March delivery features the Power Loader from Aliens!

You'll get a pamphlet that highlights the entire Loot Wear line for the month.

Aliens Underwear

This month's design features the Power Loader from Aliens. The placement of the brownish splotches is...questionable...for a pair of underwear!

Loot Wear underwear has a silky feel to them - they're comfortable and tagless. You'll want to get the correct size, though, I found that when they're too small, they aren't very forgiving - so it may take some trial and error.

Verdict: While their underwear is extremely comfortable, this design is an odd one for underwear! The power loader elements are pretty cool, though - are you sporting these?

To Wrap Up: 

Can you still get this box if you sign up today? No. Themes cut off at the 19th of every month – so you can still get the May Archer Underwear.

COUPON – Use coupon code SAVE3 to save $3 off your first month, or ADDICTION to save 10% off of any length (saves $8+ on an annual subscription) of Loot Tees!

Check out all of my Loot Undies reviews to get more information on this subscription. Check out all of our Geeky Subscription Boxes in the Subscription Box List. Rate, review, and follow this subscription on the Loot Undies profile page.

What did you think of the March 2018 Loot Undies?

Starting at $10.99
Subscribe Now
High Quality Underwear Featuring Exclusive Designs From The Hottest Geek And Gamer Brands
Eric Cadman
Eric Cadman
Eric is the co-founder of My Subscription Addiction. He's been hooked on geek subscription boxes since 2012 thanks to Loot Crate and Nerd Block. Geek boxes sparked his desire for collecting Funko Pops and comic book statues!

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1 comment


I got these. I thought powerloaders oh that will be cool but the stain placements are pretty questionable. I’m a girl so I don’t use these as underwear. I’ve been using them as workout shorts which I like them better than spandex workout shorts because they just breathe better and if you are working real hard and sweating really good and your shorts don’t breathe that can’t cause issues. Just thought I would mention this. If you are a girl and you like the franchises/design you could still have use for these. I just wear these ones exercising at home though because of the questionable stains in the design.

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