Piibu Box is a subscription box for Korean face masks that sends 8-10 face masks each month.
This box was sent to us at no cost for review. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes.)
About Piibu Box
The Subscription Box: Piibu Box
The Cost: $20 a month + free shipping. Save with 6 and 12-month subscription plans
The Products: 8-10 Korean face masks
Ships to: U.S.
Piibu Box April 2018 Review
Pore Deep Clear Black Charcoal Mask - Retail Value $1.00
I love when masks have a cleansing element to them, and this one definitely has a strong active ingredient! This mask has a nice clean scent but you can smell a little bit of the charcoal, I think; it’s different, but definitely not a bad thing. I really liked the thicker material of this mask; it made for a good fit and my skin actually felt tighter after I used it.
Natural-Tox Mask Sheet Green Grape - Retail Value $5.90 (found here for $2.36)
This smelled like heaven, which for me, is a winery! The grape smell was earthy, like wine, and not too sweet. It had a great amount of serum which I enjoyed patting into my skin once it was time to take the mask off. I didn’t notice a huge difference after using this mask - maybe my skin was a little bit brighter? Either way, I still enjoyed using it!
Tony Moly Pureness 100 Propolis Mask Sheet - Retail Value $1.99
I feel like I really sang my ode to honey last month, but I was still psyched to receive this in this month’s box! It’s seriously one of my favorite smells, and I noticed that this mask was just a little bit stickier than others I’ve used. My skin felt really nourished after using; it felt hydrated and soft when it was done.
Natural-Tox Mask Sheet Apple - Retail Value $1.50
I love having two different scents of the same mask to compare and see how the ingredients differ! I loved the grape smell, but I loved this apple one even more - it smelled like apple juice, which is one of my guilty, guilty pleasures. The serum was very much like the grape one, too, but I did feel like my skin was definitely brighter after using this.
Nature Republic: Real Nature Olive - Retail Value $2.50 (found here for $1.50)
This one wasn’t my favorite smell of the bunch; I love olives and olive oil, but this smelled kind of sharp and...bitter, maybe? It was also sort of greasy, and it felt heavy on my skin. I normally leave masks on for ages, usually for like a half an hour, but after 15 minutes I peeled this baby off and actually washed my face! It’s the only one of the bunch I wasn’t crazy about.
Papa Recipe Bombee Honey - Retail Value $3.00
Just like last month, this month I got a double-dose of honey! This one also had a wonderful sweet smell, but I detected something additionally floral about this mask in particular. It was a nice large size, and also super-juicy, so I rubbed all the extra serum into my neck and chest. This one made me feel the best this month; it smelled absolutely amazing and my skin looked awesome afterward - much brighter!
A’PIEU Green Tea Milk - Retail Value $2.00
The packaging on this mask is the absolute best! This comes in a bunch of different flavors, and to be honest, I want to try them all now! I’m glad my introduction was this earthy green tea one; it had a nice earthy smell, and even though it wasn’t that much serum, I enjoyed the entire experience so much.
The Solution Hydrating Face Mask - Retail Value $3.00
This mask made quite the bold proclamation, what with its test tube on the cover and all! Immediately I noticed this had a pretty, cotton-y smell, and the mask was nice and light to put on. This contains ceramides for hydration, and I did find this to be extremely hydrating, even making a few patchy areas of my skin feel better after using.
Verdict: I haven’t been making a lot of time for self-care lately; my husband and I bought a house, we’re fixing it up, and it seems like every corner of my universe has been full of stress. These masks are such a wonderful way to fit self-care into my routine and really encourage me to slow down, or even stop for a few minutes and take care of myself. I loved that I received more honey masks this month, especially the Bombee one, the Solution mask was so hydrating, and the green tea one was just plain fun! I’ve really started to look forward to these masks as my own personal time-out from everything in life that’s got me down. The value this month totals $20.39, which breaks even with the $20 cost of the box, including free shipping.
To Wrap Up:
Can you still get this box if you sign up today? No, you will receive the June box. Sign up by the 21st of each month to get the next month's box.
Coupon – Use code MSA10OFF to 10% off your first box!
Value Breakdown: This box cost me $20.00 + free shipping, which means that each of the 8 items in the box has an average cost of $2.50.
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