Piibu Box is a subscription box for Korean face masks that sends 8-10 face masks each month.
This box was sent to us at no cost for review. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes.)
About Piibu K-Beauty Sheet Mask Subscription Box
The Subscription Box: Piibu Box
The Cost: $20 a month + free shipping. Save with 6 and 12-month subscription plans.
The Products: 8-10 Korean sheet mask facials
Ships to: US
Piibu Box November 2018 Review
Aqua Care Deep and Quick Mask - Retail Value $3.50 (found here for $1.00)
I was happy to see another mask from this brand - last month I reviewed two “sister masks,” if you will, from the same company. I’m happy to report this higher-value mask was definitely hydrating and held a good amount of serum, including some excess in the package, which was nice to rub into my neck and shoulders.
LaBute Cosmetics Revive the Skin Pink Rose Mask - Retail Value $2.90 (found here for $2.76)
I’m a such a sucker for the smell of roses! I wasn’t disappointed with the smell of this mask which boasted both skin-soothing and skin conditioning properties. The mask had a nice fit, but I accidentally put in on a little too low, covering my eyebrows with the mask and making the slice of mask positioned under my nose a little uncomfortable. The beautiful rose scent lasted throughout the 20 minutes I left this on and while the serum was a tiny bit sticky to the touch, the stickiness dissolved quickly, and left my face looking noticeably brighter after using.
LaBute Cosmetics Revive the Skin Vitamin Mask - Retail Value $3.90 (found here for $3.71)
I like when this box offers two masks from the same company - I think it gives you a nice feel for the brand! Like with the rose mask, the stickiness of the serum dissipated quickly, and I was better able to situate this mask to fit my face. The eye holes were a good size and shape! This mask’s claim was to offer antioxidant benefits, which I think would be best observed over time after a few uses, but I thought even after one use my skin looked and felt much more moisturized after using.
A’Pieu Icing Sweet Bar Mask - Retail Value $1.00
Readers, I thought for sure I’d be at a disadvantage because I hate pineapple! Truly, it’s the only food I hate, and I swear, I try it again every few months because everyone loves it so much. Nope, still hate it. However, I can’t resist the cute packaging, and I am pleased to report that this didn’t smell much like pineapple! I detected a super faint, almost green apple scent, but it didn’t linger at all! I also enjoyed the serum in this: it wasn’t the least bit sticky.
Banana Milk One Pack Mask - Retail Value $2.50
This one was certainly the most distinctive mask of the bunch! I’ve enjoyed other masks from this line, but I was a little leery of the banana smell, and it turned out, for good reason. I enjoyed the consistency of the typical milky serum in this package, but I couldn’t wear this for very long - the smell was just too strong! Banana lovers I think will enjoy this more than I; the scent was intense, but not too sweet or fake.
Etude House Argan Mask - Retail Value $1.30
I’m fascinated by the properties of argan, the Moroccan tree that’s used for cosmetics and food alike! Usually touted for making hair super-soft and shiny, in a face mask argan is supposed to act as a protector against the elements while also moisturizing. I liked how thin the mask was, and it moisturized while also seeming to clean up some of the sebum in my skin. The serum was a little sticky, but I thought my skin looked brighter and clearer after using this. It’s a keeper!
Olive Farm Pomegranate Mask
I couldn’t get much of a sense of the properties that this particular mask boasted, but usually, pomegranate is intended to energize skin, so that was my expectation when using this! The scent was super-faint, almost berryish, and I enjoyed the way the cotton mask felt against my skin. My skin seemed a little brighter after using, but there wasn’t too much exceptional to report about this pick, although I did enjoy using it!
MediHeal Vita Lightbeam Mask - Retail Value $3.50 (found here for $1.50)
Whatta name, eh? This looked like the most scientific mask of the bunch, and I’m familiar with the MediHeal line from previous boxes. The scent was faint but pleasant, and the mask fit my face very well, and there was a nice amount of serum. I thought it absorbed quickly, and my face looked really good after using it! This was the only mask that I thought gave me an actual glow.
Verdict: I really liked the roundup of masks this month! I enjoyed seeing three masks valued at the $3.50 mark as well as seeing eight total masks in this box again this month. I liked the rose and argan varieties a lot, and MediHeal really delivered results again. The value of these masks adds up to $18.60, not including the pomegranate mask. This falls slightly short of the box’s $20 cost, but when you keep in mind that the subscription includes curation, and uniqueness of product while also covering the costs of shipping, I think this month’s offering was a better payoff than a few others have been this year!
To Wrap Up:
Can you still get this box if you sign up today? From Piibu Box:
Every month, the last day to subscribe changes. Usually, it’s around the 20th through the 22nd of each month. Therefore, we ship around the 21st through the 23rd of each month.
Coupon – Use code MSA10OFF to 10% off your first box!
Value Breakdown: This box cost me $20.00 + free shipping, which means that each of the 8 items in the box has an average cost of $2.50.
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