Surprise Pawty is a monthly subscription box for dogs. Choose a box for tiny (<10 pounds), small (10-30 pounds), medium (30-50 pounds), or large (50+ pounds) dogs. My dog Nyx is an 87-pound Rottweiler and this is a review of the “large” dog box.
This box was sent to us at no cost for review. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes.)
This review is of the Large, $35 a month, box.
About Surprise Pawty
The Subscription Box: Surprise Pawty
The Cost: $35 a month + $4.99 shipping (save with longer subscriptions)
ACTIVE DEAL: Save 15% off your first box!
The Products: Natural, organic treats and safe and durable toys as well as a few products designed to help owners care for their pets
Ships to: U.S. ($4.99) and Canada ($14.99)
Surprise Pawty April 2018 Review
Surprise Pawty really makes an effort to generate a box your dog can enjoy, so mine might have fewer and/or different treats than some others, due to Nyx’s dietary issues. Let’s see what came this month:
There was an information card detailing some of the items in the box – this month’s theme was “Pawty in the Park.”
Earth Rated Dog Waste Bags Unscented, 1 roll – Buy 8 rolls for $6.99; found here for $5.26)
Nyx is on a massive amount of fiber for her IBD so let’s just say we have a lot of use for these and leave it at that. Every roll of dog waste bags I get in a dog subscription box is a roll I don’t have to purchase separately.
Leafy Bow Tie by GstopY – Listed Value $9
This exact design wasn’t available in the GstopY Etsy shop, but all of their non-waterproof products were going for $9 and that’s the value from the information card, so that’s what I’ve used here. This is festive for spring and it really shows against Nyx’s black fur (see it being modeled below). This has a little hook-and-loop closure that fits around Nyx’s collar.
Pupper Pouch – Listed Value $15
I didn’t see this exact design on the Pupper Pouch site, and the ones listed there looked a little different in terms of the attachment mechanism, so I’ve used the value from the information card. Anyway, this attaches to a leash and holds a phone and similar items while you walk. I don’t have a smartphone, but I do like to carry other things with me when I walk Nyx, like dog waste bags and sometimes Kleenex and house keys and such, and this will work for those things as well.
Hueter Toledo Soft Flex Tuggy Ball – Retail Value $10.47
Nyx was mostly interested in this in terms of its tug toy capability. In that respect, I liked it because it kept her teeth far away from my hand. She couldn’t really get the ball in her mouth but she also liked gnawing on the rope.
“The Sticks” Woody from DOOG USA – Retail Value $12.99
We have had this toy before from another dog box. It is meant to be a fetch toy. Well, Nyx doesn’t understand that. EVERY toy is a chew toy with her. So, last time she had one of these, she ate its arms. I will be passing this along to someone with a less-destructive dog.
Snickers Favorites Okinawa Sweet Potato, 1.25 oz. – Retail Value $13.00
This specific vegetable isn’t listed on the Snickers Favorites site, but a generic “root vegetable” is, so that’s what I’ve linked to. This is a different treat from the item on the information card, but it’s most likely going to work a lot better for Nyx’s dietary issues, so I’m happy about the substitution. And if your dog has allergies or food sensitivities, definitely let the people at Surprise Pawty know so they can work with you.
This was actually the clearest shot of her eating a treat that I could get.
And I actually got her to model the bowtie and look at the camera.
Action shot!
Nyx was most interested in this toy when I was holding on to one end of it.
Verdict: I calculated a value of about $61.33 for this month’s Surprise Pawty. That is well above the cost of the subscription on a month-to-month basis. Although one of the toys didn’t work for us, the other one did, and I really appreciated getting treats that were safe for Nyx to eat (and she loved them, too!).
To Wrap Up:
Can you still get this box if you sign up today? This box was customized for Nyx’s dietary issues, so your box might vary.
Coupon –Use code MYSUBADDICT to save 15% off your first box! OR Use code MOMSDAY for 20% off your first subscription!
Value Breakdown: At $39.99 for the box plus shipping, you are paying approximately the following per item:
- Dog Waste Bags: $0.57
- Bowtie: $5.87
- Pupper Pouch: $9.78
- Ball and Rope Toy: $6.83
- Stick Toy: $8.47
- Treats: $8.48
Check out all of our Surprise Pawty reviews and the Pet Subscription Box List for more dog boxes!
Keep Track of Your Subscriptions: Add this box to your subscription list or wishlist!
What do you think of the April 2018 Surprise Pawty dog subscription box? Do you subscribe to any dog or cat boxes?
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