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Doki Doki by Japan Crate Review + Coupon – July 2018

closed Doki Doki box

Doki Doki Crate
3.8 overall rating
12 Ratings | 1 Reviews

Doki Doki is a subscription box from Japan Crate for all things kawaii! Items range from plushies, collectibles, household goods, apparel, miniatures and more.

open Doki Doki box

This box was sent to us at no cost for review. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes.)

Doki Doki July 2018 review

About Doki Doki by Japan Crate

The Subscription Box: Doki Doki by Japan Crate

The Cost: $30 per month + free shipping. Save with 3, 6, and 12-month prepaid subscriptions.

The Products: 5-7 licensed, authentic kawaii items from companies like Sanrio, San-X, and Disney Tsum Tsum and others.

Ships to: Internationally with a few exceptions found here

"Shooting Star" July 2018 Doki Doki by Japan Crate Review

The illustration on the cover of this month’s pamphlet is so fun and cute! “Shooting Star” is the theme for this month, and looks like it’s full of celestial goodies for these warm summer nights. Let’s dig in!

Little Twin Stars Soap Pump

Little Twin Stars Soap Pump

I’ve received quite a few things from the Little Twin Stars characters, but this might be my favorite so far! This is nice and lightweight and just plain cute; I think it would be adorable in the kitchen for soap, as described, or even for lotion as an extra-swanky touch to a guest bedroom.

Sailor Moon Notebook

I admit it - I’m a complete notebook addict, and I really like this fresh new set of pages - I haven’t watched Sailor Moon in years, but I remember catching the reruns on TV when I was a kid during visits to my grandma’s house in Canada. This makes me want to find the show and have one heck of a binge at my first opportunity! I received the Sailor Neptune/Sailor Uranus version of this notebook, and their backstory on the show is really interesting! 

Wind Chime

Wind Chime

This chime is tied into the Japanese tradition of Tanabata, a Star Festival where two of the deity stars are united. In Japan, it’s common for people to write their wishes on a piece of paper to offer them to the gods. Wind chimes are also used to decorate for this occasion, so the piece of paper at the end of this chime is intended to have a wish written right on it! It looks like there were different designs I could’ve received, and I’m absolutely thrilled with this one, painted with what looks to be hydrangea blossoms!

Kirby Bento Box

Ah, Kirby - a throwback to my 90’s childhood if there ever was one! I wasn’t allowed to have video games of my own as a kid, but I loved the ads for Kirby’s Dream Land when it first came out and was able to occasionally play my bestie’s Game Boy. I love little containers like this; I tend to cook for just myself, especially when I want to eat healthily and this size container is absolutely perfect for leftovers.

Little Twin Stars Pouch

Little Twin Stars Pouch

We finish the box with another item featuring Lala and Kiki! I love little pouches like this because they have the ability to keep much more organized than I would normally be! I think this pouch, in particular, would really keep me honest with all the pieces and parts I use in my media work, such as all the SD cards for my DSLR, rechargeable batteries, and the USB charging and connecting cables for my card-readers.

Verdict: I would say this month’s box has me fairly starry-eyed! I always love it when a theme is strong throughout all items in a box, and the “Shooting Star” theme translated to all of the items either literally, like with Little Twin Stars, or through their purpose, like the wind chime for the Star Festival. I can’t wait to break in the new notebook with Neptune and Uranus, and my leftovers are begging for that Kirby bento box! I thought everything is equally useful as it is kawaii, and that’s my favorite thing about these boxes - when they’re just as helpful as they are cute!

To Wrap Up:

Can you still get this box if you sign up today? Not this one. Orders close at 11:59 pm PST on the last day of the month. Any orders placed after then will be dated as the 1st of the following month. Check out the most recent spoilers here!

Coupon – Use coupon code MSA3 to save $3 off your first Japan Crate Premium, Doki Doki Crate, Umai Crate, or Kira Kira Crate!

Value Breakdown: This box costs $30 + free shipping, which means that each of the 5 items in the box has an average cost of $6.

Check out all of our Doki Doki and Japan Crate reviews as well as the Kawaii Subscription Box Directory!

Keep Track of all Your Subscriptions: Add Doki Doki Crate to your subscription list or wishlist!

Do you have a favorite item from this month's Doki Doki?

Starting at $35.00
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Doki Doki Crate is a monthly kawaii subscription box! Each month’s crate contains a carefully curated selection of 5-6 items from Japan ranging from household goods to plushies, apparel, travel accessories & more for $35/month.

The Japan Crate family of subscription boxes includes ... read more.
Laine Wooliscroft
Laine Wooliscroft
Laine is a life-long movie enthusiast who loves YA novels, estate sales, and hikes that make her legs hurt the next day. Her subscription journey started in 2014 with Ipsy, and now her favorite boxes contain craft beer, horror/spooky items, and toys for her beloved lab mix, Archie.

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1 comment


This sub. box is so very cute!

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