Love with Food is a monthly snack and food sampling subscription box. They send only natural and organic snacks and donate a meal to charity for each box sold. They offer a smaller Tasting Box with 8+ snacks for $9.99 per month, a Deluxe Box with 16-20 snacks for $19.95 per month, and a Gluten-free Box with 10-15 gluten-free snacks for $24.99 per month.
My Subscription Addiction pays for this subscription. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes.)
This review is of the Deluxe, $19.95 a month, box.
About Love With Food
The Subscription Box: Love with Food Deluxe Box
The Cost: $19.95 a month + free US shipping. Save with longer subscriptions.
ACTIVE DEAL: 25% off. No coupon needed - just use this link.
The Products: 16-20 snacks that are organic, natural, and/or free from artificial ingredients.
Ships to: U.S., U.S. territories and APO/FPO/DPO addresses for free, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. International shipping is $3.99.
Love With Food Deluxe Box August 2018 "Reach" Review
Usually, the theme from the information card doesn’t have much to do with the box. This month, there was just the word “Reach.” (It is usually just one word.)
The box came with this information card. I miss the old information cards that said more about the snacks.
There was a coupon for Bubbies Mochi. I have heard, variously, that this is available at Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, and Kroger. I have all of these within driving distance. So far I have only checked the Kroger, and it is not there. Will check Trader Joe’s (I will be in the area) and Whole Foods (I shop there weekly) on Saturday.
There were some other coupons and product literature, as well.
Rx Nut Butter Vanilla Almond Butter, 1.13 oz – Buy 10 packs for $15.99
This is a new product. I’m familiar with RxBars but kind of glad to get something different for a change. This has a fine texture although I find it odd that egg whites would need to be included in nut butter. I hope they were Pasteurized. Also, for what it’s worth, the ingredients listed on the front are NOT the only ingredients – this also has coconut oil, sea salt, natural vanilla flavor, vanilla beans, and other natural flavors. I tend to prefer minimally-processed nut butters (like out of the grinder at Whole Foods) that do not come in pouches (you can never get it all out) but I did think it was nice seeing what else this company has to offer.
Beechnut Quinoa Crispies Vanilla, 0.65 oz x 2 – Buy 6 boxes of 5 bars each for $33.99
These packages do not have an ingredients list on them, which is a big no-no in my opinion. I had to go look it up and the website kept talking about “stage 3 foods” and I was really confused until I realized it had something to do with babies or toddlers. Apparently, these are good for a toddler food and this company makes baby food? These did have a decent texture considering they have a limited ingredients list, but I think you would need at least a few teeth to appreciate them (I have no idea when babies start teething).
Just the Cheese White Cheddar, 0.5 oz – Buy 16 for $23.84
I think we have received this item in a past month. The experience of eating these is like, “OK, these are pretty good” on the first one and, by the last one (and this is splitting the package with my husband) you’re like “I need to take an extra blood pressure pill tonight because of all the salt.”
Educational Snacks Farmer’s Market, 1 oz – Buy 18 for $15.20 (found here for $13.50)
This brand pops up pretty often in Love with Food. It is more of a kid food. They are getting better with stamping the images in these. Unfortunately, all of these cookies have the same bland flavor. I feel like the measure of a snack should be how good it tastes (and maybe nutrition as another consideration) and when the main selling point is “you can learn from it,” that kind of misses the point of snacking.
Sunrype Fruit to Go in Apple Strawberry Watermelon, 0.63 oz – Buy 20 for $20.40 (found here for $14.99)
Here we have even more kid food. At least they are honest about apples being the main ingredient (a lot of snacks like this are mostly apple but hype the other fruits instead). These were tart and had the expected semi-sticky texture.
Garden of Life GOLbar in Chocolate Sea Salt, 2.11 oz – Buy 12 bars for $29.88 (found here for $20.92)
Finally, some food meant for adults. This is a dairy-based protein bar and while the flavor is actually good, the texture isn’t all that pleasant. It is soft and non-crumbly, but it is like eating compacted whey protein and it really sticks to, even cakes on, your teeth.
Tree Hugger Lollipops in Grape, 2 – Buy 25 for $12.60 (found here for $11.99)
More kid food. I did not realize these had gum in them at first, so I started eating one without taking my Invisalign out (I am sure I’m not supposed to but I consume mints and drink tea and diet soda and all kinds of other things with them in and yes, at the end of two weeks, they are kind of stained) and, well, they have gum in them. Luckily I figured it out before biting down.
Nutiva Coconut Oil, refined, 0.16 fl oz – Buy 23 oz for $11.99 (found here for $10.79)
I am never sure what to do with these tiny packets of coconut oil. It’s only about a teaspoon so it’s not suitable for cooking. I squeezed this out into a smoothie to add a little healthful fat. In practice, I tend to buy unrefined coconut oil.
Nutiva Coconut Oil, Virgin, 0.16 fl oz – Buy 14 oz for $12.99 (found here for $11.49)
Here is the unrefined variety. I am not loyal to any particular brand and will generally just buy whatever Target happens to have in stock. However, I did find this to be of good quality (this one also went in a smoothie).
Educational Snacks Food and Nutrition, 1 oz – Buy 18 for $15.20 (found here for $13.50)
These were almost identical to the Farmer’s Market cookies above, except they had different facts stamped into them.
Popcorners in Kettle Corn, 0.5 oz – Buy 12, 7 oz bags for $35
These show up in food subscriptions regularly. Always in the Kettle Corn flavor. I know they have their fans, but in my opinion, after having eaten like 6 bags of these in the past year, that the slightly sweet flavor of Kettle Corn does not match with my expectations based on the texture of this snack. I would really prefer to get these in some kind of savory flavor (cheese or something spicy, for example).
Sahale Snacks Pomegranate Flavored Pistachios Glazed Mix, 1.5 oz x 2 – Buy 4 oz for $6.69 (found here for $5.89)
This is one of my favorite items from the box. Sahale Snack mixes are always pretty good (well, they taste like something I would select or mix up on my own) and they seem like a premium item based on the packaging and ingredients. We have received other Sahale Snacks in the past but they were a different flavor and I liked those too.
Belgian Boys Mini Dutch Stroopwafel, 0.28 oz x 2 – Buy 25 for $24 (found here for $19.99)
I will never say “no” to a Stroopwafel although these were so tiny; I could fit a whole one in my mouth at once!
Crunch Cuts Sweet Potato Fries, 4 oz
I wonder if this is a new item? I spent a rather long time looking on the web and couldn’t find this anywhere. Perhaps because the name tends to send you to “make your own sweet potato fries” or “here are my Instagram pictures of sweet potato fries” links when you Google it. Anyway, these are crunchy but not too hard (I think they must be fried instead of dehydrated) and I rather enjoyed them. It was also nice receiving a large bag. I thought they were good without any kind of sauce or dip, although you could totally do that if that’s your thing.
Verdict: There were 17 items in the August 2018 Love with Food Deluxe Box, counting doubles separately (except for the lollipops because they’re really small). I know that you will always receive some kid-oriented food in this subscription, but there was a little too much for me this month, with the fruit bar and the two different Educational Snacks and the gum/lollipops and the quinoa bar toddler food. Maybe if you have kids, that is a good thing? But I don’t have kids and I generally prefer the flavors and textures of snacks meant for adults over kid food when I go to buy snacks for myself, and I would actually pay more to not get any kid food. (As an aside, I have three younger siblings and if this had been around when I was growing up, we would’ve just fought over the items since there weren’t many multiples.) On the other hand, everything was vegetarian this month and there weren’t a ton of repeats, so I was happy about that.
To Wrap Up:
Can you still get this box if you sign up today? No, you will receive the September box. Boxes ship around the 10th of each month.
Coupon – Save 40% off your first box!, no coupon required, just use this link
Value Breakdown: At $19.95 for this box, you are paying about $1.17 per item.
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What do you think of the August 2018 Love with Food Deluxe Box? What’s your favorite snack subscription?
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