Today is the last day to subscribe to the Boxwalla October 2018 Boxes!
Each October Boxwalla Beauty box includes:
Resurrection Cell Recovery Serum ($160)
The Resurrection Cell Recovery Serum is a hydrating gel serum that lifts, firms, brightens, plumps and hydrates the skin. This serum features the African Resurrection Plant that grows in the arid mountains of Sub-Saharan Africa. This plant has developed an amazing survival strategy called reviviscence. In the dry season during the process of dessication & apparent death, the plant’s cells produce a sugary substance known as ‘Trehalose’ which allows them to rehydrate & restart these activities as soon as the first rains fall. In addition to this potent plant ingredient, this serum also contains African Aloe Ferox, Plant Peptides, Gotu Kola, Resveratrol, Liposomal Retinol, Swiss Garden Cress Liposomes, Hyaluronic Acid and more! Beautifully effective alone and almost MAGIC when layered with The Fleurs D’Afrique Intesive Recovery Serum, this serum marries powerful botanical extracts with the latest green technology to create the loveliest light & versatile night serum.
The Boxwalla Beauty Box is $49.95 a box. Check out our Boxwalla reviews to see what has been in past boxes!
Each October Boxwalla Book box includes:
The first book in the box is, Bohumil Hrabal’s ‘Too Loud a Solitude’. Hrabal is one of the greats of Czech Literature. His more internationally well know compatriot, Milan Kundera called him (when Hrabal was still alive), “our very best writer today”. His work breathes Prague & is the writer most closely associated with that beautiful city! As Kundera says “Bohumil Hrabal embodies as no other the fascinating Prague. He couples people's humor to baroque imagination”.
The book we have chosen, ‘Too Loud a Solitude’, is one of Hrabal’s best loved books. The protagonist and narrator is a trash ‘compactor’, who crushes waste paper and books. However, such is his love of art & literature, that he also saves and collects rare and banned books.
The second book we feature is Haitian American award-winning writer, Edwidge Danticat's 'The Dew Breaker.'
Edwidge Danticat was born in Port-au-Prince in Haiti and immigrated to the U.S (Brooklyn), when she was 12. Robert Antoni, a US writer from the Caribbean very eloquently describes her contribution to literature. He says that she is "doing for Haiti's history of violence and vengeance what Toni Morrison did for the US in tackling the horrors of slavery and its aftermath". He adds that her subject is" partly exile, and the impossibility of surrendering memories, or of taking root completely because of them".
‘The Dew Breaker’ is a collection of linked stories that is centered around a Haitian immigrant to the U.S. who is perhaps hiding a dark secret. Each story provides a different viewpoint to understanding this central character.
Each October Book Box will contain a petite gift book from Obvious State. This book holds T.S. Eliot’s marvelous poem, ‘The Love Song of J. Alfred Pulfrock’, visually reimagined and fully illustrated. A visual and literary treat.

This October, EVERY U.S. Boxwalla subscriber (Beauty, Book, Film) will receive a unique code in the box, which will allow them a free month of Filmstrucksubscription (includes existing Filmstruck subscribers). Filmstruck free trial is usually just two weeks, so we are excited to share this with you. Filmstruck is a streaming service that includes films from the Criterion Collection and TCM classics ($10.99/month).Along with this code, every subscriber is invited to work with us to chart their own customized film journey with an online Film Festival. Here are some of the details of how this will work:Starting November 1, every week, for 4 weeks, we will announce four films by the Criterion Collection (on our blog). Subscribers can choose to watch one (or more) film from the list. At the end of the week, they can send us their feedback via email (with subject Filmstruck : Week 1, Week 2 etc.). At the end of the four weeks, we will guide subscribers based on a customized 'FILM MAP', on what they should watch next, based on the feedback we have received from them. The aim is to create an immersive film experience where subscribers experience great films and also find the filmmaker or filmmakers that they are personally most drawn to and whose work will provide them with the key to enjoying and understanding art cinema.The personalized guide is available just for existing and new subscribers. International subscribers will also be offered the personalized guide if they have access to the films. Everybody (subscribers and non-subscribers) is welcome to join us on social media and on the blog to look out for the recommendations each week and discuss the films after watching them.

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Andrei Rublev by Andrei Tarkovsky
Andrei Rublev is one of Tarkovsky’s most revered works. Set in medieval Russia it is a sensory, intellectual and soulful feast
The Tree of Life by Terence Malick
The Tree of Life won the Palm D’Or at the 2011 Cannes Film Festival. It is a story of childhood, of the memories of childhood, but played on an ambitiously universal scale.
The Boxwalla Film Box is $49.95 a box. Check out our Boxwalla reviews to see what has been in past boxes!
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