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Firefly Cargo Crate by Loot Crate Subscription Box Review + Coupon – Still Flying

Eric Cadman
ByEric CadmanMay 3, 2018 | 13 comments

Firefly Cargo Crate
3.3 overall rating
12 Ratings | 3 Reviews

Firefly Cargo Crate from Loot Crate is dedicated to all things Firefly! You'll receive 4-6 exclusive items with this bi-monthly subscription - all centered around one theme.

This month's theme was 'Still Flying' and celebrated the two-year anniversary of the box.

My Subscription Addiction pays for this box. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes).

About Firefly Cargo Crate

The Subscription Box: Firefly Cargo Crate

The Cost: $39.99 + $7 S/H (up from $34.99 + $5 S/H)

The Products: 5-7 exclusive collectibles, a $65+ value!

Ships to: Worldwide!

March 2018 'Still Flying' Firefly Cargo Crate Review

The two-year anniversary box is the first box to not include a figure - I'm excited to see what's next in that department - but features a huge poster set for the characters.

You'll get a copy of The Signal - it'll give you a few interviews and stories along with details of the items in your box.

Big Damn Heroes Pin - Value $10?

It's a return to the massive pins this month - it does double duty by celebrating the show and the previous figure line from the box!

Big Damn Heroes Shirt - Value $15?

To go along with the pin, you'll get the same design on the exclusive shirt this month.

9 Character Posters - Value $90?

I'm valuing these based on my typical print value - around $10 - for all 9 posters. That being said, these are some of the highest-quality prints I've seen in a subscription box - and they're big - about 24 inches tall and 12 inches wide - so the value might be higher.

These were all designed by Megan Lara - and they are super nice.

These will give your figures a nice backdrop if you have the room! Some subscribers would also score a hand-signed poster by the artist herself.

Engineered by Firefly Plaque - Value $10-15?

I was surprised at how much I enjoyed this little item. It's a sturdy foam-core plaque and is around 8 inches wide - so it's big enough to really pop out when you display it with your two years of goodies!

Still Flying Wave Card - Value $5?

This seems to be a new constant for the box. You'll get this Planetary Mail post card - and it features the Serenity ship this month.

Finally, the deliveries usually arrive with a travel sticker to collect with every theme.

Verdict: I liked this one a bit more than I thought I would without a vinyl figure. That's all due to the quality poster set that is perfect for a Firefly display. I can also see this as a box that people might not like due to posters being the hero item - so I'm sure there are subscribers on both sides.

To Wrap Up:

Can you still get this box if you sign up today? No. You'll find the current theme on their landing page.

COUPON – Save 10% off any length subscription with code ADDICTION

Check out all of my Firefly Cargo Crate by Loot Crate Reviews to get more information on this subscription. Check out all of our Geeky Subscription Boxes in the Subscription Box List. Rate, review, and follow this subscription on the Firefly Cargo Crate by Loot Crate profile page.

What did you think of the March 2018 ‘Still Flying’ Firefly Cargo Crate?

Starting at $49.99
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A Bi-Monthly Crate of Official Firefly Gear & Collectibles The Firefly™ Cargo Crate is a mystery subscription service delivering a collection of 5-7 exclusive Firefly collectibles, Including shiny figures, cunning apparel and other such finery every 2 months. Every crate has a $65+ value! The b... read more.
Eric Cadman
Eric Cadman
Eric is the co-founder of My Subscription Addiction. He's been hooked on geek subscription boxes since 2012 thanks to Loot Crate and Nerd Block. Geek boxes sparked his desire for collecting Funko Pops and comic book statues!

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FYI, the foam plaque is actually a magnet. I was upset too until I realized and now my fridge flies much faster. (:

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Brilliant! “My fridge flies much faster” cracked me up! That’s pretty cool… I’ll have to test it on my frigidaire too. Wouldn’t mind a pretty floral bonnet magnet to go with it. And maybe some character or other object ones or character ones combined with their special objects maybe… Kaylee and her teddy, Jayne talking to Vera, River and her reaver (or maybe her peaceful swirly ball and/or the jacks from the end of Objects in Space), Wash and his dinosaurs (of course!), Mal IN his pretty floral bonnet and so on? Much as the pins are pretty damn fine, they’re also a bit heavy to wear, so magnets would be an interesting decorative change that I could have on display all the time. Does anyone display the pins on corkboards or anything like that, or actually wear them?

Simon Tam vest (to go with the fob-watch), art-deco colouring book, bath-foam pieces for funsies, range of magnets, season 2 Pretty Damn Heroes (and please, don’t forget the t-shirts)… ball is in your court, Loot Crate!

This is the only Crate I still get, so I would really like Loot Crate to clean up their act on all their boxes and do both themselves a favour and us the service we used to love them for.

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Has anybody else noticed that the picture of The Signal mag above says “Final Issue” on the cover? I just did – does that mean they’re not going to bother with the included magazine in future Crates (another really bad move – it’s often been a little gem), or something even worse, even though they’re still touting the box?

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Laura S.

I totally noticed that but didn’t much care bc I am waiting for the Kaylee (since I sadly missed the awesome first one and she is my fav) and then cancelling the heck outta this sub. I will be upset if they cancel the box before the new Kaylee, which did cross my mind as a bit of a foreboding…but I am chosing to ignore that possibility in favor of the “hey, this is another way we can decrease the quality to save ourselves money” theory. I am so jaded (wrt this sub)

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So, I read the mag and they talk about it being the final issue on the first page as if it’s being replaced by something better, which I really can’t see being anything more than their own little delusion of grandeur. Of course, my speculation is that the replacement will just be an info card, but “Hey Loot Crate, surprise me and live up to your own promise!”


I would have liked the posters but I’m still glad I cancelled. Way to many delays, price increases and frankly the new figures look ugly

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I feel like this box was a way for them to catch up on boxes with their continuous delays. While the artwork on the posters is nice this box is a lot of paper. Especially for some special anniversary box they were promoting.

The foam plaque is… Foam. I feel cheated.

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The foam plaque is also just a copy of the (very snazzy and weighty) metal one that came with the Serenity box isn’t it?

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Is the foam plaque absorbent foam? It would be quite cool if it’s a bathroom item – Firefly Wash(burne)! And also (less kindly) LootCrate’s cash sponge for the suckas? If only all their products weren’t always so late now and they offering (non-)apologies so often, I probably wouldn’t even think that, as I have mostly enjoyed much of what the Firefly Crates have had to offer.

On the posters, I would quite like a colouring book in that style. Wouldn’t require the wall space (which I also don’t really have, much as I would like to display them), and I think Megan Lara’s clean lines, along with the art deco styling, would really suit the format.

I also have to make a confession about Mal’s figure. I was very prepared to be highly disappointed since that head-on press photo made it look like the head was far too large in proportion to the rest of the body, but (don’t know how they managed to screw that angle so badly) in the hand it was perfect. So maybe there is hope for the new Kaylee after all (as long as they don’t mess up the eyes paint job like they did with Inara). Sadly I have my doubts as to whether the Cargo Crate (or even LootCrate) will last long enough to complete a new set of Little Damn Heroes.


Paying an artist for the same design on both pin & t-shirt is cheaping out, too.

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Except, sad to say, I don’t think they have caught up on boxes. Pretty sure we were charged for this box in February, which meant it should have arrived in March. I didn’t even get Mal’s box until early April, and we were charged for that in December. So they appear to be a full crate or more behind at this stage, and yet we’re still being charged for them as if they were on time.

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I agree. They hyped up this box so much and I thought it was “meh”. Unfortunatley I don’t have some huge free wall space to put up a ridiculous number of posters. I am in it for just the next box (Kaylee has always been my fave) and I’ve already cancelled after that. This box started out so good and then for me flopped bigtime, especially with the increased costs for both the box and shipping.

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Laura S.

I also feel cheated. The foam plaque was really cheap looking and had a scratch on it. I am also not a poster person. I also didn’t get the pin or the postcard, though customer service said they’d send them out to me when I let them know.

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