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And if you are new to the regular Ipsy, it is a $10 a month beauty and makeup subscription box. Check out all of our Ipsy reviews to see what’s been in past boxes.
IPSY Glam Bag is one of the most popular and affordable subscriptions around, and our readers have selected it as one of the top beauty boxes for the last 5 years running! IPSY Glam Bag connects members with five makeup, skincare, hair care, and other beauty sample... read more.
At My Subscription Addiction, we believe in better living through subscriptions. We help readers discover new and exciting products and services that will help deliver the best version of their lives.
At My Subscription Addiction, we believe in better living through subscriptions. We help readers discover new and exciting products and services that will help deliver the best version of their lives.
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I just received an email in regards to the glambag waitlist. It says something in regards to having less than 24 hours to reactivate, however I am already active as a glambag plus subscriber. I don’t understand why they are sending this email. Am I correct in that for October, I will receive the glambag plus then November and December just the regular bag? My account shows I am paying the $25 not the $10.
How do you get the glam bag plus? I don’t see that as an option to upgrade anywhere?!?!?
I wanted the Smashbox palette and got it. Didn’t want the mascara or mud mask and got those. I’m still happy. When the products are revealed for the regular Ipsy bags, I used to pick out the items I wanted and I would almost never get one of the ones I wanted.
At first I was just meh on the box – mascara and eyeshadow were not exciting. But just today I was considering changing my mascara to one with an applicator like the one in this box (it works so well on my lashes) and I DO have “adventurous” on my profile because that’s what I “want” to be. I can’t commit to buying these in a store $$, so I’m glad IPSY made this choice for me.
But I was glad that I didn’t get eyeco liner (have 1-2), but some people report to love it, so maybe I haven’t given it a fair chance?
After this box, I’m going to make some hard decisions and purge my old stuff for new products!
PLEASE full size Sunday Riley in next box now that I know influencers got it!
I’m getting the mask instead of the balm! Does anyone want to trade? I’d also trade the spray for the balm and I’ll throw in a free liner😂 please let me know and we can swap
I’m getting the mask but want the balm! Will anyone trade me? I’d throw in my liner too😊 if so email me jennifersparber33 at g mail
I’m very upset with the upgrades I was so looking forward to getting the morphe palette. I understand that they say we may not get the same thing like the influencers but that’s just way off like seriously If I knew they was not going to include that palette I would of stuck to the $10 and wait to see what’s for next month
Sam L
I got everything except the lip product from pop sugar and the purlisse face mask. I’m not mad about their first glam bag plus trial, except for the glitter eyeshadow palette. Idk what that was all about 😳 everything else seems fine. Christmas is just around the corner and I’ve been stashing away items I don’t need/don’t like in a bag and I’ll be regifting those to family and friends. Saves me a lot of money and having to go shopping during the holidays!
🚨🚨Tea Alert!🚨🚨
Did anyone else see Yosef’s insta story where he pretty much stated that the fact that Ipsy sent better boxes to influencers was “pure deceiving”?!? 👀
Boxycharm sending out the “special” Boxyluxe emails to current subscribers, and than sending the same emails to everyone else causing a site crash on the signup date was “pure deceiving”. I think Yosef needs to sweep around his own doorstep.
Yeah the fact that they basically insured that the LE holiday box was a fiasco and so was the luxe box. You’d think if he was going to throw shade he would be sure the email sent didn’t have major errors. It’s tacky and I won’t resubscribe until things aren’t that way for sure.
After seeing the influencer box I was really excited about this but am really disappointed. The influencer had a full size Sunday Riley and the bum bum cream. But these bags will include a highlighter and another eyeliner! I love the pallet so I am happy with that and the mask is nice to but I will be swapping the rest. Hoping to receive the fruit butter in a swap
Not impressed. None of the skincare products are in my preferences and the palette is not something I would wear. Too much shimmer. I will give it one more month before I cancel and go back to the regular bag.
I just got a response to my ‘I’m really unhappy with my first Glam Bag Plus’ email to customer service at Ipsy.
I talked in my email about how the bag clearly wasn’t customized, it differed greatly in wow factor from Influencer bags, and how I had No Highlighter on my account via customer service rep flagging it from before and yet received the full size highlighter.
Literally, the response starts ‘We’re bummed you weren’t totally happy with your bag’ and goes on to say they always customize (no admission they didn’t this time) and that I can flag my account for future bags. And stay tuned! There’s a special full size item coming next month!
That’s it. No offer to make me happy. It was all clearly boiler plate, copy and paste stuff. None of it was customized.
What a joke.
I wonder if calling instead would have made a difference.
I didn’t expect a million bucks, but I had some real points to make and got a complete “couldn’t care less’ reply.
Yup, just a generic email. I sent a reply to “Suzy” after receiving the generic email stating the fact that its nearly impossible to do “customization” when there’s only 8 items and 6 is being sent out, also that none of my concerns were heard/addressed in the email, and re:”value”- it’s only worth what someone is willing to pay, and stating had I known it was not as advertisedx2 I would not have signed up, lastly if they didnt value me as a customer I can just cancel my sub. Loved the $10 sub, but not worth the crappy shady service.
I’m pretty sure the only thing that’s going to make them care more is seeing people cancel the plus bag by the thousands…even that might not be enough 🤷🏻♀️
I was hoping some type of acknowledgement would happen. But it’s clear they’re not planning to acknowledge the issues.
So, onward and upward to a happier place to spend my $ : )
While I’m not thrilled, Eyeko is my favorite liner and I love Purlisse. I was only dreading getting the Ciate spray. But overall what I’m getting I’ll use and the value is there. It’s definitely not as represented, so I’m not sure I’ll keep doing the Plus aspect. I think the $10 option may be best, for a lot of people.
I subscribed to this instead of trying boxy because I thought it was supposed to be based on your profile. I never would commit to boxy because everyone got the same items with a few variations. I thought it would be worth it for the extra few dollars to have it fit my profiles. Nope, turns out it is the same scenario as boxy. Very disappointed.
Wow I guess I’m in the minority here, but I’m actually happy with my bag (balm,eyeshadow pallet, eyeliner, highlighter, mascara and tinted balm). I didn’t expect to see so many negative comments. You’re never going to be able to please everyone and if you’re that unhappy with almost every product in it then maybe you lost sight to the purpose of subscription boxes…it’s to try different things (and i.m.o to provide a little self care happiness once a month). If there’s things you really want then instead if complaining, go buy it yourself. And if you say you have a million already of all these products, then that’s your problem for continuing to subscribe, not the company for providing you with what you don’t already own.
I feel like I got lucky with the 6 products that I am getting. From the 8 the only 2 that I am not getting are the eyeliner and the lip balm. I understand that they couldn’t really follow our profiles exactly with only 8 products available, but what I don’t understand is why they chose these 8 products in particular compared to the ones they had last month. I think I will go back to the $10 sub and hopefully they still have the $3 add-on option that way I can choose the additional items that I want and not have to pay as much and risk getting products that I don’t want like eyeliners and highlighters. Oh well, lesson learned!
I’m just glad I was able to sign up and actually get the glam plus. Only thing I wasn’t all that excited about was the eyeko liner and I’m not getting it so that makes me happy. V seems we are getting the same items. I would have liked to have the lip products but I’m still stoked with what I will recieve.
Sorry for the duplicate post😐
I hate when that happens to me! : )
I think you’re right. Had I known about the add on option, I would have stayed with the $10 rate/bag. I was already stretching my comfort zone doing $25 each month. The pressure was on to make that $25 ‘special.’ With the $10 bag, I have less concern about the items and more control with the add ons.
It is kind of funny that I switched over to plus right when Ipsy regular bag had, like, the strongest month of products I’ve seen in a long time! Ah well.
I feel like I got lucky with the 6 products that I am getting. From the 8 the only 2 that I am not getting are the eyeliner and the lip balm. I understand that they couldn’t really follow our profiles exactly with only 8 products available, but what I don’t understand is why they chose these 8 products in particular compared to the ones they had last month. I think I will go back to the $10 sub and hopefully they still have the $3 add-on option that way I can choose the additional items that I want and not have to pay as much and risk getting products that I don’t want like eyeliners and highlighters. Oh we’ll, lesson learned!
Well I just emailed Ipsy and laid it on and I have 2 accounts one for Plus and one for regular… requested a refund or I’m going to cancel everything (probably not but you know lol) The FAQ for personalization states “We’ll use info from your current beauty profile to match you with the best Glam Bag Plus for you! You’re welcome to update your beauty preferences any time. We also encourage you to leave product reviews for your Glam Bag Plus assortment—they’re key in how we pick your future Glam Bag Plus shipments.” If anyone gets a response from Customer Service please keep us updated.
I think they are trying to bait customers into purchasing a plus and a regular bag. Think about it…
They reeled us in with the influencers bag, provided less than favorable products, released awesome spoilers for the regular bags and added in $3 add-ons to further entice. If they can coax people into purchasing $10 bags plus $25 bags that’s a 250% increase in sales for them.
Ipsy knows what they are doing and are playing dirty.
Up feel okay about the bag, I still feel positive that Ipsy will come through once they get their feet on the ground with this new bag. I didn’t expect lots of customization like the regular bag because these are full size products. I am a hotbed tired of seeing the same brands over and over but I will use some of the items. I have no mascara so I’ll be using that! But I think a lorn of them are going you be gifts. I’m gonna give it another month and see how it goes.
So glad I followed my gut and switched back to the regular glam bag at the last minute.
You can be overwhelmed, and under whelmed…can you just be whelmed? Anybody get the reference :)? I’m just whelmed about this. The value is there, its just kind of run of the mill items for anyone in the sub game I think is the issue.
I think you can in Europe 🤔
🙁 I don’t think they looked at the profiles when making these bags. I realize we will get some things we don’t want but I’m getting 3 things not in my profile. I do have all lip products checked yet I’m not getting the Popsugar lip balm. Sent an email.
I don’t think they used the profiles either. It’s okay if they aren’t ready to do so the first time out, but then they should have SAID that!
In general, I don’t think this roll out was handled very well ; ) I emailed too, but I don’t expect anything to come of it.
Anyone who does not want the Dewy Spritz let me know I will trade with you!
I’ll trade for the balm if your getting it?
I’m pretty excited this go round. I’m getting the Space Case blush–I really hope it’s in Cosmic Gangster. Aside from the fact that the other one is too dark for me, I just really love the name. Catch me in my pinstripe waistcoat puttin’ some of that on.
Getting the Nomad eyeshadow, and I’m excited because it won’t be a gold/bronze color–which I like, but I have so many now.
Love Child lipgloss has me…cautiously optimistic? It’s not a coral color for once, so that’s good. And a highlighter, which…I can always use more of those.
Plus that bag is so cute!
Our reviewers research, test, and recommend the best subscriptions and products independently; click to learn more about our editorial guidelines. We may receive commissions on purchases made through links on our site.
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